2018-02-07 23:32:49 +07:00

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/* Copyright (c) 2014 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
* The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
* Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
* Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
* WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
* the file.
#include "dfu_ble_svc.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "nrf_error.h"
#include "crc16.h"
#if defined ( __CC_ARM )
static dfu_ble_peer_data_t m_peer_data __attribute__((section("NoInit"), zero_init)); /**< This variable should be placed in a non initialized RAM section in order to be valid upon soft reset from application into bootloader. */
static uint16_t m_peer_data_crc __attribute__((section("NoInit"), zero_init)); /**< CRC variable to ensure the integrity of the peer data provided. */
#elif defined ( __GNUC__ )
__attribute__((section(".noinit"))) static dfu_ble_peer_data_t m_peer_data; /**< This variable should be placed in a non initialized RAM section in order to be valid upon soft reset from application into bootloader. */
__attribute__((section(".noinit"))) static uint16_t m_peer_data_crc; /**< CRC variable to ensure the integrity of the peer data provided. */
#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
__no_init static dfu_ble_peer_data_t m_peer_data @ 0x20003F80; /**< This variable should be placed in a non initialized RAM section in order to be valid upon soft reset from application into bootloader. */
__no_init static uint16_t m_peer_data_crc @ 0x20003F80 + sizeof(dfu_ble_peer_data_t); /**< CRC variable to ensure the integrity of the peer data provided. */
/**@brief Function for setting the peer data from application in bootloader before reset.
* @param[in] p_peer_data Pointer to the peer data containing keys for the connection.
* @retval NRF_SUCCES The data was set succesfully.
* @retval NRF_ERROR_NULL If a null pointer was passed as argument.
static uint32_t dfu_ble_peer_data_set(dfu_ble_peer_data_t * p_peer_data)
if (p_peer_data == NULL)
uint32_t src = (uint32_t)p_peer_data;
uint32_t dst = (uint32_t)&m_peer_data;
// Calculating length in order to check if destination is residing inside source.
// Source inside the the destination (calculation underflow) is safe a source is read before
// written to destination so that when destination grows into source, the source data is no
// longer needed.
uint32_t len = dst - src;
if (src == dst)
// Do nothing as source and destination are identical, just calculate crc below.
else if (len < sizeof(dfu_ble_peer_data_t))
uint32_t i = 0;
dst += sizeof(dfu_ble_peer_data_t);
src += sizeof(dfu_ble_peer_data_t);
// Copy byte wise backwards when facing overlapping structures.
while (i++ <= sizeof(dfu_ble_peer_data_t))
*((uint8_t *)dst--) = *((uint8_t *)src--);
memcpy((void *)dst, (void *)src, sizeof(dfu_ble_peer_data_t));
m_peer_data_crc = crc16_compute((uint8_t *)&m_peer_data, sizeof(m_peer_data), NULL);
/**@brief Function for handling second stage of SuperVisor Calls (SVC).
* @details The function will use svc_num to call the corresponding SVC function.
* @param[in] svc_num SVC number for function to be executed
* @param[in] p_svc_args Argument list for the SVC.
* @return This function returns the error value of the SVC return. For further details, please
* refer to the details of the SVC implementation itself.
* @ref NRF_ERROR_SVC_HANDLER_MISSING is returned if no SVC handler is implemented for the
* provided svc_num.
void C_SVC_Handler(uint8_t svc_num, uint32_t * p_svc_args)
switch (svc_num)
p_svc_args[0] = dfu_ble_peer_data_set((dfu_ble_peer_data_t *)p_svc_args[0]);
/**@brief Function for handling the first stage of SuperVisor Calls (SVC) in assembly.
* @details The function will use the link register (LR) to determine the stack (PSP or MSP) to be
* used and then decode the SVC number afterwards. After decoding the SVC number then
* @ref C_SVC_Handler is called for further processing of the SVC.
#if defined ( __CC_ARM )
__asm void SVC_Handler(void)
EXC_RETURN_CMD_PSP EQU 0xFFFFFFFD ; EXC_RETURN using PSP for ARM Cortex. If Link register contains this value it indicates the PSP was used before the SVC, otherwise the MSP was used.
LDR R0, =EXC_RETURN_CMD_PSP ; Load the EXC_RETURN into R0 to be able to compare against LR to determine stack pointer used.
CMP R0, LR ; Compare the link register with R0. If equal then PSP was used, otherwise MSP was used before SVC.
BNE UseMSP ; Branch to code fetching SVC arguments using MSP.
MRS R1, PSP ; Move PSP into R1.
B Call_C_SVC_Handler ; Branch to Call_C_SVC_Handler below.
MRS R1, MSP ; MSP was used, therefore Move MSP into R1.
