use crate::definitions::{MemoryAddress, XousError, XousPid}; use crate::processtable::Process; use crate::{print, println}; use core::num::NonZeroUsize; use vexriscv::register::mstatus; const FLASH_START: usize = 0x20000000; const FLASH_SIZE: usize = 16_777_216; const FLASH_END: usize = FLASH_START + FLASH_SIZE; const RAM_START: usize = 0x40000000; const RAM_SIZE: usize = 16_777_216; const RAM_END: usize = RAM_START + RAM_SIZE; const IO_START: usize = 0xe0000000; const IO_SIZE: usize = 65_536; const IO_END: usize = IO_START + IO_SIZE; const LCD_START: usize = 0xB0000000; const LCD_SIZE: usize = 32_768; const LCD_END: usize = LCD_START + LCD_SIZE; const PAGE_SIZE: usize = 4096; const FLASH_PAGE_COUNT: usize = FLASH_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE; const RAM_PAGE_COUNT: usize = RAM_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE; const IO_PAGE_COUNT: usize = IO_SIZE; const LCD_PAGE_COUNT: usize = LCD_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE; pub struct MemoryManager { flash: [XousPid; FLASH_PAGE_COUNT], ram: [XousPid; RAM_PAGE_COUNT], io: [XousPid; IO_PAGE_COUNT], lcd: [XousPid; LCD_PAGE_COUNT], } impl core::fmt::Debug for MemoryManager { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::result::Result<(), core::fmt::Error> { writeln!(fmt, "MemoryManager: ")?; writeln!( fmt, " flash: {:08x} .. {:08x} ({})", FLASH_START, FLASH_END, self.flash.len() )?; writeln!( fmt, " ram: {:08x} .. {:08x} ({})", RAM_START, RAM_END, self.ram.len() )?; writeln!( fmt, " io: {:08x} .. {:08x} ({})", IO_START, IO_END, )?; writeln!( fmt, " lcd: {:08x} .. {:08x} ({})", LCD_START, LCD_END, self.lcd.len() )?; Ok(()) } } /// A single RISC-V page table entry. In order to resolve an address, /// we need two entries: the top level, followed by the lower level. struct PageTable { entries: [usize; 1024], } extern "C" { // Boundaries of the .bss section static mut _ebss: usize; static mut _sbss: usize; // Boundaries of the .data section static mut _edata: usize; static mut _sdata: usize; // Boundaries of the stack static mut _estack: usize; static mut _sstack: usize; // Boundaries of the .text section static mut _stext: usize; static mut _etext: usize; // Boundaries of the heap static _sheap: usize; static _eheap: usize; // Initial values of the .data section (stored in Flash) static _sidata: usize; } use core::mem::transmute; /// Enable transmuting from pointers-to-addresses to addresses. /// This is required because the linker creates variables /// such as _stext that are located at specific offsets -- such /// as the start of the text section -- and their address is /// the actual piece of data we want. /// Rust really doesn't like going from addresses to values, so /// we transmute from one to the other in order to construct a /// range that we can loop through. macro_rules! mem_range { ( $s:expr, $e:expr ) => {{ let start = unsafe { transmute::<&usize, usize>(&$s) }; let end = unsafe { transmute::<&usize, usize>(&$e) }; (start..end).step_by(PAGE_SIZE) }} } /// Initialize the memory map. /// This will go through memory and map anything that the kernel is /// using to process 1, then allocate a pagetable for this process /// and place it at the usual offset. The MMU will not be enabled yet, /// as the process entry has not yet been created. impl MemoryManager { pub fn new() -> MemoryManager { let mut mm = MemoryManager { flash: [0; FLASH_PAGE_COUNT], ram: [0; RAM_PAGE_COUNT], io: [0; IO_PAGE_COUNT], lcd: [0; LCD_PAGE_COUNT], }; println!("Created Memory Manager: {:?}", mm); // Claim existing pages for PID 1, in preparation for turning on // the MMU unsafe { mstatus::clear_mie() }; let ranges = [ mem_range!(&_sbss, &_ebss), mem_range!(&_sdata, &_edata), mem_range!(&_estack, &_sstack), // NOTE: Stack is reversed mem_range!(&_stext, &_etext), ]; for range in &ranges { for region in range.clone() { mm.claim_page(region & !0xfff, 1) .expect("Unable to claim region for PID 1"); } } unsafe { mstatus::set_mie() }; mm } /// Allocate a single page to the given process. /// Ensures the page is zeroed out prior to handing it over to /// the specified process. pub fn alloc_page(&mut self, pid: XousPid) -> Result { // Go through all RAM pages looking for a free page. // Optimization: start from the previous address. // println!