2018-02-07 23:32:49 +07:00

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/* Copyright (c) 2012 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
* The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
* Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
* Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
* WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
* the file.
/** @file
* @defgroup ble_sdk_lib_advdata Advertising and Scan Response Data Encoder
* @{
* @ingroup ble_sdk_lib
* @brief Functions for encoding data in the Advertising and Scan Response Data format,
* and for passing the data to the stack.
#ifndef BLE_ADVDATA_H__
#define BLE_ADVDATA_H__
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ble.h"
#include "app_util.h"
#define ADV_LENGTH_FIELD_SIZE 1UL /**< Advertising Data and Scan Response format contains 1 octet for the length. */
#define ADV_AD_TYPE_FIELD_SIZE 1UL /**< Advertising Data and Scan Response format contains 1 octet for the AD type. */
ADV_AD_TYPE_FIELD_SIZE) /**< Offset for the AD data field of the Advertising Data and Scan Response format. */
#define AD_TYPE_TK_VALUE_DATA_SIZE (sizeof(ble_advdata_tk_value_t)) /**< Data size (in octets) of the Security Manager TK value AD type. */
AD_TYPE_TK_VALUE_DATA_SIZE) /**< Size (in octets) of the Security Manager TK value AD type. */
#define AD_TYPE_LE_ROLE_DATA_SIZE 1UL /**< Data size (in octets) of the LE Bluetooth Device Address AD type. */
AD_TYPE_LE_ROLE_DATA_SIZE) /**< Size (in octets) of the LE Bluetooth Device Address AD type. */
#define AD_TYPE_BLE_DEVICE_ADDR_TYPE_SIZE 1UL /**< Data size (in octets) of the Address type of the LE Bluetooth Device Address AD type. */
AD_TYPE_BLE_DEVICE_ADDR_TYPE_SIZE) /**< Data size (in octets) of the LE Bluetooth Device Address AD type. */
AD_TYPE_BLE_DEVICE_ADDR_DATA_SIZE) /**< Size (in octets) of the LE Bluetooth Device Address AD type. */
#define AD_TYPE_APPEARANCE_DATA_SIZE 2UL /**< Data size (in octets) of the Appearance AD type. */
AD_TYPE_APPEARANCE_DATA_SIZE) /**< Size (in octets) of the Appearance AD type. */
#define AD_TYPE_FLAGS_DATA_SIZE 1UL /**< Data size (in octets) of the Flags AD type. */
AD_TYPE_FLAGS_DATA_SIZE) /**< Size (in octets) of the Flags AD type. */
#define AD_TYPE_TX_POWER_LEVEL_DATA_SIZE 1UL /**< Data size (in octets) of the TX Power Level AD type. */
AD_TYPE_TX_POWER_LEVEL_DATA_SIZE) /**< Size (in octets) of the TX Power Level AD type. */
#define AD_TYPE_CONN_INT_DATA_SIZE 4UL /**< Data size (in octets) of the Slave Connection Interval Range AD type. */
AD_TYPE_CONN_INT_DATA_SIZE) /**< Data size (in octets) of the Slave Connection Interval Range AD type. */
#define AD_TYPE_MANUF_SPEC_DATA_ID_SIZE 2UL /**< Size (in octets) of the Company Identifier Code, which is a part of the Manufacturer Specific Data AD type. */
#define AD_TYPE_SERV_DATA_16BIT_UUID_SIZE 2UL /**< Size (in octets) of the 16-bit UUID, which is a part of the Service Data AD type. */
#define AD_TYPE_OOB_FLAGS_DATA_SIZE 1UL /**< Data size (in octets) of the Security Manager OOB Flags AD type. */
AD_TYPE_OOB_FLAGS_DATA_SIZE) /**< Size (in octets) of the Security Manager OOB Flags AD type. */
#define AD_TYPE_SEC_MGR_OOB_FLAG_SET 1U /**< Security Manager OOB Flag set. Flag selection is done using _POS defines */
#define AD_TYPE_SEC_MGR_OOB_FLAG_CLEAR 0U /**< Security Manager OOB Flag clear. Flag selection is done using _POS defines */
#define AD_TYPE_SEC_MGR_OOB_FLAG_OOB_DATA_PRESENT_POS 0UL /**< Security Manager OOB Data Present Flag position. */
#define AD_TYPE_SEC_MGR_OOB_FLAG_OOB_LE_SUPPORTED_POS 1UL /**< Security Manager OOB Low Energy Supported Flag position. */
#define AD_TYPE_SEC_MGR_OOB_FLAG_SIM_LE_AND_EP_POS 2UL /**< Security Manager OOB Simultaneous LE and BR/EDR to Same Device Capable Flag position. */
#define AD_TYPE_SEC_MGR_OOB_ADDRESS_TYPE_PUBLIC 0UL /**< Security Manager OOB Public Address type. */
#define AD_TYPE_SEC_MGR_OOB_ADDRESS_TYPE_RANDOM 1UL /**< Security Manager OOB Random Address type. */
#define AD_TYPE_SEC_MGR_OOB_FLAG_ADDRESS_TYPE_POS 3UL /**< Security Manager OOB Address type Flag (0 = Public Address, 1 = Random Address) position. */
