disassembler: implement disassembler
The disassembler will be useful in tracking down build errors. Signed-off-by: Sean Cross <sean@xobs.io>
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ edition = "2018"
macro-debug = []
default = []
std = []
default = ["std"]
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#![cfg_attr(feature = "macro-debug", feature(trace_macros))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "macro-debug", feature(log_syntax))]
#[cfg(feature = "macro-debug")]
trace_macros! {true}
@ -27,6 +27,19 @@ trace_macros!{true}
BRZ 0x2, r1 // if r1 is 0, mpc = mpc + 0x2
BRZ loop, r2 // if r2 is 0, go to label "loop"
Basic opcode format:
o: Opcode
a: Source register a
x: `1` if A is a constant rather than register
b: Source register b
y: `1` if B is a constant rather than a register
d: Destination register index
r: Reserved (set to 0)
/// A compile-time map from identifiers to arbitrary (heterogeneous) expressions
@ -44,7 +57,6 @@ macro_rules! ident_map {
/// Returns the number of comma-separated expressions passed to it
@ -54,9 +66,6 @@ macro_rules! codelen {
( $first:expr, $($rest:expr),+ ) => { 1 + codelen!($($rest),+) };
/// Replace elements of "arrays" of expressions with sorted replacements by
/// seeking along a "positional array" containing n expressions, then replacing
/// elements in the source array.
@ -120,7 +129,6 @@ macro_rules! lockstep_replace {
/// Relocation formats:
/// { $label as ABS16 @ [$lockstepmcpos] }
// $pos is
macro_rules! reloc {
@ -149,13 +157,11 @@ macro_rules! reloc {
// $attr is a label
// $mcode is a list that contains the machine code opcodes
// $ident is the identifier list
// $reloc is the relocation list
macro_rules! asm_ {
@ -180,33 +186,33 @@ macro_rules! asm_ {
( { $($attr:tt)* } [ $($mcode:expr),* ], [ $($lbl:ident => $lblval:expr),* ], [ $($reloc:tt),* ],
add % $wd:tt, % $ra:tt , % $rb:tt
$($rest:tt)* ) => {
asm_!({ $($attr)* } [ $($mcode,)* $wd << 16 | 0 << 11 | $ra << 6 | 0 << 17 | $rb << 12 | 0x5 ], [ $($lbl => $lblval),* ], [ $($reloc),* ], $($rest)*)
asm_!({ $($attr)* } [ $($mcode,)* $wd << 18 | 0 << 11 | $ra << 6 | 0 << 17 | $rb << 12 | 0x5 ], [ $($lbl => $lblval),* ], [ $($reloc),* ], $($rest)*)
( { $($attr:tt)* } [ $($mcode:expr),* ], [ $($lbl:ident => $lblval:expr),* ], [ $($reloc:tt),* ],
add % $wd:tt, % $ra:tt , # $rb:tt
$($rest:tt)* ) => {
asm_!({ $($attr)* } [ $($mcode,)* $wd << 16 | 0 << 11 | $ra << 6 | 1 << 17 | $rb << 12 | 0x5 ], [ $($lbl => $lblval),* ], [ $($reloc),* ], $($rest)*)
asm_!({ $($attr)* } [ $($mcode,)* $wd << 18 | 0 << 11 | $ra << 6 | 1 << 17 | $rb << 12 | 0x5 ], [ $($lbl => $lblval),* ], [ $($reloc),* ], $($rest)*)
( { $($attr:tt)* } [ $($mcode:expr),* ], [ $($lbl:ident => $lblval:expr),* ], [ $($reloc:tt),* ],
