2019-06-16 08:39:06 -07:00
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<h2>Fomu: an FPGA in your USB Port</h2>
<img src="img/tomu-fomu-case-superwide.jpg">
Fomu (with case): an FPGA in your USB port. Crowdfunding now! One week to go. <a href="https://t.xobs.io/fomu">t.xobs.io/fomu</a>
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<h1>Fomu: An FPGA in your USB Port</h1>
<h4>A whirlwind introduction to Fomu and FPGAs</h4>
<p align="right">
<small>Sean Cross - <a href="https://xobs.io/">https://xobs.io/</a> - @xobs</small>
<li>What is an FPGA?</li>
<li>What is Fomu?</li>
<li>What is this PCB?</li>
<li>Modifications made</li>
<li>Differences to final PCB</li>
<li>Levels of Fomu</li>
<li>Python / Interpreted</li>
<li>Verilog / FPGA</li>
2019-06-16 10:15:06 -07:00
<li>Fomu Firmware Layout</li>
<li>Magic constants</li>
2019-06-16 08:39:06 -07:00
<li>Loading firmware onto Fomu</li>
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