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2022-04-01 12:18:51 +08:00

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<title>Renode: Easy CI for your Weird Hardware</title>
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* Emulators are useful tools
- PC emulator (e.g. Docker on Mac, WSL on Linux)
- NES emulator -- fun and games, realtime output
- Also have debugging emulators
- Renode
* Renode Stack
- CPU cores written in C
- arm, i386, ppc, riscv, sparc, xtensa
- Windows, Mac, Linux
- Peripherals and UI written in C#
- Extensible via Python and C#
- Write once. Run anywhere. Using C# to define new peripherals
* Three major users
- Designers of new boards
- Reverse engineering exsisting hardware
- Silicon designers
* Designers of new boards
- One or more chips
- How are they connected?
- What weird hardware exists?
* Concurrent emulation of multiple devices
- Can connect multiple devices, e.g. via UART, GPIO, SPI, Ethernet, CAN...
- All devices are emulated using the same time source
- Helps to debug timing differences with different processors on a board
* Board definition format
- Easily define memory layout
- Easily move blocks around
- Only define what's necessary
- You don't need to be perfect, just good enough!
* Can read SVD files
* Hardware has Similarities
- Picture of existing register sets
- There are only so many combinations
- Rip. Mix. Burn. Many chips are just copies of one another.
* Tests in CI
* Reverse engineering existing hardware
* If it's a supported architecture, it's easy to run code
* LoadBinary and set PC
* Can skip much of the boot ROM
* Attach GDB
* Reproducible makes it easy to test theories
* Developing new Silicon blocks
* Betrusted hardware
- Create a new design in LiteX / Verilog
- Document the design
- Create a model
- Timing isn't as critical
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<p>I find it a useful tool. Maybe you will, too!
<h2>About Me: I Do Weird Hardware</h2>
<li>Simmel: Contact Tracing with Audio</li>
<li>Chibitronics: Programming Stickers with Audio</li>
<li>Novena: Open Source Laptop</li>
<li>Senoko: Open Source Power Board for Novena</li>
<h2>About Renode</h2>
<li>Whole-System Emulator</li>
<li>Supports concurrent emulation</li>
<li>Extensible with C# and Python</li>
<li>MIT Licensed</li>
<li>Windows, Mac, Linux</li>
<h2>About This Talk</h2>
<li>Overview of Emulators</li>
<li>Oevrview of Weird Hardware</li>
<li>Cool things you can do</li>
<h2>Who will find this interesting?</h2>
<li>Creators: Those making new boards or hardware</li>
<li>Integrators: Running CI on firmware files</li>
<li>Reverse Engineers: Understanding new hardware and firmware</li>
<h2>Creators: Making New Things!</h2>
<li>Reusing an existing platform</li>
<li>Reusing an existing microcontroller</li>
<li>New microcontroller fron existing family</li>
<h2>Integrators: Making Sure Nothing Broke!</h2>
<li>Hardware testing incompatible with cloud</li>
<li> sure is effective, though</li>
<li>Hardware crunch makes it difficult to get hardware</li>
<li>Downloading software is much cheaper than shipping</li>
<li>Can run tests on every code push</li>
<h2>Reverse Engineers: What Is This Blob Doing?</h2>
<li>Staring at code flow is enlightening, but time-consuming</li>
<li>What is it doing and how does it get there?</li>
<li>How can we make it do $x?</li>
<h2>What is an Emulator?</h2>
<h2>Whole-System Emulator</h2>
<li>Wii Virtual Console</li>
<h2>Transparent Emulator</h2>
<li>qemu on Linux</li>
<li>Rosetta on Mac</li>
<li>FCEUX (Nintendo Entertainment System)</li>
<li>Dolphin (Wii / Gamecube)</li>
<h2>Renode Is All of These</h2>
<li>Console: Able to present an interactive environment</li>
<li>Transparent: Can run in CI via Robot commands</li>
<li>Debugger: Has a GDB server built in</li>
<h2>What is a Computer?</h2>
<h2>Example of Weird Hardware</h2>
<li>LM74 Temperature Sensor</li>
<h2>Example of Weird Hardware</h2>
<li>LM74 Temperature Sensor</li>
<h2>Example of Weird Hardware</h2>
<li>LM74 Temperature Sensor</li>
<h2>Example of Weird Hardware</h2>
<li>FPGA-based framebuffer</li>
<li>Initial graphical demo in 1 hour</li>
<h2>What makes hardware "Weird"?</h2>
<li>Unusual CPU architecture</li>
<li>Different model of chip than commonly found</li>
<li>Additional hardware</li>
<li>More CPUs per board</li>
<h2>Unusual CPU architecture</h2>
Sorry, can't help
<h2>Different model CPU</h2>
<li>Maybe it's just a variant</li>
<li>Perhaps memory regions were shuffled</li>
<li>Does it use the same hardware block as someone else?</li>
<h2>New hardware version</h2>
<li>Do you use the new, specialized features?</li>
<li>Lots of UARTs support Infrared. Do you need that?</li>
<h2>Completely new hardware</h2>
<li>Time to break out C#</li>
<h2>What is "Firmware"?</h2>
<h2>How does this interact with $VENDOR_TOOL?</h2>
<h2>What about boot ROMs?</h2>
<h2>What about missing registers?</h2>
<li>Very few projects use built-in blocks</li>
<h2>It's All About Small Victories</h2>
<li>Serial ports are super rewarding</li>
<li>They're also usually simple!</li>
<li>They are easy to script</li>
<h2>Steps to Set Up a Serial Port</h2>
<li class="fragment semi-fade-out" data-fragment-index="1">Enable peripheral</li>
<li class="fragment semi-fade-out" data-fragment-index="1">Set up clock</li>
<li class="fragment semi-fade-out" data-fragment-index="1">Mux GPIOs</li>
<li class="fragment semi-fade-out" data-fragment-index="1">Calculate baud rate</li>
<li>Write to UART TX register</li>
<h2>Steps to Set Up a Serial Port</h2>
<img src="media/renode-xous-kernel-uart.png">
<section data-transition="fade-out">
<h2>Advantages of Emulation</h2>
<img src="media/betrusted-soc-uart-mux.png">
<section data-transition="fade-in">
<h2>Advantages of Emulation</h2>
<img src="media/renode-xous-double-uart-tiled.png">
<h2>Steps to Set Up a Serial Port</h2>
<li>Interrupt Support</li>
<h2>Example Serial Port</h2>
<pre><code class="cs" data-trim>
{(long)Registers.RxTx, new DoubleWordRegister(this)
.WithValueField(0, 8,
writeCallback: (_, value) => {
valueProviderCallback: _ => {
if(!TryGetCharacter(out var character))
this.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "Empty Rx FIFO.");
return character;
<h2>Robot Framework: Running Tests in CI</h2>
<pre><code class="hljs" data-trim>
*** Test Cases ***
Should Read Acceleration
Create Machine
Create Terminal Tester ${UART}
Execute Command sysbus.twi1.lis2ds12 AccelerationX 10
Execute Command sysbus.twi1.lis2ds12 AccelerationY 5
Execute Command sysbus.twi1.lis2ds12 AccelerationZ -5
Start Emulation
Wait For Line On Uart x 9.997213 , y 4.997410 , z -4.999803
<h2>SVD Files</h2>
<h2>Logging Memory Accesses</h2>
<h2>Debugging with GDB</h2>
<h2>Software Assumes Hardware Works</h2>
<li>Rarely checks for sane ranges (why would you?)</li>
<h2>Incremental Changes</h2>
<li>Small changes are very rewrding</li>
<li>Device will work with only partial implementation</li>
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