use std::cell::RefCell; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use std::mem::size_of; use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr, TcpStream, ToSocketAddrs}; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::thread_local; use crate::{Result, PID, TID}; mod mem; pub use mem::*; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct ProcessKey([u8; 16]); impl ProcessKey { pub fn new(key: [u8; 16]) -> ProcessKey { ProcessKey(key) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] pub struct ThreadInit {} #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct ProcessInit { pub key: ProcessKey, } pub struct ProcessArgsAsThread { main: F, name: String, } impl ProcessArgsAsThread where F: FnOnce(), { pub fn new(name: &str, main: F) -> ProcessArgsAsThread { ProcessArgsAsThread { main, name: name.to_owned(), } } } pub struct ProcessHandleAsThread(std::thread::JoinHandle<()>); /// If no connection exists, create a new connection to the server. This means /// our parent PID will be PID1. Otherwise, reuse the same connection. pub fn create_process_pre_as_thread( _args: &ProcessArgsAsThread, ) -> core::result::Result where F: FnOnce(), { ensure_connection()?; // Ensure there is a connection, because after this function returns // we'll make a syscall with CreateProcess(). This should only need // to happen for PID1. Ok(ProcessInit { key: PROCESS_KEY .with(|pk| *pk.borrow()) .unwrap_or_else(default_process_key), }) } pub fn create_process_post_as_thread( args: ProcessArgsAsThread, init: ProcessInit, pid: PID, ) -> core::result::Result where F: FnOnce() + Send + 'static, { let server_address = xous_address(); let f = args.main; let thread_main = std::thread::Builder::new() .name( .spawn(move || { set_xous_address(server_address); THREAD_ID.with(|tid| *tid.borrow_mut() = 1); PROCESS_ID.with(|p| *p.borrow_mut() = pid); XOUS_SERVER_CONNECTION.with(|xsc| { let mut xsc = xsc.borrow_mut(); match xous_connect_impl(server_address, &init.key) { Ok(a) => { *xsc = Some(a); Ok(()) } Err(_) => Err(crate::Error::InternalError), } })?; crate::create_thread(f) }) .map_err(|_| crate::Error::InternalError)? .join() .unwrap() .unwrap(); Ok(ProcessHandleAsThread(thread_main.0)) } pub fn wait_process_as_thread(joiner: ProcessHandleAsThread) -> crate::SysCallResult { joiner.0.join().map(|_| Result::Ok).map_err(|_x| { // panic!("wait error: {:?}", x); crate::Error::InternalError }) } pub struct ProcessArgs { command: String, name: String, } impl ProcessArgs { pub fn new(name: &str, command: String) -> ProcessArgs { ProcessArgs { command, name: name.to_owned(), } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ProcessHandle(std::process::Child); /// If no connection exists, create a new connection to the server. This means /// our parent PID will be PID1. Otherwise, reuse the same connection. pub fn create_process_pre(_args: &ProcessArgs) -> core::result::Result { ensure_connection()?; // Ensure there is a connection, because after this function returns // we'll make a syscall with CreateProcess(). This should only need // to happen for PID1. Ok(ProcessInit { key: PROCESS_KEY .with(|pk| *pk.borrow()) .unwrap_or_else(default_process_key), }) } pub fn create_process_post( args: ProcessArgs, init: ProcessInit, pid: PID, ) -> core::result::Result { use std::process::Command; let server_env = format!("{}", xous_address()); let pid_env = format!("{}", pid); let process_name_env =; let process_key_env = hex::encode(&init.key.0); let (shell, args) = if cfg!(windows) { ("cmd", ["/C", &args.command]) } else if cfg!(unix) { ("sh", ["-c", &args.command]) } else { panic!("unrecognized platform -- don't know how to shell out"); }; // println!("Launching process..."); Command::new(shell) .args(&args) .env("XOUS_SERVER", server_env) .env("XOUS_PID", pid_env) .env("XOUS_PROCESS_NAME", process_name_env) .env("XOUS_PROCESS_KEY", process_key_env) .spawn() .map(ProcessHandle) .map_err(|_| { // eprintln!