/* Copyright (c) 2015 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved. * * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA. * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC * SEMICONDUCTOR STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT. * * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from * the file. * */ #ifndef NRF_DRV_CONFIG_VALIDATION_H #define NRF_DRV_CONFIG_VALIDATION_H #ifdef NRF52 #if (!PERIPHERAL_RESOURCE_SHARING_ENABLED) && \ ((SPI0_ENABLED + SPIS0_ENABLED + TWI0_ENABLED + TWIS0_ENABLED) > 1) #error "Peripherals overlap. SPI0, SPIS0, TWI0, TWIS0 - only one of these can be enabled." #endif #if (!PERIPHERAL_RESOURCE_SHARING_ENABLED) && \ ((SPI1_ENABLED + SPIS1_ENABLED + TWI1_ENABLED + TWIS1_ENABLED) > 1) #error "Peripherals overlap. SPI1, SPIS1, TWI1, TWIS1 - only one of these can be enabled." #endif #if (!PERIPHERAL_RESOURCE_SHARING_ENABLED) && \ ((SPI2_ENABLED + SPIS2_ENABLED) > 1) #error "Peripherals overlap. SPI2, SPIS2 - only one of these can be enabled." #endif #if (!PERIPHERAL_RESOURCE_SHARING_ENABLED) && \ ((COMP_ENABLED + LPCOMP_ENABLED) > 1) #error "COMP and LPCOMP cannot be enabled together. Peripherals overlap." #endif #else //NRF51 #if (TWIS0_ENABLED + TWIS1_ENABLED) > 0 #error "TWIS not present in nRF51." #endif #if SPIS0_ENABLED > 0 #error "SPIS0 instance not present in nRF51." #endif #if (SPI2_ENABLED + SPIS2_ENABLED) > 0 #error "SPI2/SPIS2 instance not present in nRF51." #endif #if RTC2_ENABLED #error "RTC2 not present in NRF51." #endif #if (TIMER3_ENABLED + TIMER4_ENABLED) > 0 #error "TIMER3 and TIMER4 not present in nRF51." #endif #if (!PERIPHERAL_RESOURCE_SHARING_ENABLED) && \ ((SPI0_ENABLED + TWI0_ENABLED) > 1) #error "Peripherals overlap. SPI0, TWI0 - only one of these can be enabled." #endif #if (!PERIPHERAL_RESOURCE_SHARING_ENABLED) && \ ((SPI1_ENABLED + SPIS1_ENABLED + TWI1_ENABLED) > 1) #error "Peripherals overlap. SPI1, SPIS1, TWI1 - only one of these can be enabled." #endif #if SAADC_ENABLED > 0 #error "SAADC not present in nRF51." #endif #if I2S_ENABLED > 0 #error "I2S not present in nRF51." #endif #if COMP_ENABLED > 0 #error "COMP not present in nRF51." #endif #endif //NRF51 #endif // NRF_DRV_CONFIG_VALIDATION_H