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#[doc = "Reader of register OCMDR0"]
pub type R = crate::R<u32, super::OCMDR0>;
#[doc = "Writer for register OCMDR0"]
pub type W = crate::W<u32, super::OCMDR0>;
#[doc = "Register OCMDR0 `reset()`'s with value 0xca08_9000"]
impl crate::ResetValue for super::OCMDR0 {
type Type = u32;
fn reset_value() -> Self::Type {
#[doc = "Reader of field `OCM1`"]
pub type OCM1_R = crate::R<u8, u8>;
#[doc = "Write proxy for field `OCM1`"]
pub struct OCM1_W<'a> {
w: &'a mut W,
impl<'a> OCM1_W<'a> {
#[doc = r"Writes raw bits to the field"]
pub unsafe fn bits(self, value: u8) -> &'a mut W {
self.w.bits = (self.w.bits & !(0x03 << 4)) | (((value as u32) & 0x03) << 4);
#[doc = "Reader of field `OCMPU`"]
pub type OCMPU_R = crate::R<bool, bool>;
#[doc = "OCMT\n\nValue on reset: 4"]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum OCMT_A {
#[doc = "4: OCMEMn is a Program Flash."]
_100 = 4,
#[doc = "5: OCMEMn is a Data Flash."]
_101 = 5,
#[doc = "6: OCMEMn is an EEE."]
_110 = 6,
impl From<OCMT_A> for u8 {
fn from(variant: OCMT_A) -> Self {
variant as _
#[doc = "Reader of field `OCMT`"]
pub type OCMT_R = crate::R<u8, OCMT_A>;
impl OCMT_R {
#[doc = r"Get enumerated values variant"]
pub fn variant(&self) -> crate::Variant<u8, OCMT_A> {
use crate::Variant::*;
match self.bits {
4 => Val(OCMT_A::_100),
5 => Val(OCMT_A::_101),
6 => Val(OCMT_A::_110),
i => Res(i),
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_100`"]
pub fn is_100(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMT_A::_100
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_101`"]
pub fn is_101(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMT_A::_101
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_110`"]
pub fn is_110(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMT_A::_110
#[doc = "RO\n\nValue on reset: 0"]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum RO_A {
#[doc = "0: Writes to the OCMDRn\\[11:0\\]
are allowed"]
_0 = 0,
#[doc = "1: Writes to the OCMDRn\\[11:0\\]
are ignored"]
_1 = 1,
impl From<RO_A> for bool {
fn from(variant: RO_A) -> Self {
variant as u8 != 0
#[doc = "Reader of field `RO`"]
pub type RO_R = crate::R<bool, RO_A>;
impl RO_R {
#[doc = r"Get enumerated values variant"]
pub fn variant(&self) -> RO_A {
match self.bits {
false => RO_A::_0,
true => RO_A::_1,
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"]
pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool {
*self == RO_A::_0
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"]
pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool {
*self == RO_A::_1
#[doc = "Write proxy for field `RO`"]
pub struct RO_W<'a> {
w: &'a mut W,
impl<'a> RO_W<'a> {
#[doc = r"Writes `variant` to the field"]
pub fn variant(self, variant: RO_A) -> &'a mut W {
#[doc = "Writes to the OCMDRn\\[11:0\\]
are allowed"]
pub fn _0(self) -> &'a mut W {
#[doc = "Writes to the OCMDRn\\[11:0\\]
are ignored"]
pub fn _1(self) -> &'a mut W {
#[doc = r"Sets the field bit"]
pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W {
#[doc = r"Clears the field bit"]
pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W {
#[doc = r"Writes raw bits to the field"]
pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W {
self.w.bits = (self.w.bits & !(0x01 << 16)) | (((value as u32) & 0x01) << 16);
#[doc = "OCMW\n\nValue on reset: 4"]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum OCMW_A {
#[doc = "2: OCMEMn 32-bits wide"]
_010 = 2,
#[doc = "3: OCMEMn 64-bits wide"]
_011 = 3,
#[doc = "4: OCMEMn 128-bits wide"]
_100 = 4,
#[doc = "5: OCMEMn 256-bits wide"]
_101 = 5,
impl From<OCMW_A> for u8 {
fn from(variant: OCMW_A) -> Self {
variant as _
#[doc = "Reader of field `OCMW`"]
pub type OCMW_R = crate::R<u8, OCMW_A>;
impl OCMW_R {
#[doc = r"Get enumerated values variant"]
pub fn variant(&self) -> crate::Variant<u8, OCMW_A> {
use crate::Variant::*;
match self.bits {
2 => Val(OCMW_A::_010),
3 => Val(OCMW_A::_011),
4 => Val(OCMW_A::_100),
5 => Val(OCMW_A::_101),
i => Res(i),
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_010`"]
pub fn is_010(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMW_A::_010