("couldn't start command: {}", e); crate::Error::InternalError }) } pub fn wait_process(mut joiner: ProcessHandle) -> crate::SysCallResult { joiner .0 .wait() .or(Err(crate::Error::InternalError)) .and_then(|e| { if e.success() { Ok(crate::Result::Ok) } else { Err(crate::Error::UnknownError) } }) } pub struct WaitHandle(std::thread::JoinHandle); #[derive(Clone)] struct ServerConnection { send: Arc>, recv: Arc>, mailbox: Arc>>, } pub fn thread_to_args(call: usize, _init: &ThreadInit) -> [usize; 8] { [call, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] } pub fn process_to_args(call: usize, init: &ProcessInit) -> [usize; 8] { [ call, u32::from_le_bytes(init.key.0[0..4].try_into().unwrap()) as _, u32::from_le_bytes(init.key.0[4..8].try_into().unwrap()) as _, u32::from_le_bytes(init.key.0[8..12].try_into().unwrap()) as _, u32::from_le_bytes(init.key.0[12..16].try_into().unwrap()) as _, 0, 0, 0, ] } pub fn args_to_thread( _a1: usize, _a2: usize, _a3: usize, _a4: usize, _a5: usize, _a6: usize, _a7: usize, ) -> core::result::Result { Ok(ThreadInit {}) } pub fn args_to_process( a1: usize, a2: usize, a3: usize, a4: usize, _a5: usize, _a6: usize, _a7: usize, ) -> core::result::Result { let mut v = vec![]; v.extend_from_slice(&(a1 as u32).to_le_bytes()); v.extend_from_slice(&(a2 as u32).to_le_bytes()); v.extend_from_slice(&(a3 as u32).to_le_bytes()); v.extend_from_slice(&(a4 as u32).to_le_bytes()); let mut key = [0u8; 16]; key.copy_from_slice(&v); Ok(ProcessInit { key: ProcessKey(key), }) } thread_local!(static NETWORK_CONNECT_ADDRESS: RefCell> = RefCell::new(None)); thread_local!(static XOUS_SERVER_CONNECTION: RefCell> = RefCell::new(None)); thread_local!(static THREAD_ID: RefCell = RefCell::new(1)); thread_local!(static PROCESS_ID: RefCell = RefCell::new(PID::new(1).unwrap())); thread_local!(static PROCESS_KEY: RefCell> = RefCell::new(None)); thread_local!(static CALL_FOR_THREAD: RefCell>>> = RefCell::new(Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())))); fn default_xous_address() -> SocketAddr { std::env::var("XOUS_SERVER") .map(|s| { s.to_socket_addrs() .expect("invalid server address") .next() .expect("unable to resolve server address") }) .unwrap_or_else(|_| SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), 0)) } fn default_process_key() -> ProcessKey { std::env::var("XOUS_PROCESS_KEY") .map(|s| { let mut base = ProcessKey([0u8; 16]); hex::decode_to_slice(s, &mut base.0).unwrap(); base }) .unwrap_or(ProcessKey([0u8; 16])) } pub fn set_process_key(new_key: &[u8; 16]) { PROCESS_KEY.with(|pk| *pk.borrow_mut() = Some(ProcessKey(*new_key))); } /// Set the network address for this particular thread. pub fn set_xous_address(new_address: SocketAddr) { NETWORK_CONNECT_ADDRESS.with(|nca| { let mut address = nca.borrow_mut(); *address = Some(new_address); XOUS_SERVER_CONNECTION.with(|xsc| *xsc.borrow_mut() = None); }); } /// Get the network address for this particular thread. fn xous_address() -> SocketAddr { NETWORK_CONNECT_ADDRESS .with(|nca| *nca.borrow()) .unwrap_or_else(default_xous_address) } pub fn create_thread_simple_pre( _f: &fn(T) -> U, _arg: &T, ) -> core::result::Result where T: Send + 'static, U: Send + 'static, { Ok(ThreadInit {}) } pub fn create_thread_simple_post( f: fn(T) -> U, arg: T, thread_id: TID, ) -> core::result::Result, crate::Error> where T: Send + 'static, U: Send + 'static, { create_thread_post(move || f(arg), thread_id) } pub fn create_thread_pre(_f: &F) -> core::result::Result where F: FnOnce() -> T, F: Send + 'static, T: Send + 'static, { Ok(ThreadInit {}) } pub fn create_thread_post( f: F, thread_id: TID, ) -> core::result::Result, crate::Error> where F: FnOnce() -> U, F: Send + 'static, U: Send + 'static, { let server_address = xous_address(); let server_connection = XOUS_SERVER_CONNECTION.with(|xsc| xsc.borrow().as_ref().unwrap().clone()); let process_id = PROCESS_ID.with(|pid| *pid.borrow()); let call_for_thread = CALL_FOR_THREAD.with(|cft| cft.borrow().clone()); Ok(std::thread::Builder::new() .spawn(move || { set_xous_address(server_address); THREAD_ID.with(|tid| *tid.borrow_mut() = thread_id); PROCESS_ID.with(|pid| *pid.borrow_mut() = process_id); XOUS_SERVER_CONNECTION.with(|xsc| *xsc.borrow_mut() = Some(server_connection)); CALL_FOR_THREAD.with(|cft| *cft.borrow_mut() = call_for_thread); f() }) .map(WaitHandle) .map_err(|_| crate::Error::InternalError)?) } pub fn wait_thread(joiner: WaitHandle) -> crate::SysCallResult { joiner .0 .join() .map(|_| Result::Ok) .map_err(|_| crate::Error::InternalError) } pub fn ensure_connection() -> core::result::Result<(), crate::Error> { XOUS_SERVER_CONNECTION.with(|xsc| { let mut xsc = xsc.borrow_mut(); if xsc.is_none() { NETWORK_CONNECT_ADDRESS.with(|nca| { let addr = nca.borrow().unwrap_or_else(default_xous_address); let pid1_key = PROCESS_KEY .with(|pk| *pk.borrow()) .unwrap_or_else(default_process_key); match xous_connect_impl(addr, &pid1_key) { Ok(a) => { *xsc = Some(a); Ok(()) } Err(_) => Err(crate::Error::InternalError), } }) } else { Ok(()) } }) } fn xous_connect_impl( addr: SocketAddr, key: &ProcessKey, ) -> core::result::Result { // eprintln!