add % $wd:tt, # $ra:tt , % $rb:tt
$($rest:tt)* ) => {
asm_!({ $($attr)* } [ $($mcode,)* $wd << 16 | 1 << 11 | $ra << 6 | 0 << 17 | $rb << 12 | 0x5 ], [ $($lbl => $lblval),* ], [ $($reloc),* ], $($rest)*)
asm_!({ $($attr)* } [ $($mcode,)* $wd << 18 | 1 << 11 | $ra << 6 | 0 << 17 | $rb << 12 | 0x5 ], [ $($lbl => $lblval),* ], [ $($reloc),* ], $($rest)*)
( { $($attr:tt)* } [ $($mcode:expr),* ], [ $($lbl:ident => $lblval:expr),* ], [ $($reloc:tt),* ],
add % $wd:tt, # $ra:tt , # $rb:tt
$($rest:tt)* ) => {
asm_!({ $($attr)* } [ $($mcode,)* $wd << 16 | 1 << 11 | $ra << 6 | 1 << 17 | $rb << 12 | 0x5 ], [ $($lbl => $lblval),* ], [ $($reloc),* ], $($rest)*)
asm_!({ $($attr)* } [ $($mcode,)* $wd << 18 | 1 << 11 | $ra << 6 | 1 << 17 | $rb << 12 | 0x5 ], [ $($lbl => $lblval),* ], [ $($reloc),* ], $($rest)*)
// BRZ
// ( { $($attr:tt)* } [ $($mcode:expr),* ], [ $($lbl:ident => $lblval:expr),* ], [ $($reloc:tt),* ],
// brz $label:ident , % $ra:tt
// $($rest:tt)* ) => {
// asm_!({ $($attr)* } [ $($mcode,)* 0x0 ],
// [ $($lbl => $lblval),* ], [ $($reloc,)* { $label as PCREL @ [ $($mcode,)* ] } ], $($rest)*)
// };
( { $($attr:tt)* } [ $($mcode:expr),* ], [ $($lbl:ident => $lblval:expr),* ], [ $($reloc:tt),* ],
brz $label:ident , % $ra:tt
$($rest:tt)* ) => {
asm_!({ $($attr)* } [ $($mcode,)* 0x0 ],
[ $($lbl => $lblval),* ], [ $($reloc,)* { $label as PCREL @ [ $($mcode,)* ] } ], $($rest)*)
( { $($attr:tt)* } [ $($mcode:expr),* ], [ $($lbl:ident => $lblval:expr),* ], [ $($reloc:tt),* ],
brz $label:ident , # $ra:tt
brz $label:ident , #$ra:tt
$($rest:tt)* ) => {
asm_!({ $($attr)* } [ $($mcode,)* 0 << 23 | 1 << 11 | $ra << 6 | 0x9 ],
[ $($lbl => $lblval),* ], [ $($reloc,)* { $label as PCREL @ [$($mcode,)* 0 << 23 | 1 << 11 | $ra << 6 | 0x9] } ], $($rest)*)
@ -249,41 +255,154 @@ macro_rules! assemble_engine25519 {
/// Does anything work
fn basic_syntax() {
let mcode = assemble_engine25519!(
add %0, %1, %2
add %2, %3, #4
add %5, #6, %7
add %8, #9, #10
brz start, %11
assert_eq!(mcode, [
0 << 16 | 0 << 11 | 1 << 6 | 0 << 17 | 2 << 12 | 0x5,
2 << 16 | 0 << 11 | 3 << 6 | 1 << 17 | 4 << 12 | 0x5,
5 << 16 | 1 << 11 | 6 << 6 | 0 << 17 | 7 << 12 | 0x5,
8 << 16 | 1 << 11 | 9 << 6 | 1 << 17 | 10 << 12 | 0x5,
0x3FC << 23 | 0 << 11 | 11 << 6 | 0x9,
// /// Does anything work
// #[test]
// fn basic_syntax() {
// let mcode = assemble_engine25519!(
// start:
// add %0, %1, %2
// add %2, %3, #4
// add %5, #6, %7
// add %8, #9, #10
// brz start, #11
// );
// assert_eq!(
// mcode,
// [
// 0 << 16 | 0 << 11 | 1 << 6 | 0 << 17 | 2 << 12 | 0x5,
// 2 << 16 | 0 << 11 | 3 << 6 | 1 << 17 | 4 << 12 | 0x5,
// 5 << 16 | 1 << 11 | 6 << 6 | 0 << 17 | 7 << 12 | 0x5,
// 8 << 16 | 1 << 11 | 9 << 6 | 1 << 17 | 10 << 12 | 0x5,
