/* Copyright (c) 2013 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved. * * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA. * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC * SEMICONDUCTOR STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT. * * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from * the file. * */ #include "dfu_transport.h" #include #include "dfu.h" #include #include "app_error.h" #include "app_util.h" #include "hci_transport.h" #include "app_timer.h" #include "app_scheduler.h" #define MAX_BUFFERS 4u /**< Maximum number of buffers that can be received queued without being consumed. */ /** * defgroup Data Packet Queue Access Operation Macros * @{ */ /** Provides status showing if the queue is full or not. */ #define DATA_QUEUE_FULL() \ (((MAX_BUFFERS -1) == m_data_queue.count) ? true : false) /** Provides status showing if the queue is empty or not */ #define DATA_QUEUE_EMPTY() \ ((0 == m_data_queue.count) ? true : false) /** Initializes an element of the data queue. */ #define DATA_QUEUE_ELEMENT_INIT(i) \ m_data_queue.data_packet[(i)].packet_type = INVALID_PACKET /** Sets the packet type of an element of the data queue. */ #define DATA_QUEUE_ELEMENT_SET_PTYPE(i, t) \ m_data_queue.data_packet[(i)].packet_type = (t) /** Copies a data packet pointer of an element of the data queue. */ #define DATA_QUEUE_ELEMENT_COPY_PDATA(i, dp) \ m_data_queue.data_packet[(i)].params.data_packet.p_data_packet = (uint32_t *)(dp) /** Sets the packet length of an element in the data queue. */ #define DATA_QUEUE_ELEMENT_SET_PLEN(i, l) \ m_data_queue.data_packet[(i)].params.data_packet.packet_length = (l) /** Gets a data packet pointer of an element in the data queue. */ #define DATA_QUEUE_ELEMENT_GET_PDATA(i) \ (m_data_queue.data_packet[(i)].params.data_packet.p_data_packet) /** Gets the packet type of an element in the data queue. */ #define DATA_QUEUE_ELEMENT_GET_PTYPE(i) \ m_data_queue.data_packet[(i)].packet_type /* @} */ /** Abstracts data packet queue */ typedef struct { dfu_update_packet_t data_packet[MAX_BUFFERS]; /**< Bootloader data packets used when processing data from the UART. */ volatile uint8_t count; /**< Counter to maintain number of elements in the queue. */ } dfu_data_queue_t; static dfu_data_queue_t m_data_queue; /**< Received-data packet queue. */ /**@brief Initializes an element of the data buffer queue. * * @param[in] element_index index of the element. */ static void data_queue_element_init (uint8_t element_index) { DATA_QUEUE_ELEMENT_INIT(element_index); DATA_QUEUE_ELEMENT_SET_PTYPE(element_index, INVALID_PACKET); DATA_QUEUE_ELEMENT_COPY_PDATA(element_index, NULL); DATA_QUEUE_ELEMENT_SET_PLEN(element_index, 0); } /** Initializes data buffer queue */ static void data_queue_init(void) { uint32_t index; m_data_queue.count = 0; for (index = 0; index < MAX_BUFFERS; index++) { data_queue_element_init(index); } } /**@brief Function for freeing an element. * * @param[in] element_index index of the element. */ static uint32_t data_queue_element_free(uint8_t element_index) { uint8_t * p_data; uint32_t retval; retval = NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; if (MAX_BUFFERS > element_index) { p_data = (uint8_t *)DATA_QUEUE_ELEMENT_GET_PDATA(element_index); if (INVALID_PACKET != DATA_QUEUE_ELEMENT_GET_PTYPE(element_index)) { m_data_queue.count--; data_queue_element_init (element_index); retval = hci_transport_rx_pkt_consume((p_data - 4)); APP_ERROR_CHECK(retval); } } else { return NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } return NRF_SUCCESS; } /**@brief Function for Allocating element. * * @param[in] packet_type packet type. * @param[out] p_element_index index of the element. */ static uint32_t data_queue_element_alloc(uint8_t * p_element_index, uint8_t packet_type) { uint32_t retval; uint32_t index; retval = NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM; if (INVALID_PACKET == packet_type) { retval = NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } else if (true == DATA_QUEUE_FULL()) { retval = NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM; } else { for (index = 0; index < MAX_BUFFERS; index++) { if (INVALID_PACKET == DATA_QUEUE_ELEMENT_GET_PTYPE(index)) { // Found a free element: allocate, and end search. *p_element_index = index; DATA_QUEUE_ELEMENT_SET_PTYPE(index, packet_type); retval = NRF_SUCCESS; m_data_queue.count++; break; } } } return retval; } // Flush everything on disconnect or stop. static void data_queue_flush(void) { uint32_t index; for (index = 0; index < MAX_BUFFERS; index++) { // In this case it does not matter if free succeeded or not as data packets are being flushed because DFU Trnsport was closed (void)data_queue_element_free(index); } } /**@brief Function for handling the callback events from the dfu module. * Callbacks are expected when \ref dfu_data_pkt_handle has been executed. * * @param[in] packet Packet type for which this callback is related. START_PACKET, DATA_PACKET. * @param[in] result Operation result code. NRF_SUCCESS when a queued operation was successful. * @param[in] p_data Pointer to the data to which the operation is related. */ static void dfu_cb_handler(uint32_t packet, uint32_t result, uint8_t * p_data) { APP_ERROR_CHECK(result); } static void process_dfu_packet(void * p_event_data, uint16_t event_size) { uint32_t retval; uint32_t index; dfu_update_packet_t * packet; // Adafruit modification for startup dfu extern bool forced_startup_dfu_packet_received; forced_startup_dfu_packet_received = true; while (false == DATA_QUEUE_EMPTY()) { // Fetch the element to be processed. for (index = 0; index < MAX_BUFFERS ; index++) { packet = &m_data_queue.data_packet[index]; if (INVALID_PACKET != packet->packet_type) { extern void blinky_fast_set(bool isFast); switch (DATA_QUEUE_ELEMENT_GET_PTYPE(index)) { case DATA_PACKET: (void)dfu_data_pkt_handle(packet); break; case START_PACKET: packet->params.start_packet = (dfu_start_packet_t*)packet->params.data_packet.p_data_packet; retval = dfu_start_pkt_handle(packet); APP_ERROR_CHECK(retval); break; case INIT_PACKET: (void)dfu_init_pkt_handle(packet); retval = dfu_init_pkt_complete(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(retval); blinky_fast_set(true); break; case STOP_DATA_PACKET: (void)dfu_image_validate(); (void)dfu_image_activate(); blinky_fast_set(false); // Break the loop by returning. return; default: // No implementation needed. break; } // Free the processed element. retval = data_queue_element_free(index); APP_ERROR_CHECK(retval); } } } } void rpc_transport_event_handler(hci_transport_evt_t event) { uint32_t retval; uint16_t rpc_cmd_length_read = 0; uint8_t * p_rpc_cmd_buffer = NULL; uint8_t element_index; retval = hci_transport_rx_pkt_extract(&p_rpc_cmd_buffer, &rpc_cmd_length_read); if (NRF_SUCCESS == retval) { // Verify if the data queue can buffer the packet. retval = data_queue_element_alloc(&element_index, p_rpc_cmd_buffer[0]); if (NRF_SUCCESS == retval) { //subtract 1 since we are interested in payload length and not the type field. DATA_QUEUE_ELEMENT_SET_PLEN(element_index,(rpc_cmd_length_read / sizeof(uint32_t)) - 1); DATA_QUEUE_ELEMENT_COPY_PDATA(element_index, &p_rpc_cmd_buffer[4]); retval = app_sched_event_put(NULL, 0, process_dfu_packet); } } if (p_rpc_cmd_buffer != NULL && NRF_SUCCESS != retval) { // Free the packet that could not be processed. retval = hci_transport_rx_pkt_consume(p_rpc_cmd_buffer); APP_ERROR_CHECK(retval); } } uint32_t dfu_transport_serial_update_start(void) { uint32_t err_code; // Initialize data buffer queue. data_queue_init(); dfu_register_callback(dfu_cb_handler); // Open transport layer. err_code = hci_transport_open(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); // Register callback to be run when commands have been received by the transport layer. err_code = hci_transport_evt_handler_reg(rpc_transport_event_handler); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); return NRF_SUCCESS; } uint32_t dfu_transport_serial_close(void) { // Remove all buffered packets. data_queue_flush(); return hci_transport_close(); }