/* Copyright (c) 2015 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved. * * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA. * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC * SEMICONDUCTOR STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT. * * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from * the file. * */ #include "app_uart.h" #include "nrf_drv_uart.h" #include "nrf_assert.h" #include "sdk_common.h" static uint8_t tx_buffer[1]; static uint8_t rx_buffer[1]; static volatile bool rx_done; static app_uart_event_handler_t m_event_handler; /**< Event handler function. */ void uart_event_handler(nrf_drv_uart_event_t * p_event, void* p_context) { if (p_event->type == NRF_DRV_UART_EVT_RX_DONE) { app_uart_evt_t app_uart_event; app_uart_event.evt_type = APP_UART_DATA; app_uart_event.data.value = p_event->data.rxtx.p_data[0]; (void)nrf_drv_uart_rx(rx_buffer,1); rx_done = true; m_event_handler(&app_uart_event); } else if (p_event->type == NRF_DRV_UART_EVT_ERROR) { app_uart_evt_t app_uart_event; app_uart_event.evt_type = APP_UART_COMMUNICATION_ERROR; app_uart_event.data.error_communication = p_event->data.error.error_mask; (void)nrf_drv_uart_rx(rx_buffer,1); m_event_handler(&app_uart_event); } else if (p_event->type == NRF_DRV_UART_EVT_TX_DONE) { // Last byte from FIFO transmitted, notify the application. // Notify that new data is available if this was first byte put in the buffer. app_uart_evt_t app_uart_event; app_uart_event.evt_type = APP_UART_TX_EMPTY; m_event_handler(&app_uart_event); } } uint32_t app_uart_init(const app_uart_comm_params_t * p_comm_params, app_uart_buffers_t * p_buffers, app_uart_event_handler_t event_handler, app_irq_priority_t irq_priority) { nrf_drv_uart_config_t config = NRF_DRV_UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG; config.baudrate = (nrf_uart_baudrate_t)p_comm_params->baud_rate; config.hwfc = (p_comm_params->flow_control == APP_UART_FLOW_CONTROL_DISABLED) ? NRF_UART_HWFC_DISABLED : NRF_UART_HWFC_ENABLED; config.interrupt_priority = irq_priority; config.parity = p_comm_params->use_parity ? NRF_UART_PARITY_INCLUDED : NRF_UART_PARITY_EXCLUDED; config.pselcts = p_comm_params->cts_pin_no; config.pselrts = p_comm_params->rts_pin_no; config.pselrxd = p_comm_params->rx_pin_no; config.pseltxd = p_comm_params->tx_pin_no; m_event_handler = event_handler; rx_done = false; if (p_comm_params->flow_control == APP_UART_FLOW_CONTROL_LOW_POWER) { return NRF_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } uint32_t err_code = nrf_drv_uart_init(&config, uart_event_handler); VERIFY_SUCCESS(err_code); #ifdef NRF52 if (!config.use_easy_dma) #endif { nrf_drv_uart_rx_enable(); } return nrf_drv_uart_rx(rx_buffer,1); } uint32_t app_uart_get(uint8_t * p_byte) { ASSERT(p_byte); uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS; if (rx_done) { *p_byte = rx_buffer[0]; } else { err_code = NRF_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } return err_code; } uint32_t app_uart_put(uint8_t byte) { tx_buffer[0] = byte; ret_code_t ret = nrf_drv_uart_tx(tx_buffer,1); if (NRF_ERROR_BUSY == ret) { return NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM; } else if (ret != NRF_SUCCESS) { return NRF_ERROR_INTERNAL; } else { return NRF_SUCCESS; } } uint32_t app_uart_flush(void) { return NRF_SUCCESS; } uint32_t app_uart_close(void) { nrf_drv_uart_uninit(); return NRF_SUCCESS; }