/**@brief Security Manager TK value. */
typedef struct
uint8_t tk[BLE_GAP_SEC_KEY_LEN]; /**< Array containing TK value. */
} ble_advdata_tk_value_t;
/**@brief Advertising data LE Role types. This enumeration contains the options available for the LE role inside
* the advertising data. */
typedef enum
BLE_ADVDATA_ROLE_NOT_PRESENT = 0, /**< LE Role AD structure not present. */
BLE_ADVDATA_ROLE_ONLY_PERIPH, /**< Only Peripheral Role supported. */
BLE_ADVDATA_ROLE_ONLY_CENTRAL, /**< Only Central Role supported. */
BLE_ADVDATA_ROLE_BOTH_PERIPH_PREFERRED, /**< Peripheral and Central Role supported. Peripheral Role preferred for connection establishment. */
BLE_ADVDATA_ROLE_BOTH_CENTRAL_PREFERRED /**< Peripheral and Central Role supported. Central Role preferred for connection establishment */
} ble_advdata_le_role_t;
/**@brief Advertising data name type. This enumeration contains the options available for the device name inside
* the advertising data. */
typedef enum
BLE_ADVDATA_NO_NAME, /**< Include no device name in advertising data. */
BLE_ADVDATA_SHORT_NAME, /**< Include short device name in advertising data. */
BLE_ADVDATA_FULL_NAME /**< Include full device name in advertising data. */
} ble_advdata_name_type_t;
/**@brief UUID list type. */
typedef struct
uint16_t uuid_cnt; /**< Number of UUID entries. */
ble_uuid_t * p_uuids; /**< Pointer to UUID array entries. */
} ble_advdata_uuid_list_t;
/**@brief Connection interval range structure. */
typedef struct
uint16_t min_conn_interval; /**< Minimum connection interval, in units of 1.25 ms, range 6 to 3200 (7.5 ms to 4 s). */
uint16_t max_conn_interval; /**< Maximum connection interval, in units of 1.25 ms, range 6 to 3200 (7.5 ms to 4 s). The value 0xFFFF indicates no specific maximum. */
} ble_advdata_conn_int_t;
/**@brief Manufacturer specific data structure. */
typedef struct
uint16_t company_identifier; /**< Company identifier code. */
uint8_array_t data; /**< Additional manufacturer specific data. */
} ble_advdata_manuf_data_t;
/**@brief Service data structure. */
typedef struct
uint16_t service_uuid; /**< Service UUID. */
uint8_array_t data; /**< Additional service data. */
} ble_advdata_service_data_t;
/**@brief Advertising data structure. This structure contains all options and data needed for encoding and
* setting the advertising data. */
typedef struct
ble_advdata_name_type_t name_type; /**< Type of device name. */
uint8_t short_name_len; /**< Length of short device name (if short type is specified). */
bool include_appearance; /**< Determines if Appearance shall be included. */
uint8_t flags; /**< Advertising data Flags field. */
int8_t * p_tx_power_level; /**< TX Power Level field. */
ble_advdata_uuid_list_t uuids_more_available; /**< List of UUIDs in the 'More Available' list. */
ble_advdata_uuid_list_t uuids_complete; /**< List of UUIDs in the 'Complete' list. */
ble_advdata_uuid_list_t uuids_solicited; /**< List of solicited UUIDs. */
ble_advdata_conn_int_t * p_slave_conn_int; /**< Slave Connection Interval Range. */
ble_advdata_manuf_data_t * p_manuf_specific_data; /**< Manufacturer specific data. */
ble_advdata_service_data_t * p_service_data_array; /**< Array of Service data structures. */
uint8_t service_data_count; /**< Number of Service data structures. */
bool include_ble_device_addr; /**< Determines if LE Bluetooth Device Address shall be included. */
ble_advdata_le_role_t le_role; /**< LE Role field. Included when different from @ref BLE_ADVDATA_ROLE_NOT_PRESENT. @warning This field can be used only for NFC. For BLE advertising, set it to NULL. */
ble_advdata_tk_value_t * p_tk_value; /**< Security Manager TK value field. Included when different from NULL. @warning This field can be used only for NFC. For BLE advertising, set it to NULL.*/
uint8_t * p_sec_mgr_oob_flags; /**< Security Manager Out Of Band Flags field. Included when different from NULL. @warning This field can be used only for NFC. For BLE advertising, set it to NULL.*/
} ble_advdata_t;
/**@brief Function for encoding data in the Advertising and Scan Response data format
* (AD structures).