("Allocating page for PID {}", pid); for index in 0..RAM_PAGE_COUNT { // println!(" Checking {:08x}...", index * PAGE_SIZE + RAM_START); if self.ram[index] == 0 { self.ram[index] = pid; let page_addr = (index * PAGE_SIZE + RAM_START) as *mut u32; // Zero-out the page unsafe { for i in 0..PAGE_SIZE / 4 { *page_addr.add(i) = 0; } } let new_page = unsafe { transmute::<*mut u32, usize>(page_addr) }; // println!(" Page {:08x} is free", new_page); return Ok(NonZeroUsize::new(new_page).unwrap()); } } Err(XousError::OutOfMemory) } /// Map the given page to the specified process table. If necessary, /// allocate a new page. /// /// # Errors /// /// * OutOfMemory - Tried to allocate a new pagetable, but ran out of memory. fn map_page( &mut self, root: &mut PageTable, phys: usize, virt: usize, ) -> Result<(), XousError> { let ppn1 = (phys >> 20) & ((1 << 12) - 1); let ppn0 = (phys >> 10) & ((1 << 10) - 1); let ppo = (phys >> 0) & ((1 << 12) - 1); let vpn1 = (virt >> 22) & ((1 << 10) - 1); let vpn0 = (virt >> 10) & ((1 << 10) - 1); let vpo = (virt >> 0) & ((1 << 12) - 1); println!( "Mapping phys: {:08x} -> virt: {:08x} (vpn1: {:04x} vpn0: {:04x} ppn1: {:04x} ppn0: {:04x})", phys, virt, vpn1, vpn0, ppn1, ppn0 ); assert!(ppn1 < 4096); assert!(ppn0 < 1024); assert!(ppo < 4096); assert!(vpn1 < 1024); assert!(vpn0 < 1024); assert!(vpo < 4096); let ref mut l1_pt = root.entries; println!("l1_pt is at {:p} ({:p})", &l1_pt, &l1_pt[vpn1]); // Allocate a new level 1 pagetable entry if one doesn't exist. if l1_pt[vpn1] & 1 == 0 { println!(" top-level VPN1 {:04x}: {:08x} (will allocate a new one)", vpn1, l1_pt[vpn1]); // Allocate the page to the kernel (PID 1) let new_addr = self.alloc_page(1)?.get(); println!( " Allocated new top-level page for VPN1 {:04x} in process @ {:08x}", vpn1, new_addr ); // Mark this entry as a leaf node (WRX as 0), and indicate // it is a valid page by setting "V". l1_pt[vpn1] = (((new_addr >> 10) & ((1 << 22) - 1)) << 10) | 1; println!(" New top-level page entry: {:08x}", l1_pt[vpn1]); } let mut l0_pt = unsafe { let tmp = (l1_pt[vpn1] & ((1 << 10) - 1)) as *mut PageTable; (*tmp).entries }; // Allocate a new level 0 pagetable entry if one doesn't exist. if l0_pt[vpn0] & 1 != 0 { panic!("Page already allocated!"); } l0_pt[vpn0] = (ppn1 << 20) | (ppn0 << 10) | 1 | 0xe; Ok(()) } /// Create an identity mapping, copying the kernel to itself pub fn create_identity(&mut self, process: &Process, pid: XousPid) -> Result<(), XousError> { let root_page = (process.satp & ((1 << 22) - 1)) << 9; let pt = unsafe { &mut (*(root_page as *mut PageTable)) }; println!("SATP value: {:08x} Root page: {:08x} pt: {:p} pt: {:p}", process.satp, root_page, &pt, pt); let flash_orig = self.flash.clone(); for (flash_idx, flash_pid) in flash_orig.iter().enumerate() { if *flash_pid == pid { // println!( // "Flash addr {:08x} owned by PID {}, mapping it as ident", // flash_idx * PAGE_SIZE + FLASH_START, // pid // ); self.map_page( pt, flash_idx * PAGE_SIZE + FLASH_START, flash_idx * PAGE_SIZE + FLASH_START, )?; print!("Entries mapped: >"); let mut i = 0; for (entry_idx, entry) in pt.entries.iter().enumerate() { i = i + 1; if *entry != 0 { print!(" {}:{:08x}", entry_idx, entry); } } println!(" < ({})", i); println!(""); } } Ok(()) } /// Mark a given address as being owned by the specified process ID fn claim_page(&mut self, addr: usize, pid: XousPid) -> Result<(), XousError> { fn claim_page_inner(tbl: &mut [u8], addr: usize, pid: XousPid) -> Result<(), XousError> { let page = addr / PAGE_SIZE; if page > tbl.len() { return Err(XousError::BadAddress); } if tbl[page] != 0 && tbl[page] != pid { return Err(XousError::MemoryInUse); } tbl[page] = pid; Ok(()) } // Ensure the address lies on a page boundary if addr & 0xfff != 0 { return Err(XousError::BadAlignment); } match addr { FLASH_START..=FLASH_END => claim_page_inner(&mut self.flash, addr - FLASH_START, pid), RAM_START..=RAM_END => claim_page_inner(&mut self.ram, addr - RAM_START, pid), IO_START..=IO_END => claim_page_inner(&mut, addr - IO_START, pid), LCD_START..=LCD_END => claim_page_inner(&mut self.lcd, addr - LCD_START, pid), _ => Err(XousError::BadAddress), } } }