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_011`"]
pub fn is_011(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMW_A::_011
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_100`"]
pub fn is_100(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMW_A::_100
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_101`"]
pub fn is_101(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMW_A::_101
#[doc = "OCMSZ\n\nValue on reset: 10"]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum OCMSZ_A {
#[doc = "0: no OCMEMn"]
_0000 = 0,
#[doc = "1: 1KB OCMEMn"]
_0001 = 1,
#[doc = "2: 2KB OCMEMn"]
_0010 = 2,
#[doc = "3: 4KB OCMEMn"]
_0011 = 3,
#[doc = "4: 8KB OCMEMn"]
_0100 = 4,
#[doc = "5: 16KB OCMEMn"]
_0101 = 5,
#[doc = "6: 32KB OCMEMn"]
_0110 = 6,
#[doc = "7: 64KB OCMEMn"]
_0111 = 7,
#[doc = "8: 128KB OCMEMn"]
_1000 = 8,
#[doc = "9: 256KB OCMEMn"]
_1001 = 9,
#[doc = "10: 512KB OCMEMn"]
_1010 = 10,
#[doc = "11: 1MB OCMEMn"]
_1011 = 11,
#[doc = "12: 2MB OCMEMn"]
_1100 = 12,
#[doc = "13: 4MB OCMEMn"]
_1101 = 13,
#[doc = "14: 8MB OCMEMn"]
_1110 = 14,
#[doc = "15: 16MB OCMEMn"]
_1111 = 15,
impl From<OCMSZ_A> for u8 {
fn from(variant: OCMSZ_A) -> Self {
variant as _
#[doc = "Reader of field `OCMSZ`"]
pub type OCMSZ_R = crate::R<u8, OCMSZ_A>;
impl OCMSZ_R {
#[doc = r"Get enumerated values variant"]
pub fn variant(&self) -> OCMSZ_A {
match self.bits {
0 => OCMSZ_A::_0000,
1 => OCMSZ_A::_0001,
2 => OCMSZ_A::_0010,
3 => OCMSZ_A::_0011,
4 => OCMSZ_A::_0100,
5 => OCMSZ_A::_0101,
6 => OCMSZ_A::_0110,
7 => OCMSZ_A::_0111,
8 => OCMSZ_A::_1000,
9 => OCMSZ_A::_1001,
10 => OCMSZ_A::_1010,
11 => OCMSZ_A::_1011,
12 => OCMSZ_A::_1100,
13 => OCMSZ_A::_1101,
14 => OCMSZ_A::_1110,
15 => OCMSZ_A::_1111,
_ => unreachable!(),
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0000`"]
pub fn is_0000(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMSZ_A::_0000
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0001`"]
pub fn is_0001(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMSZ_A::_0001
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0010`"]
pub fn is_0010(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMSZ_A::_0010
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0011`"]
pub fn is_0011(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMSZ_A::_0011
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0100`"]
pub fn is_0100(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMSZ_A::_0100
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0101`"]
pub fn is_0101(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMSZ_A::_0101
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0110`"]
pub fn is_0110(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMSZ_A::_0110
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0111`"]
pub fn is_0111(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMSZ_A::_0111
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1000`"]
pub fn is_1000(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMSZ_A::_1000
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1001`"]
pub fn is_1001(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMSZ_A::_1001
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1010`"]
pub fn is_1010(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMSZ_A::_1010
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1011`"]
pub fn is_1011(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMSZ_A::_1011
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1100`"]
pub fn is_1100(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMSZ_A::_1100
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1101`"]
pub fn is_1101(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMSZ_A::_1101
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1110`"]
pub fn is_1110(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMSZ_A::_1110
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1111`"]
pub fn is_1111(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMSZ_A::_1111
#[doc = "OCMSZH\n\nValue on reset: 0"]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum OCMSZH_A {
#[doc = "0: OCMEMn is a power-of-2 capacity."]
