/* Copyright (c) 2013 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved. * * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA. * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC * SEMICONDUCTOR STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT. * * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from * the file. * */ /**@file * * @defgroup nrf_bootloader_types Types and definitions. * @{ * * @ingroup nrf_bootloader * * @brief Bootloader module type and definitions. */ #ifndef BOOTLOADER_TYPES_H__ #define BOOTLOADER_TYPES_H__ #include #define BOOTLOADER_DFU_START 0xB1 #define BOOTLOADER_SVC_APP_DATA_PTR_GET 0x02 /**@brief DFU Bank state code, which indicates wether the bank contains: A valid image, invalid image, or an erased flash. */ typedef enum { BANK_VALID_APP = 0x01, BANK_VALID_SD = 0xA5, BANK_VALID_BOOT = 0xAA, BANK_ERASED = 0xFE, BANK_INVALID_APP = 0xFF, } bootloader_bank_code_t; /**@brief Structure holding bootloader settings for application and bank data. */ typedef struct { uint16_t bank_0; /**< Variable to store if bank 0 contains a valid application. */ uint16_t bank_0_crc; /**< If bank is valid, this field will contain a valid CRC of the total image. */ uint16_t bank_1; /**< Variable to store if bank 1 has been erased/prepared for new image. Bank 1 is only used in Banked Update scenario. */ uint32_t bank_0_size; /**< Size of active image in bank0 if present, otherwise 0. */ uint32_t sd_image_size; /**< Size of SoftDevice image in bank0 if bank_0 code is BANK_VALID_SD. */ uint32_t bl_image_size; /**< Size of Bootloader image in bank0 if bank_0 code is BANK_VALID_SD. */ uint32_t app_image_size; /**< Size of Application image in bank0 if bank_0 code is BANK_VALID_SD. */ uint32_t sd_image_start; /**< Location in flash where SoftDevice image is stored for SoftDevice update. */ } bootloader_settings_t; #endif // BOOTLOADER_TYPES_H__ /**@} */