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# Adafruit nRF52 Bootloader
[![Build Status](](
This is a CDC/DFU/UF2 bootloader for nRF52 boards.
- [Adafruit CLUE](
- [Adafruit Circuit Playground Bluefruit](
- [Adafruit Feather nRF52832](
- [Adafruit Feather nRF52840 Express](
- [Adafruit Feather nRF52840 Sense](
- [Adafruit ItsyBitsy nRF52840 Express](
- Adafruit Metro nRF52840 Express
- [Electronut Labs Papyr](
- MakerDiary MDK nRF52840 USB Dongle
- [Nordic nRF52840DK PCA10056](
- [Nordic nRF52840DK PCA10059 ("Dongle")](
- Particle Argon
- Particle Boron
- Particle Xenon
UF2 is an easy-to-use bootloader that appears as a flash drive. You can just copy `.uf2`-format
application images to the flash drive to load new firmware.
See and
for more information.
a modified version of [Nordic nrfutil](,
is required to perform DFU.
Install `python3` if it is not installed already and run this command to install adafruit-nrfutil from PyPi:
$ pip3 install --user adafruit-nrfutil
This repository depends on the following submodules:
- [tinyusb](
- [nrfx](
Note that `tinyusb` also includes `nrfx` as a submodule, so you need
to initialize and update submodules with the `--recursive`` flag.
Clone this repo with following commands, or fork it for your own development
git clone
cd Adafruit_nRF52_Bootloader
git submodule update --init --recursive
## Features
- DFU over Serial and OTA ( application, Bootloader+SD )
- Self-upgradable via Serial and OTA
- DFU using UF2 ( (application only)
- Auto-enter DFU briefly on startup for DTR auto-reset trick (832 only)
## How to use
There are two pins, `DFU` and `FRST` that bootloader will check upon reset/power:
- `Double Reset` Reset twice within 500 ms will enter DFU with UF2 and CDC support (only works with nRF52840)
- `DFU = LOW` and `FRST = HIGH`: Enter bootloader with UF2 and CDC support
- `DFU = LOW` and `FRST = LOW`: Enter bootloader with OTA, to upgrade with a mobile application such as Nordic nrfConnect/Toolbox
- `DFU = HIGH` and `FRST = LOW`: Factory Reset mode: erase firmware application and its data
- `DFU = HIGH` and `FRST = HIGH`: Go to application code if it is present, otherwise enter DFU with UF2
- The `GPREGRET` register can also be set to force the bootloader can enter any of above modes (plus a CDC-only mode for Arduino).
`GPREGRET` is set by the application before performing a soft reset.
On the Nordic PCA10056 DK board, `DFU` is connected to **Button1**, and `FRST` is connected to **Button2**.
So holding down **Button1** while clicking **RESET** will put the board into USB bootloader mode, with UF2 and CDC support.
Holding down **Button2** while clicking **RESET** will put the board into OTA (over-the-air) bootloader mode.
On the Nordic PCA10059 Dongle board, `DFU` is connected to the white button.
`FRST` is connected to pin 1.10. Ground it to pull `FRST` low, as if you had pushed an `FRST` button.
There is an adjacent ground pad.
For other boards, please check the board definition for details.
### Making your own UF2
To create your own UF2 DFU update image, simply use the [Python conversion script]( on a .bin file or .hex file, specifying the family as **0xADA52840**. If using a .bin file with the conversion script you must specify application address with the -b switch, this address depend on the SoftDevice size/version e.g S140 v6 is 0x26000
To create a UF2 image from a .bin file:
``` firmware.bin -c -b 0x26000 -f 0xADA52840
To create a UF2 image from a .hex file:
``` firmware.hex -c -f 0xADA52840
## Burn & Upgrade with pre-built binaries
You can burn and/or upgrade the bootloader with either a J-link or DFU (serial) to a specific pre-built binary version
without the hassle of installing a toolchain and compiling the code.
This is preferred if you are not developing/customizing the bootloader.
Pre-builtin binaries are available on GitHub [releases](
Note: The bootloader can be downgraded. Since the binary release is a merged version of
both bootloader and the Nordic SoftDevice, you can freely upgrade/downgrade to any version you like.
## How to compile and build
You should only continue if you are looking to develop bootloader for your own.
You must have have a J-Link available to "unbrick" your device.
- Nordic's [nRF5x Command Line Tools](
To build:
make BOARD=feather_nrf52840_express all
To flash the bootloader with JLink:
make BOARD=feather_nrf52840_express flash
To upgrade the bootloader using DFU Serial via port /dev/ttyACM0
make BOARD=feather_nrf52840_express SERIAL=/dev/ttyACM0 dfu-flash
To flash SoftDevice (and chip erase):
make BOARD=feather_nrf52840_express sd
For the list of supported boards, run `make` without `BOARD=` :
$ make
You must provide a BOARD parameter with 'BOARD='
Supported boards are: feather_nrf52840_express feather_nrf52840_express pca10056
Makefile:90: *** BOARD not defined. Stop
### Common makefile problems
#### 1. `arm-none-eabi-gcc`: No such file or directory
If you get the following error ...
$ make BOARD=feather_nrf52840_express all
Compiling file: main.c
/bin/sh: /usr/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc: No such file or directory
make: *** [_build/main.o] Error 127
... you may need to pass the location of the GCC ARM toolchain binaries to `make` using
the variable `CROSS_COMPILE` as below:
$ make CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major/bin/arm-none-eabi- BOARD=feather_nrf52832 all
#### 2. `mergehex: No such file or directory`
Make sure that `mergehex` is available from the command-line. This binary is
part of Nordic's nRF5x Command Line Tools.
#### 3. `make: nrfjprog: No such file or directory`
Make sure that `nrfjprog` is available from the command-line. This binary is
part of Nordic's nRF5x Command Line Tools.