
138 lines
3.9 KiB

// #![deny(warnings)]
extern crate proc_macro;
extern crate rand;
extern crate quote;
extern crate core;
extern crate proc_macro2;
extern crate syn;
use proc_macro2::Span;
use rand::Rng;
use rand::SeedableRng;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
use syn::{parse, spanned::Spanned, Ident, ItemFn, ReturnType, Type, Visibility};
static CALL_COUNT: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
/// Attribute to declare the entry point of the program
/// **IMPORTANT**: This attribute must appear exactly *once* in the dependency graph. Also, if you
/// are using Rust 1.30 the attribute must be used on a reachable item (i.e. there must be no
/// private modules between the item and the root of the crate); if the item is in the root of the
/// crate you'll be fine. This reachability restriction doesn't apply to Rust 1.31 and newer releases.
/// The specified function will be called by the reset handler *after* RAM has been initialized.
/// If present, the FPU will also be enabled before the function is called.
/// The type of the specified function must be `[unsafe] fn() -> !` (never ending function)
/// # Properties
/// The entry point will be called by the reset handler. The program can't reference to the entry
/// point, much less invoke it.
/// # Examples
/// - Simple entry point
/// ``` no_run
/// # #![no_main]
/// # use riscv_rt_macros::entry;
/// #[entry]
/// fn main() -> ! {
/// loop {
/// /* .. */
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub fn xous_main(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let f = parse_macro_input!(input as ItemFn);
// check the function signature
let valid_signature = f.sig.constness.is_none()
&& f.sig.asyncness.is_none()
&& f.vis == Visibility::Inherited
&& f.sig.abi.is_none()
&& f.sig.inputs.is_empty()
&& f.sig.generics.params.is_empty()
&& f.sig.generics.where_clause.is_none()
&& f.sig.variadic.is_none()
&& match f.sig.output {
ReturnType::Default => false,
ReturnType::Type(_, ref ty) => matches!(**ty, Type::Never(_)),
if !valid_signature {
return parse::Error::new(
"`#[xous_main]` function must have signature `[unsafe] fn() -> !`",
if !args.is_empty() {
return parse::Error::new(Span::call_site(), "This attribute accepts no arguments")
// XXX should we blacklist other attributes?
let attrs = f.attrs;
let unsafety = f.sig.unsafety;
let hash = random_ident();
let stmts = f.block.stmts;
let r = quote!(
#[export_name = "xous_entry"]
pub #unsafety fn #hash() -> ! {
// Creates a random identifier
fn random_ident() -> Ident {
let secs = SystemTime::now()
let count: u64 = CALL_COUNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst) as u64;
let mut seed: [u8; 16] = [0; 16];
for (i, v) in seed.iter_mut().take(8).enumerate() {
*v = ((secs >> (i * 8)) & 0xFF) as u8
for (i, v) in seed.iter_mut().skip(8).enumerate() {
*v = ((count >> (i * 8)) & 0xFF) as u8
let mut rng = rand::rngs::SmallRng::from_seed(seed);
.map(|i| {
if i == 0 || rng.gen() {
(b'a' + rng.gen::<u8>() % 25) as char
} else {
(b'0' + rng.gen::<u8>() % 10) as char