/* Copyright (c) 2013 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved. * * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA. * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC * SEMICONDUCTOR STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT. * * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from * the file. * */ /**@file * * @defgroup nrf_bootloader Bootloader API. * @{ * * @brief Bootloader module interface. */ #ifndef BOOTLOADER_H__ #define BOOTLOADER_H__ #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include "bootloader_types.h" #include <dfu_types.h> /**@brief Function for initializing the Bootloader. * * @retval NRF_SUCCESS If bootloader was succesfully initialized. */ uint32_t bootloader_init(void); /**@brief Function for validating application region in flash. * * @param[in] app_addr Address to the region in flash where the application is stored. * * @retval true If Application region is valid. * @retval false If Application region is not valid. */ bool bootloader_app_is_valid(uint32_t app_addr); /**@brief Function for starting the Device Firmware Update. * * @retval NRF_SUCCESS If new application image was successfully transferred. */ uint32_t bootloader_dfu_start(bool ota, uint32_t timeout_ms); /**@brief Function for exiting bootloader and booting into application. * * @details This function will disable SoftDevice and all interrupts before jumping to application. * The SoftDevice vector table base for interrupt forwarding will be set the application * address. * * @param[in] app_addr Address to the region where the application is stored. */ void bootloader_app_start(uint32_t app_addr); /**@brief Function for retrieving the bootloader settings. * * @param[out] p_settings A copy of the current bootloader settings is returned in the structure * provided. */ void bootloader_settings_get(bootloader_settings_t * const p_settings); /**@brief Function for processing DFU status update. * * @param[in] update_status DFU update status. */ void bootloader_dfu_update_process(dfu_update_status_t update_status); /**@brief Function getting state of SoftDevice update in progress. * After a successfull SoftDevice transfer the system restarts in orderto disable SoftDevice * and complete the update. * * @retval true A SoftDevice update is in progress. This indicates that second stage * of a SoftDevice update procedure can be initiated. * @retval false No SoftDevice update is in progress. */ bool bootloader_dfu_sd_in_progress(void); /**@brief Function for continuing the Device Firmware Update of a SoftDevice. * * @retval NRF_SUCCESS If the final stage of SoftDevice update was successful. */ uint32_t bootloader_dfu_sd_update_continue(void); /**@brief Function for finalizing the Device Firmware Update of a SoftDevice. * * @retval NRF_SUCCESS If the final stage of SoftDevice update was successful. */ uint32_t bootloader_dfu_sd_update_finalize(void); #endif // BOOTLOADER_H__ /**@} */