2018-05-14 17:37:06 +02:00

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# Adafruit nRF52840 Bootloader
This repository contains the USB bootloader for Adafruit nRF52840 boards (1MB
flash, 256KB SRAM). This repository depend on [tinyusb]( as submodule. After
cloning this repo you need to run the following command:
git submodule update --init
## Option 1: Build with makefile
Navigate to `src/singlebank` (recommended) or `src/dualbank` (work in progress),
and use feather52840 target for building bootloader.
make feather52840
To flash bootloader + S140
make flash_feather52840
To only flash S140
make flash_sd
### Common makefile problems
#### 1. `arm-none-eabi-gcc`: No such file or directory
If you get the following error ...
$ make feather52840
Compiling file: dfu_single_bank.c
/bin/sh: /usr/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc: No such file or directory
make: *** [_build/dfu_single_bank.o] Error 127
... you may need to edit the `Makefile` (for example `src/singlebank/Makefile`),
and update the `GNU_INSTALL_ROOT` to point to the root path of your GCC ARM
#### 2. `mergehex: No such file or directory`
Make sure that `mergehex` is available from the command-line. This binary is
part of of Nordic's [nRF5x Command Line Tools](
#### 3. `make: nrfjprog: No such file or directory`
Make sure that `nrfjprog` is available from the command-line. This binary is
part of of Nordic's [nRF5x Command Line Tools](
On POSIX-type systems you can temporarily add the path to `nrfjprog` via a
variation on the following command:
$ export PATH=$PATH:/Users/Kevin/Downloads/nRF5x-Command-Line-Tools_9_7_2_OSX/nrfjprog
## Option 2: Build using Segger Embeded Studio
For better debugging you can also use [SES](
The project file is located at `src/segger/nrf52840_bootloader.emProject`.
> **Note**: SES only flashes the bootloader when you click download, you need to
flash Softdevice beforehand if you haven't done so ( use `make flash_sd`
mentioned above )