hathach df71d3444d follow #1
seperate files from latest SDK (currently 14.2.0) from good old non-
secure bootloader sdk 11
2018-04-05 00:35:08 +07:00

153 lines
11 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2013 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
* The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
* Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
* Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
* WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
* the file.
#include "bootloader_util.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
* @brief Function for aborting current application/bootloader jump to to other app/bootloader.
* @details This functions will use the address provide to swap the stack pointer and then load
* the address of the reset handler to be executed. It will check current system mode
* (thread/handler) and if in thread mode it will reset into other application.
* If in handler mode \ref isr_abort will be executed to ensure correct exit of handler
* mode and jump into reset handler of other application.
* @param[in] start_addr Start address of other application. This address must point to the
initial stack pointer of the application.
* @note This function will never return but issue a reset into provided application.
#if defined ( __CC_ARM )
__asm static void bootloader_util_reset(uint32_t start_addr)
LDR R5, [R0] ; Get App initial MSP for bootloader.
MSR MSP, R5 ; Set the main stack pointer to the applications MSP.
LDR R0, [R0, #0x04] ; Load Reset handler into R0. This will be first argument to branch instruction (BX).
MOVS R4, #0xFF ; Load ones to R4.
SXTB R4, R4 ; Sign extend R4 to obtain 0xFFFFFFFF instead of 0xFF.
MRS R5, IPSR ; Load IPSR to R5 to check for handler or thread mode.
CMP R5, #0x00 ; Compare, if 0 then we are in thread mode and can continue to reset handler of bootloader.
BNE isr_abort ; If not zero we need to exit current ISR and jump to reset handler of bootloader.
MOV LR, R4 ; Clear the link register and set to ones to ensure no return, R4 = 0xFFFFFFFF.
BX R0 ; Branch to reset handler of bootloader.
; R4 contains ones from line above. Will be popped as R12 when exiting ISR (Cleaning up the registers).
MOV R5, R4 ; Fill with ones before jumping to reset handling. We be popped as LR when exiting ISR. Ensures no return to application.
MOV R6, R0 ; Move address of reset handler to R6. Will be popped as PC when exiting ISR. Ensures the reset handler will be executed when exist ISR.
MOVS r7, #0x21 ; Move MSB reset value of xPSR to R7. Will be popped as xPSR when exiting ISR. xPSR is 0x21000000 thus MSB is 0x21.
REV r7, r7 ; Reverse byte order to put 0x21 as MSB.
PUSH {r4-r7} ; Push everything to new stack to allow interrupt handler to fetch it on exiting the ISR.
MOVS R4, #0x00 ; Fill with zeros before jumping to reset handling. We be popped as R0 when exiting ISR (Cleaning up of the registers).
MOVS R5, #0x00 ; Fill with zeros before jumping to reset handling. We be popped as R1 when exiting ISR (Cleaning up of the registers).
MOVS R6, #0x00 ; Fill with zeros before jumping to reset handling. We be popped as R2 when exiting ISR (Cleaning up of the registers).
MOVS R7, #0x00 ; Fill with zeros before jumping to reset handling. We be popped as R3 when exiting ISR (Cleaning up of the registers).
PUSH {r4-r7} ; Push zeros (R4-R7) to stack to prepare for exiting the interrupt routine.
MOVS R0, #0xF9 ; Move the execution return command into register, 0xFFFFFFF9.
SXTB R0, R0 ; Sign extend R0 to obtain 0xFFFFFFF9 instead of 0xF9.
BX R0 ; No return - Handler mode will be exited. Stack will be popped and execution will continue in reset handler initializing other application.
#elif defined ( __GNUC__ )
static inline void bootloader_util_reset(uint32_t start_addr)
__asm volatile(
"ldr r0, [%0]\t\n" // Get App initial MSP for bootloader.
"msr msp, r0\t\n" // Set the main stack pointer to the applications MSP.
"ldr r0, [%0, #0x04]\t\n" // Load Reset handler into R0.
"movs r4, #0xFF\t\n" // Move ones to R4.
"sxtb r4, r4\t\n" // Sign extend R4 to obtain 0xFFFFFFFF instead of 0xFF.
"mrs r5, IPSR\t\n" // Load IPSR to R5 to check for handler or thread mode.
"cmp r5, #0x00\t\n" // Compare, if 0 then we are in thread mode and can continue to reset handler of bootloader.
"bne isr_abort\t\n" // If not zero we need to exit current ISR and jump to reset handler of bootloader.
"mov lr, r4\t\n" // Clear the link register and set to ones to ensure no return.
"bx r0\t\n" // Branch to reset handler of bootloader.
"isr_abort: \t\n"
"mov r5, r4\t\n" // Fill with ones before jumping to reset handling. Will be popped as LR when exiting ISR. Ensures no return to application.
