/* Copyright (c) 2015 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved. * * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA. * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC * SEMICONDUCTOR STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT. * * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from * the file. */ /** @file * @brief Definition file for resource usage by SoftDevice, ESB and Gazell. */ #ifndef APP_RESOURCES_H__ #define APP_RESOURCES_H__ #ifdef SOFTDEVICE_PRESENT #include "nrf_sd_def.h" #else #define SD_PPI_RESTRICTED 0uL /**< 1 if PPI peripheral is restricted, 0 otherwise. */ #define SD_PPI_CHANNELS_USED 0uL /**< PPI channels utilized by SotfDevice (not available to th spplication). */ #define SD_PPI_GROUPS_USED 0uL /**< PPI groups utilized by SotfDevice (not available to th spplication). */ #define SD_TIMERS_USED 0uL /**< Timers used by SoftDevice. */ #define SD_SWI_USED 0uL /**< Software interrupts used by SoftDevice. */ #endif #ifdef GAZELL_PRESENT #include "nrf_gzll_resources.h" #else #define GZLL_PPI_CHANNELS_USED 0uL /**< PPI channels utilized by Gazell (not available to th spplication). */ #define GZLL_TIMERS_USED 0uL /**< Timers used by Gazell. */ #define GZLL_SWI_USED 0uL /**< Software interrupts used by Gazell */ #endif #ifdef ESB_PRESENT #include "nrf_esb_resources.h" #else #define ESB_PPI_CHANNELS_USED 0uL /**< PPI channels utilized by ESB (not available to th spplication). */ #define ESB_TIMERS_USED 0uL /**< Timers used by ESB. */ #define ESB_SWI_USED 0uL /**< Software interrupts used by ESB */ #endif #define NRF_PPI_CHANNELS_USED (SD_PPI_CHANNELS_USED | GZLL_PPI_CHANNELS_USED | ESB_PPI_CHANNELS_USED) #define NRF_PPI_GROUPS_USED (SD_PPI_GROUPS_USED) #define NRF_SWI_USED (SD_SWI_USED | GZLL_SWI_USED | ESB_SWI_USED) #define NRF_TIMERS_USED (SD_TIMERS_USED | GZLL_TIMERS_USED | ESB_TIMERS_USED) #endif // APP_RESOURCES_H__