* @details This function encodes data into the Advertising and Scan Response data format
* (AD structures) based on the selections in the supplied structures. This function can be used to
* create a payload of Advertising packet or Scan Response packet, or a payload of NFC
* message intended for initiating the Out-of-Band pairing.
* @param[in] p_advdata Pointer to the structure for specifying the content of encoded data.
* @param[out] p_encoded_data Pointer to the buffer where encoded data will be returned.
* @param[in,out] p_len \c in: Size of \p p_encoded_data buffer.
* \c out: Length of encoded data.
* @retval NRF_SUCCESS If the operation was successful.
* @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM If the operation failed because a wrong parameter was provided in \p p_advdata.
* @retval NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE If the operation failed because not all the requested data could fit into the
* provided buffer or some encoded AD structure is too long and its
* length cannot be encoded with one octet.
* @warning This API may override the application's request to use the long name and use a short name
* instead. This truncation will occur in case the long name does not fit the provided buffer size.
* The application can specify a preferred short name length if truncation is required.
* For example, if the complete device name is ABCD_HRMonitor, the application can specify the short name
* length to be 8, so that the short device name appears as ABCD_HRM instead of ABCD_HRMo or ABCD_HRMoni
* if the available size for the short name is 9 or 12 respectively, to have a more appropriate short name.
* However, it should be noted that this is just a preference that the application can specify, and
* if the preference is too large to fit in the provided buffer, the name can be truncated further.
uint32_t adv_data_encode(ble_advdata_t const * const p_advdata,
uint8_t * const p_encoded_data,
uint16_t * const p_len);
/**@brief Function for encoding and setting the advertising data and/or scan response data.
* @details This function encodes advertising data and/or scan response data based on the selections
* in the supplied structures, and passes the encoded data to the stack.
* @param[in] p_advdata Structure for specifying the content of the advertising data.
* Set to NULL if advertising data is not to be set.
* @param[in] p_srdata Structure for specifying the content of the scan response data.
* Set to NULL if scan response data is not to be set.
* @retval NRF_SUCCESS If the operation was successful.
* @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM If the operation failed because a wrong parameter was provided in \p p_advdata.
* @retval NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE If the operation failed because not all the requested data could fit into the
* advertising packet. The maximum size of the advertisement packet
* @warning This API may override the application's request to use the long name and use a short name
* instead. This truncation will occur in case the long name does not fit the provided buffer size.
* The application can specify a preferred short name length if truncation is required.
* For example, if the complete device name is ABCD_HRMonitor, the application can specify the short name
* length to be 8, so that the short device name appears as ABCD_HRM instead of ABCD_HRMo or ABCD_HRMoni
* if the available size for the short name is 9 or 12 respectively, to have a more appropriate short name.
* However, it should be noted that this is just a preference that the application can specify, and
* if the preference is too large to fit in the provided buffer, the name can be truncated further.
uint32_t ble_advdata_set(const ble_advdata_t * p_advdata, const ble_advdata_t * p_srdata);
#endif // BLE_ADVDATA_H__
/** @} */