"mov r6, r0\t\n" // Move address of reset handler to R6. Will be popped as PC when exiting ISR. Ensures the reset handler will be executed when exist ISR.
"movs r7, #0x21\t\n" // Move MSB reset value of xPSR to R7. Will be popped as xPSR when exiting ISR. xPSR is 0x21000000 thus MSB is 0x21.
"rev r7, r7\t\n" // Reverse byte order to put 0x21 as MSB.
"push {r4-r7}\t\n" // Push everything to new stack to allow interrupt handler to fetch it on exiting the ISR.
"movs r4, #0x00\t\n" // Fill with zeros before jumping to reset handling. We be popped as R0 when exiting ISR (Cleaning up of the registers).
"movs r5, #0x00\t\n" // Fill with zeros before jumping to reset handling. We be popped as R1 when exiting ISR (Cleaning up of the registers).
"movs r6, #0x00\t\n" // Fill with zeros before jumping to reset handling. We be popped as R2 when exiting ISR (Cleaning up of the registers).
"movs r7, #0x00\t\n" // Fill with zeros before jumping to reset handling. We be popped as R3 when exiting ISR (Cleaning up of the registers).
"push {r4-r7}\t\n" // Push zeros (R4-R7) to stack to prepare for exiting the interrupt routine.
"movs r0, #0xF9\t\n" // Move the execution return command into register, 0xFFFFFFF9.
"sxtb r0, r0\t\n" // Sign extend R0 to obtain 0xFFFFFFF9 instead of 0xF9.
"bx r0\t\n" // No return - Handler mode will be exited. Stack will be popped and execution will continue in reset handler initializing other application.
:: "r" (start_addr) // Argument list for the gcc assembly. start_addr is %0.
: "r0", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7" // List of register maintained manually.
#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
static inline void bootloader_util_reset(uint32_t start_addr)
asm("ldr r5, [%0]\n" // Get App initial MSP for bootloader.
"msr msp, r5\n" // Set the main stack pointer to the applications MSP.
"ldr r0, [%0, #0x04]\n" // Load Reset handler into R0.
"movs r4, #0x00\n" // Load zero into R4.
"mvns r4, r4\n" // Invert R4 to ensure it contain ones.
"mrs r5, IPSR\n" // Load IPSR to R5 to check for handler or thread mode
"cmp r5, #0x00\n" // Compare, if 0 then we are in thread mode and can continue to reset handler of bootloader.
"bne.n isr_abort\n" // If not zero we need to exit current ISR and jump to reset handler of bootloader.
"mov lr, r4\n" // Clear the link register and set to ones to ensure no return.
"bx r0\n" // Branch to reset handler of bootloader.
"isr_abort: \n"
// R4 contains ones from line above. We be popped as R12 when exiting ISR (Cleaning up the registers).
"mov r5, r4\n" // Fill with ones before jumping to reset handling. Will be popped as LR when exiting ISR. Ensures no return to application.
"mov r6, r0\n" // Move address of reset handler to R6. Will be popped as PC when exiting ISR. Ensures the reset handler will be executed when exist ISR.
"movs r7, #0x21\n" // Move MSB reset value of xPSR to R7. Will be popped as xPSR when exiting ISR. xPSR is 0x21000000 thus MSB is 0x21.
"rev r7, r7\n" // Reverse byte order to put 0x21 as MSB.
"push {r4-r7}\n" // Push everything to new stack to allow interrupt handler to fetch it on exiting the ISR.
"movs r4, #0x00\n" // Fill with zeros before jumping to reset handling. We be popped as R0 when exiting ISR (Cleaning up of the registers).
"movs r5, #0x00\n" // Fill with zeros before jumping to reset handling. We be popped as R1 when exiting ISR (Cleaning up of the registers).
"movs r6, #0x00\n" // Fill with zeros before jumping to reset handling. We be popped as R2 when exiting ISR (Cleaning up of the registers).
"movs r7, #0x00\n" // Fill with zeros before jumping to reset handling. We be popped as R3 when exiting ISR (Cleaning up of the registers).
"push {r4-r7}\n" // Push zeros (R4-R7) to stack to prepare for exiting the interrupt routine.
"movs r0, #0x06\n" // Load 0x06 into R6 to prepare for exec return command.
"mvns r0, r0\n" // Invert 0x06 to obtain EXEC_RETURN, 0xFFFFFFF9.
"bx r0\n" // No return - Handler mode will be exited. Stack will be popped and execution will continue in reset handler initializing other application.
:: "r" (start_addr) // Argument list for the IAR assembly. start_addr is %0.
: "r0", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7"); // List of register maintained manually.
#error Compiler not supported.
void bootloader_util_app_start(uint32_t start_addr)