// 0x3FC << 23 | 0 << 11 | 11 << 6 | 0x9,
// ]
// );
// }
pub enum Operand {
impl Operand {
pub fn from_i32_r(op: i32) -> Operand {
if (op >> 5) & 1 == 0 {
Operand::Register(op & (32 - 1))
} else {
Operand::Constant(op & (32 - 1))
pub fn from_i32_w(op: i32) -> Operand {
Operand::Register(op & (32 - 1))
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl std::fmt::Display for Operand {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
use Operand::*;
match self {
Register(r) => write!(f, "%{}", r),
Constant(c) => write!(f, "#{}", c),
pub enum Opcode {
PSA(Operand, Operand),
PSB(Operand, Operand),
MSK(Operand, Operand),
ADD(Operand, Operand, Operand),
BRZ(Operand, i32),
impl Opcode {
pub fn from_i32(op: i32) -> Opcode {
match op & (32 - 1) {
0 => Opcode::PSA(Operand::from_i32_r(op >> 6), Operand::from_i32_w(op >> 18)),
1 => Opcode::PSB(Operand::from_i32_r(op >> 6), Operand::from_i32_w(op >> 18)),
2 => Opcode::MSK(Operand::from_i32_r(op >> 6), Operand::from_i32_r(op >> 12)),
3 => Opcode::XOR,
4 => Opcode::NOT,
5 => Opcode::ADD(Operand::from_i32_r(op >> 6), Operand::from_i32_r(op >> 12), Operand::from_i32_w(op >> 18)),
6 => Opcode::SUB,
7 => Opcode::MUL,
8 => Opcode::TRD,
9 => Opcode::BRZ(Operand::from_i32_r(op >> 6), op >> 23),
_ => Opcode::UDF,
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl std::fmt::Display for Opcode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
use Opcode::*;
match self {
PSA(ra, rd) => write!(f, "PSA {}, {}", ra, rd),
PSB(ra, rd) => write!(f, "PSB {}, {}", ra, rd),
MSK(ra, rb) => write!(f, "MSK {}, {}", ra, rb),
XOR => write!(f, "XOR"),
NOT => write!(f, "NOT"),
ADD(ra, rb, rd) => write!(f, "ADD {}, {}, {}", rd, ra, rb),
SUB => write!(f, "SUB"),
MUL => write!(f, "MUL"),
TRD => write!(f, "TRD"),
BRZ(ra, rb) => write!(f, "BRZ {}, {}", rb, ra),
_ => write!(f, "invalid"),
fn print_opcode(op: i32) {
"{:09b} {:05b} {:01b} {:05b} {:01b} {:05b} {:05b} | {}",
(op >> 23) & (512 - 1),
(op >> 18) & (32 - 1),
(op >> 17) & 1,
(op >> 12) & (32 - 1),
(op >> 11) & 1,
(op >> 6) & (32 - 1),
op & (32 - 1),
/// Simple jump
fn simple_jmp() {
let mcode = assemble_engine25519!(
add %0, %1, %2
brz start, %11
add %8, #9, #11
brz start, #11
add %8, #9, #12
add %8, #9, #10
print!("{}", mcode);
assert_eq!(mcode, [
0 << 16 | 0 << 11 | 1 << 6 | 0 << 17 | 2 << 12 | 0x5,
println!("Assembled output:");
for op in &mcode {
let target = [
8 << 18 | 1 << 11 | 9 << 6 | 1 << 17 | 11 << 12 | 0x5,
0x3FE << 23 | 0 << 11 | 11 << 6 | 0x9,
8 << 18 | 1 << 11 | 9 << 6 | 1 << 17 | 12 << 12 | 0x5,
8 << 18 | 1 << 11 | 9 << 6 | 1 << 17 | 10 << 12 | 0x5,
println!("Target output:");
for op in &target {
assert_eq!(mcode, target);
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