/* Copyright (c) 2014 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
 * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
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/** @file
 * @defgroup nrf_dfu_ble_svc DFU BLE SVC 
 * @{
 * @brief DFU BLE SVC in bootloader. The DFU BLE SuperVisor Calls allow an application to execute
 *        functions in the installed bootloader. 
 * @details This module implements handling of SuperVisor Calls in the bootloader. 
 *          SuperVisor Calls allow for an application to execute calls into the bootloader.
 *          Currently, it is possible to exchange bonding information (like keys) from the 
 *          application to a bootloader supporting DFU OTA using BLE, so the update process can be 
 *          done through an already existing bond.
 * @note The application must make sure that all SuperVisor Calls (SVC) are forwarded to the 
 *       bootloader to ensure correct behavior. Forwarding of SVCs to the bootloader is 
 *       done using the SoftDevice SVC @ref sd_softdevice_vector_table_base_set with the value 
 *       present in @c NRF_UICR->NRFFW[0].
#ifndef DFU_BLE_SVC_H__
#define DFU_BLE_SVC_H__

#include "nrf_svc.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include "ble_gap.h"
#include "nrf.h"
#include "nrf_soc.h"
#include "nrf_error_sdm.h"

#define BOOTLOADER_SVC_BASE     0x0     /**< The number of the lowest SVC number reserved for the bootloader. */
#define SYSTEM_SERVICE_ATT_SIZE 8       /**< Size of the system service attribute length including CRC-16 at the end. */  

/**@brief The SVC numbers used by the SVC functions in the SoC library. */
    DFU_BLE_SVC_PEER_DATA_SET = BOOTLOADER_SVC_BASE,    /**< SVC number for the setting of peer data call. */

/**@brief   DFU Peer data structure.
 * @details This structure contains peer data needed for connection to a bonded device during DFU.
 *          The peer data must be provided by the application to the bootloader during buttonless
 *          update. See @ref dfu_ble_svc_peer_data_set. It contains bond information about the
 *          desired DFU peer.
typedef struct
    ble_gap_addr_t      addr;                                   /**< BLE GAP address of the device that initiated the DFU process. */
    ble_gap_irk_t       irk;                                    /**< IRK of the device that initiated the DFU process if this device uses Private Resolvable Addresses. */
    ble_gap_enc_key_t   enc_key;                                /**< Encryption key structure containing encrypted diversifier and LTK for re-establishing the bond. */
    uint8_t             sys_serv_attr[SYSTEM_SERVICE_ATT_SIZE]; /**< System service attributes for restoring of Service Changed Indication setting in DFU mode. */
} dfu_ble_peer_data_t;

/**@brief   SVC Function for setting peer data containing address, IRK, and LTK to establish bonded
 *          connection in DFU mode.
 * @param[in] p_peer_data  Pointer to the peer data containing keys for the connection.
 * @retval NRF_ERROR_NULL If a NULL pointer was provided as argument.
 * @retval NRF_SUCCESS    If the function completed successfully.
SVCALL(DFU_BLE_SVC_PEER_DATA_SET, uint32_t, dfu_ble_svc_peer_data_set(dfu_ble_peer_data_t * p_peer_data));

#endif // DFU_BLE_SVC_H__

/** @} */