("Opening connection to Xous server @ {} with key {:?}...", addr, key); assert_ne!(&key.0, &[0u8; 16]); match TcpStream::connect(addr) { Ok(mut conn) => { conn.write_all(&key.0).unwrap(); // Send key to authenticate us as PID 1 conn.flush().unwrap(); Ok(ServerConnection { send: Arc::new(Mutex::new(conn.try_clone().unwrap())), recv: Arc::new(Mutex::new(conn)), mailbox: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())), }) } Err(_e) => { // eprintln!("Unable to connect to Xous server: {}", _e); // eprintln!( // "Ensure Xous is running, or specify this process as an argument to the kernel" // ); Err(()) } } } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] #[no_mangle] pub fn _xous_syscall( nr: usize, a1: usize, a2: usize, a3: usize, a4: usize, a5: usize, a6: usize, a7: usize, ret: &mut Result, ) { XOUS_SERVER_CONNECTION.with(|xsc| { THREAD_ID.with(|tid| { let call = crate::SysCall::from_args(nr, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7).unwrap(); { CALL_FOR_THREAD.with(|cft| { let cft_rc = cft.borrow(); let mut cft_mtx = cft_rc.lock().unwrap(); let tid = *tid.borrow(); assert!(cft_mtx.get(&tid).is_none()); cft_mtx.insert(tid, call) }); } let call = crate::SysCall::from_args(nr, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7).unwrap(); let mut xsc_borrowed = xsc.borrow_mut(); let xsc_asmut = xsc_borrowed.as_mut().expect("not connected to server (did you forget to create a thread with xous::create_thread()?)"); loop { _xous_syscall_to( nr, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, &call, &mut xsc_asmut.send.lock().unwrap(), ); _xous_syscall_result(ret, *tid.borrow(), xsc_asmut); if *ret != Result::WouldBlock { return; } std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(50)); } }) }); } fn _xous_syscall_result(ret: &mut Result, thread_id: TID, server_connection: &ServerConnection) { // Check to see if this thread id has an entry in the mailbox already. // This will block until the hashmap is free. { let mut mailbox = server_connection.mailbox.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(entry) = mailbox.get(&thread_id) { if &Result::BlockedProcess != entry { *ret = mailbox.remove(&thread_id).unwrap(); return; } } } // Receive the packet back loop { // Now that we have the Stream mutex, temporarily take the Mailbox mutex to see if // this thread ID is there. If it is, there's no need to read via the network. // Note that the mailbox mutex is released if it isn't found. { let mut mailbox = server_connection.mailbox.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(entry) = mailbox.get(&thread_id) { if &Result::BlockedProcess != entry { *ret = mailbox.remove(&thread_id).unwrap(); return; } } } let mut stream = match server_connection.recv.try_lock() { Ok(lk) => lk, Err(std::sync::TryLockError::WouldBlock) => { std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(10)); continue; } Err(e) => panic!("Receive error: {}", e), }; // One more check, in case something came in while we waited for the receiver above. { let mut mailbox = server_connection.mailbox.lock().unwrap(); if let Some(entry) = mailbox.get(&thread_id) { if &Result::BlockedProcess != entry { *ret = mailbox.remove(&thread_id).unwrap(); return; } } } // This thread_id doesn't exist in the mailbox, so read additional data. let mut pkt = [0usize; 8]; let mut raw_bytes = [0u8; size_of::() * 9]; if let Err(e) = stream.read_exact(&mut raw_bytes) { eprintln!