LDR R0, [R1, #24] ; The arguments for the SVC was stacked. R1 contains Stack Pointer, the values stacked before SVC are R0, R1, R2, R3, R12, LR, PC (Return address), xPSR.
; R1 contains current SP so the PC of the stacked frame is at SP + 6 words (24 bytes). We load the PC into R0.
SUBS R0, #2 ; The PC before the SVC is in R0. We subtract 2 to get the address prior to the instruction executed where the SVC number is located.
LDRB R0, [R0] ; SVC instruction low octet: Load the byte at the address before the PC to fetch the SVC number.
LDR R2, =C_SVC_Handler ; Load address of C implementation of SVC handler.
BX R2 ; Branch to C implementation of SVC handler. R0 is now the SVC number, R1 is the StackPointer where the arguments (R0-R3) of the original SVC are located.
#elif defined ( __GNUC__ )
void __attribute__ (( naked )) SVC_Handler(void)
const uint32_t exc_return = 0xFFFFFFFD; // EXC_RETURN using PSP for ARM Cortex. If Link register contains this value it indicates the PSP was used before the SVC, otherwise the MSP was used.
__asm volatile(
"cmp lr, %0\t\n" // Compare the link register with argument 0 (%0), which is exc_return. If equal then PSP was used, otherwise MSP was used before SVC.
"bne UseMSP\t\n" // Branch to code fetching SVC arguments using MSP.
"mrs r1, psp\t\n" // Move PSP into R1.
"b Call_C_SVC_Handler\t\n" // Branch to Call_C_SVC_Handler below.
"UseMSP: \t\n" //
"mrs r1, msp\t\n" // MSP was used, therefore Move MSP into R1.
"Call_C_SVC_Handler: \t\n" //
"ldr r0, [r1, #24]\t\n" // The arguments for the SVC was stacked. R1 contains Stack Pointer, the values stacked before SVC are R0, R1, R2, R3, R12, LR, PC (Return address), xPSR.
// R1 contains current SP so the PC of the stacked frame is at SP + 6 words (24 bytes). We load the PC into R0.
"sub r0, r0, #2\t\n" // The PC before the SVC is in R0. We subtract 2 to get the address prior to the instruction executed where the SVC number is located.
"ldrb r0, [r0]\t\n" // SVC instruction low octet: Load the byte at the address before the PC to fetch the SVC number.
"bx %1\t\n" // Branch to C implementation of SVC handler, argument 1 (%1). R0 is now the SVC number, R1 is the StackPointer where the arguments (R0-R3) of the original SVC are located.
:: "r" (exc_return), "r" (C_SVC_Handler) // Argument list for the gcc assembly. exc_return is %0, C_SVC_Handler is %1.
: "r0", "r1" // List of register maintained manually.
#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
void SVC_Handler(void)
asm("movs r0, #0x02\n" // Load 0x02 into R6 to prepare for exec return test.
"mvns r0, r0\n" // Invert R0 to obtain exec return code using PSP for ARM Cortex.
"cmp lr, r0\n" // Compare the link register with argument 0 (%0), which is exc_return. If equal then PSP was used, otherwise MSP was used before SVC.
"bne.n UseMSP\n" // Branch to code fetching SVC arguments using MSP.
"mrs r1, psp\n" // Move PSP into R1.
"b.n Call_C_SVC_Handler\t\n" // Branch to Call_C_SVC_Handler below.
"UseMSP: \n" //
"mrs r1, msp\n" // MSP was used, therefore Move MSP into R1.
"Call_C_SVC_Handler: \n" //
"ldr r0, [r1, #24]\n" // The arguments for the SVC was stacked. R1 contains Stack Pointer, the values stacked before SVC are R0, R1, R2, R3, R12, LR, PC (Return address), xPSR.
// R1 contains current SP so the PC of the stacked frame is at SP + 6 words (24 bytes). We load the PC into R0.
"subs r0, #0x02\n" // The PC before the SVC is in R0. We subtract 2 to get the address prior to the instruction executed where the SVC number is located.
"ldrb r0, [r0]\n" // SVC instruction low octet: Load the byte at the address before the PC to fetch the SVC number.
"bx %0\n" // Branch to C implementation of SVC handler, argument 1 (%1). R0 is now the SVC number, R1 is the StackPointer where the arguments (R0-R3) of the original SVC are located.
:: "r" (C_SVC_Handler) // Argument list for the gcc assembly. C_SVC_Handler is %0.
: "r0", "r1" // List of register maintained manually.
#error Compiler not supported.
uint32_t dfu_ble_peer_data_get(dfu_ble_peer_data_t * p_peer_data)
uint16_t crc;
if (p_peer_data == NULL)
crc = crc16_compute((uint8_t *)&m_peer_data, sizeof(m_peer_data), NULL);
if (crc != m_peer_data_crc)
*p_peer_data = m_peer_data;
// corrupt CRC to invalidate shared information.