_0 = 0,
#[doc = "1: OCMEMn is not a power-of-2, with a capacity is 0.75 * OCMSZ."]
_1 = 1,
impl From<OCMSZH_A> for bool {
fn from(variant: OCMSZH_A) -> Self {
variant as u8 != 0
#[doc = "Reader of field `OCMSZH`"]
pub type OCMSZH_R = crate::R<bool, OCMSZH_A>;
impl OCMSZH_R {
#[doc = r"Get enumerated values variant"]
pub fn variant(&self) -> OCMSZH_A {
match self.bits {
false => OCMSZH_A::_0,
true => OCMSZH_A::_1,
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"]
pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMSZH_A::_0
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"]
pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool {
*self == OCMSZH_A::_1
#[doc = "V\n\nValue on reset: 1"]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum V_A {
#[doc = "0: OCMEMn is not present."]
_0 = 0,
#[doc = "1: OCMEMn is present."]
_1 = 1,
impl From<V_A> for bool {
fn from(variant: V_A) -> Self {
variant as u8 != 0
#[doc = "Reader of field `V`"]
pub type V_R = crate::R<bool, V_A>;
impl V_R {
#[doc = r"Get enumerated values variant"]
pub fn variant(&self) -> V_A {
match self.bits {
false => V_A::_0,
true => V_A::_1,
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"]
pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool {
*self == V_A::_0
#[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"]
pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool {
*self == V_A::_1
impl R {
#[doc = "Bits 4:5 - OCMEM Control Field 1"]
pub fn ocm1(&self) -> OCM1_R {
OCM1_R::new(((self.bits >> 4) & 0x03) as u8)
#[doc = "Bit 12 - OCMPU"]
pub fn ocmpu(&self) -> OCMPU_R {
OCMPU_R::new(((self.bits >> 12) & 0x01) != 0)
#[doc = "Bits 13:15 - OCMT"]
pub fn ocmt(&self) -> OCMT_R {
OCMT_R::new(((self.bits >> 13) & 0x07) as u8)
#[doc = "Bit 16 - RO"]
pub fn ro(&self) -> RO_R {
RO_R::new(((self.bits >> 16) & 0x01) != 0)
#[doc = "Bits 17:19 - OCMW"]
pub fn ocmw(&self) -> OCMW_R {
OCMW_R::new(((self.bits >> 17) & 0x07) as u8)
#[doc = "Bits 24:27 - OCMSZ"]
pub fn ocmsz(&self) -> OCMSZ_R {
OCMSZ_R::new(((self.bits >> 24) & 0x0f) as u8)
#[doc = "Bit 28 - OCMSZH"]
pub fn ocmszh(&self) -> OCMSZH_R {
OCMSZH_R::new(((self.bits >> 28) & 0x01) != 0)
#[doc = "Bit 31 - V"]
pub fn v(&self) -> V_R {
V_R::new(((self.bits >> 31) & 0x01) != 0)
impl W {
#[doc = "Bits 4:5 - OCMEM Control Field 1"]
pub fn ocm1(&mut self) -> OCM1_W {
OCM1_W { w: self }
#[doc = "Bit 16 - RO"]
pub fn ro(&mut self) -> RO_W {
RO_W { w: self }