("Server shut down: {}", e); std::process::exit(0); } let mut raw_bytes_chunks = raw_bytes.chunks(size_of::()); // Read the Thread ID, which comes across first, followed by the 8 words of // the message data. let msg_thread_id = usize::from_le_bytes(; for (pkt_word, word) in pkt.iter_mut().zip(raw_bytes_chunks) { *pkt_word = usize::from_le_bytes(word.try_into().unwrap()); } let mut response = Result::from_args(pkt); // If we got a `WouldBlock`, then we need to retry the whole call // again. Return and retry. if response == Result::WouldBlock { // If the incoming message was for this thread, return it directly. if msg_thread_id == thread_id { *ret = response; return; } // Otherwise, add it to the mailbox and try again. let mut mailbox = server_connection.mailbox.lock().unwrap(); mailbox.insert(msg_thread_id, response); continue; } if response == Result::BlockedProcess { // println!(" Waiting again"); continue; } // Determine if this thread will have a memory packet following it. let call = CALL_FOR_THREAD.with(|cft| { let cft_borrowed = cft.borrow(); let mut cft_mtx = cft_borrowed.lock().unwrap(); cft_mtx .remove(&msg_thread_id) .expect("thread didn't declare whether it has data") }); // If the client is passing us memory, remap the array to our own space. if let Result::Message(msg) = &mut response { match &mut msg.body { crate::Message::Move(ref mut memory_message) | crate::Message::Borrow(ref mut memory_message) | crate::Message::MutableBorrow(ref mut memory_message) => { let data = vec![0u8; memory_message.buf.len()]; let mut data = std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(data); if let Err(e) = stream.read_exact(&mut data) { eprintln!("Server shut down: {}", e); std::process::exit(0); } let len = data.len(); let addr = data.as_mut_ptr(); memory_message.buf.addr = crate::MemoryAddress::new(addr as _).unwrap(); memory_message.buf.size = crate::MemorySize::new(len).unwrap(); } _ => (), } } // If the original call contained memory, then ensure the memory we get back is correct. if let Some(mem) = call.memory() { if call.is_borrow() || call.is_mutableborrow() { // Read the buffer back from the remote host. use core::slice; let mut data = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(mem.as_mut_ptr(), mem.len()) }; // If it's a Borrow, verify the contents haven't changed. let previous_data = if call.is_borrow() { Some(data.to_vec()) } else { None }; if let Err(e) = stream.read_exact(&mut data) { eprintln!("Server shut down: {}", e); std::process::exit(0); } // If it is an immutable borrow, verify the contents haven't changed somehow if let Some(previous_data) = previous_data { assert_eq!(data, previous_data.as_slice()); } } if call.is_move() { // In a hosted environment, the message contents are leaked when // it gets converted into a MemoryMessage. Now that the call is // complete, free the memory. mem::unmap_memory_post(mem).unwrap(); } // If we're returning memory to the Server, then reconstitute the buffer we just passed, // and Drop it so it can be freed. if call.is_return_memory() { let rebuilt = unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(mem.as_mut_ptr(), mem.len(), mem.len()) }; drop(rebuilt); } } // Now that we have the Stream mutex, temporarily take the Mailbox mutex to see if // this thread ID is there. If it is, there's no need to read via the network. // Note that the mailbox mutex is released if it isn't found. { // If the incoming message was for this thread, return it directly. if msg_thread_id == thread_id { *ret = response; return; } // Otherwise, add it to the mailbox and try again. let mut mailbox = server_connection.mailbox.lock().unwrap(); mailbox.insert(msg_thread_id, response); } } } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] #[no_mangle] fn _xous_syscall_to( nr: usize, a1: usize, a2: usize, a3: usize, a4: usize, a5: usize, a6: usize, a7: usize, call: &crate::SysCall, xsc: &mut TcpStream, ) { // println!( // "Making Syscall: {:?}", // crate::SysCall::from_args(nr, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7).unwrap() // ); // Send the packet to the server let mut pkt = vec![]; THREAD_ID.with(|tid| pkt.extend_from_slice(&tid.borrow().to_le_bytes())); for word in &[nr, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7] { pkt.extend_from_slice(&word.to_le_bytes()); } // Also send memory, if it's present. if let Some(memory) = call.memory() { use core::slice; let data: &[u8] = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(memory.as_ptr(), memory.len()) }; pkt.extend_from_slice(data); } if let Err(e) = xsc.write_all(&pkt) { eprintln!("Server shut down: {}", e); std::process::exit(0); } xsc.flush().unwrap(); }