/** * Copyright (c) 2015 - 2017, Nordic Semiconductor ASA * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form, except as embedded into a Nordic * Semiconductor ASA integrated circuit in a product or a software update for * such product, must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of Nordic Semiconductor ASA nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * 4. This software, with or without modification, must only be used with a * Nordic Semiconductor ASA integrated circuit. * * 5. Any software provided in binary form under this license must not be reverse * engineered, decompiled, modified and/or disassembled. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR ASA "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR ASA OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE * GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #ifndef NRF_SAADC_H_ #define NRF_SAADC_H_ /** * @defgroup nrf_saadc_hal SAADC HAL * @{ * @ingroup nrf_saadc * * @brief @tagAPI52 Hardware access layer for accessing the SAADC peripheral. */ #include <stdbool.h> #include <stddef.h> #include "nrf.h" #include "nrf_assert.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define NRF_SAADC_CHANNEL_COUNT 8 /** * @brief Resolution of the analog-to-digital converter. */ typedef enum { NRF_SAADC_RESOLUTION_8BIT = SAADC_RESOLUTION_VAL_8bit, ///< 8 bit resolution. NRF_SAADC_RESOLUTION_10BIT = SAADC_RESOLUTION_VAL_10bit, ///< 10 bit resolution. NRF_SAADC_RESOLUTION_12BIT = SAADC_RESOLUTION_VAL_12bit, ///< 12 bit resolution. NRF_SAADC_RESOLUTION_14BIT = SAADC_RESOLUTION_VAL_14bit ///< 14 bit resolution. } nrf_saadc_resolution_t; /** * @brief Input selection for the analog-to-digital converter. */ typedef enum { NRF_SAADC_INPUT_DISABLED = SAADC_CH_PSELP_PSELP_NC, ///< Not connected. NRF_SAADC_INPUT_AIN0 = SAADC_CH_PSELP_PSELP_AnalogInput0, ///< Analog input 0 (AIN0). NRF_SAADC_INPUT_AIN1 = SAADC_CH_PSELP_PSELP_AnalogInput1, ///< Analog input 1 (AIN1). NRF_SAADC_INPUT_AIN2 = SAADC_CH_PSELP_PSELP_AnalogInput2, ///< Analog input 2 (AIN2). NRF_SAADC_INPUT_AIN3 = SAADC_CH_PSELP_PSELP_AnalogInput3, ///< Analog input 3 (AIN3). NRF_SAADC_INPUT_AIN4 = SAADC_CH_PSELP_PSELP_AnalogInput4, ///< Analog input 4 (AIN4). NRF_SAADC_INPUT_AIN5 = SAADC_CH_PSELP_PSELP_AnalogInput5, ///< Analog input 5 (AIN5). NRF_SAADC_INPUT_AIN6 = SAADC_CH_PSELP_PSELP_AnalogInput6, ///< Analog input 6 (AIN6). NRF_SAADC_INPUT_AIN7 = SAADC_CH_PSELP_PSELP_AnalogInput7, ///< Analog input 7 (AIN7). NRF_SAADC_INPUT_VDD = SAADC_CH_PSELP_PSELP_VDD ///< VDD as input. } nrf_saadc_input_t; /** * @brief Analog-to-digital converter oversampling mode. */ typedef enum { NRF_SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_DISABLED = SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_OVERSAMPLE_Bypass, ///< No oversampling. NRF_SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_2X = SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_OVERSAMPLE_Over2x, ///< Oversample 2x. NRF_SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_4X = SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_OVERSAMPLE_Over4x, ///< Oversample 4x. NRF_SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_8X = SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_OVERSAMPLE_Over8x, ///< Oversample 8x. NRF_SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_16X = SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_OVERSAMPLE_Over16x, ///< Oversample 16x. NRF_SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_32X = SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_OVERSAMPLE_Over32x, ///< Oversample 32x. NRF_SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_64X = SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_OVERSAMPLE_Over64x, ///< Oversample 64x. NRF_SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_128X = SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_OVERSAMPLE_Over128x, ///< Oversample 128x. NRF_SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_256X = SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_OVERSAMPLE_Over256x ///< Oversample 256x. } nrf_saadc_oversample_t; /** * @brief Analog-to-digital converter channel resistor control. */ typedef enum { NRF_SAADC_RESISTOR_DISABLED = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_RESP_Bypass, ///< Bypass resistor ladder. NRF_SAADC_RESISTOR_PULLDOWN = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_RESP_Pulldown, ///< Pull-down to GND. NRF_SAADC_RESISTOR_PULLUP = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_RESP_Pullup, ///< Pull-up to VDD. NRF_SAADC_RESISTOR_VDD1_2 = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_RESP_VDD1_2 ///< Set input at VDD/2. } nrf_saadc_resistor_t; /** * @brief Gain factor of the analog-to-digital converter input. */ typedef enum { NRF_SAADC_GAIN1_6 = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_GAIN_Gain1_6, ///< Gain factor 1/6. NRF_SAADC_GAIN1_5 = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_GAIN_Gain1_5, ///< Gain factor 1/5. NRF_SAADC_GAIN1_4 = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_GAIN_Gain1_4, ///< Gain factor 1/4. NRF_SAADC_GAIN1_3 = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_GAIN_Gain1_3, ///< Gain factor 1/3. NRF_SAADC_GAIN1_2 = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_GAIN_Gain1_2, ///< Gain factor 1/2. NRF_SAADC_GAIN1 = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_GAIN_Gain1, ///< Gain factor 1. NRF_SAADC_GAIN2 = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_GAIN_Gain2, ///< Gain factor 2. NRF_SAADC_GAIN4 = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_GAIN_Gain4, ///< Gain factor 4. } nrf_saadc_gain_t; /** * @brief Reference selection for the analog-to-digital converter. */ typedef enum { NRF_SAADC_REFERENCE_INTERNAL = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_REFSEL_Internal, ///< Internal reference (0.6 V). NRF_SAADC_REFERENCE_VDD4 = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_REFSEL_VDD1_4 ///< VDD/4 as reference. } nrf_saadc_reference_t; /** * @brief Analog-to-digital converter acquisition time. */ typedef enum { NRF_SAADC_ACQTIME_3US = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_TACQ_3us, ///< 3 us. NRF_SAADC_ACQTIME_5US = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_TACQ_5us, ///< 5 us. NRF_SAADC_ACQTIME_10US = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_TACQ_10us, ///< 10 us. NRF_SAADC_ACQTIME_15US = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_TACQ_15us, ///< 15 us. NRF_SAADC_ACQTIME_20US = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_TACQ_20us, ///< 20 us. NRF_SAADC_ACQTIME_40US = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_TACQ_40us ///< 40 us. } nrf_saadc_acqtime_t; /** * @brief Analog-to-digital converter channel mode. */ typedef enum { NRF_SAADC_MODE_SINGLE_ENDED = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_MODE_SE, ///< Single ended, PSELN will be ignored, negative input to ADC shorted to GND. NRF_SAADC_MODE_DIFFERENTIAL = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_MODE_Diff ///< Differential mode. } nrf_saadc_mode_t; /** * @brief Analog-to-digital converter channel burst mode. */ typedef enum { NRF_SAADC_BURST_DISABLED = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_BURST_Disabled, ///< Burst mode is disabled (normal operation). NRF_SAADC_BURST_ENABLED = SAADC_CH_CONFIG_BURST_Enabled ///< Burst mode is enabled. SAADC takes 2^OVERSAMPLE number of samples as fast as it can, and sends the average to Data RAM. } nrf_saadc_burst_t; /** * @brief Analog-to-digital converter tasks. */ typedef enum /*lint -save -e30 -esym(628,__INTADDR__) */ { NRF_SAADC_TASK_START = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, TASKS_START), ///< Start the ADC and prepare the result buffer in RAM. NRF_SAADC_TASK_SAMPLE = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, TASKS_SAMPLE), ///< Take one ADC sample. If scan is enabled, all channels are sampled. NRF_SAADC_TASK_STOP = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, TASKS_STOP), ///< Stop the ADC and terminate any on-going conversion. NRF_SAADC_TASK_CALIBRATEOFFSET = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, TASKS_CALIBRATEOFFSET), ///< Starts offset auto-calibration. } nrf_saadc_task_t; /** * @brief Analog-to-digital converter events. */ typedef enum /*lint -save -e30 -esym(628,__INTADDR__) */ { NRF_SAADC_EVENT_STARTED = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_STARTED), ///< The ADC has started. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_END = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_END), ///< The ADC has filled up the result buffer. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_DONE = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_DONE), ///< A conversion task has been completed. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_RESULTDONE = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_RESULTDONE), ///< A result is ready to get transferred to RAM. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CALIBRATEDONE = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_CALIBRATEDONE), ///< Calibration is complete. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_STOPPED = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_STOPPED), ///< The ADC has stopped. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH0_LIMITH = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_CH[0].LIMITH), ///< Last result is equal or above CH[0].LIMIT.HIGH. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH0_LIMITL = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_CH[0].LIMITL), ///< Last result is equal or below CH[0].LIMIT.LOW. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH1_LIMITH = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_CH[1].LIMITH), ///< Last result is equal or above CH[1].LIMIT.HIGH. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH1_LIMITL = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_CH[1].LIMITL), ///< Last result is equal or below CH[1].LIMIT.LOW. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH2_LIMITH = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_CH[2].LIMITH), ///< Last result is equal or above CH[2].LIMIT.HIGH. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH2_LIMITL = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_CH[2].LIMITL), ///< Last result is equal or below CH[2].LIMIT.LOW. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH3_LIMITH = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_CH[3].LIMITH), ///< Last result is equal or above CH[3].LIMIT.HIGH. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH3_LIMITL = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_CH[3].LIMITL), ///< Last result is equal or below CH[3].LIMIT.LOW. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH4_LIMITH = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_CH[4].LIMITH), ///< Last result is equal or above CH[4].LIMIT.HIGH. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH4_LIMITL = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_CH[4].LIMITL), ///< Last result is equal or below CH[4].LIMIT.LOW. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH5_LIMITH = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_CH[5].LIMITH), ///< Last result is equal or above CH[5].LIMIT.HIGH. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH5_LIMITL = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_CH[5].LIMITL), ///< Last result is equal or below CH[5].LIMIT.LOW. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH6_LIMITH = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_CH[6].LIMITH), ///< Last result is equal or above CH[6].LIMIT.HIGH. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH6_LIMITL = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_CH[6].LIMITL), ///< Last result is equal or below CH[6].LIMIT.LOW. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH7_LIMITH = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_CH[7].LIMITH), ///< Last result is equal or above CH[7].LIMIT.HIGH. NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH7_LIMITL = offsetof(NRF_SAADC_Type, EVENTS_CH[7].LIMITL) ///< Last result is equal or below CH[7].LIMIT.LOW. } nrf_saadc_event_t; /** * @brief Analog-to-digital converter interrupt masks. */ typedef enum { NRF_SAADC_INT_STARTED = SAADC_INTENSET_STARTED_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_STARTED event. NRF_SAADC_INT_END = SAADC_INTENSET_END_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_END event. NRF_SAADC_INT_DONE = SAADC_INTENSET_DONE_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_DONE event. NRF_SAADC_INT_RESULTDONE = SAADC_INTENSET_RESULTDONE_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_RESULTDONE event. NRF_SAADC_INT_CALIBRATEDONE = SAADC_INTENSET_CALIBRATEDONE_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_CALIBRATEDONE event. NRF_SAADC_INT_STOPPED = SAADC_INTENSET_STOPPED_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_STOPPED event. NRF_SAADC_INT_CH0LIMITH = SAADC_INTENSET_CH0LIMITH_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_CH[0].LIMITH event. NRF_SAADC_INT_CH0LIMITL = SAADC_INTENSET_CH0LIMITL_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_CH[0].LIMITL event. NRF_SAADC_INT_CH1LIMITH = SAADC_INTENSET_CH1LIMITH_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_CH[1].LIMITH event. NRF_SAADC_INT_CH1LIMITL = SAADC_INTENSET_CH1LIMITL_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_CH[1].LIMITL event. NRF_SAADC_INT_CH2LIMITH = SAADC_INTENSET_CH2LIMITH_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_CH[2].LIMITH event. NRF_SAADC_INT_CH2LIMITL = SAADC_INTENSET_CH2LIMITL_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_CH[2].LIMITL event. NRF_SAADC_INT_CH3LIMITH = SAADC_INTENSET_CH3LIMITH_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_CH[3].LIMITH event. NRF_SAADC_INT_CH3LIMITL = SAADC_INTENSET_CH3LIMITL_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_CH[3].LIMITL event. NRF_SAADC_INT_CH4LIMITH = SAADC_INTENSET_CH4LIMITH_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_CH[4].LIMITH event. NRF_SAADC_INT_CH4LIMITL = SAADC_INTENSET_CH4LIMITL_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_CH[4].LIMITL event. NRF_SAADC_INT_CH5LIMITH = SAADC_INTENSET_CH5LIMITH_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_CH[5].LIMITH event. NRF_SAADC_INT_CH5LIMITL = SAADC_INTENSET_CH5LIMITL_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_CH[5].LIMITL event. NRF_SAADC_INT_CH6LIMITH = SAADC_INTENSET_CH6LIMITH_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_CH[6].LIMITH event. NRF_SAADC_INT_CH6LIMITL = SAADC_INTENSET_CH6LIMITL_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_CH[6].LIMITL event. NRF_SAADC_INT_CH7LIMITH = SAADC_INTENSET_CH7LIMITH_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_CH[7].LIMITH event. NRF_SAADC_INT_CH7LIMITL = SAADC_INTENSET_CH7LIMITL_Msk, ///< Interrupt on EVENTS_CH[7].LIMITL event. NRF_SAADC_INT_ALL = 0x7FFFFFFFUL ///< Mask of all interrupts. } nrf_saadc_int_mask_t; /** * @brief Analog-to-digital converter value limit type. */ typedef enum { NRF_SAADC_LIMIT_LOW = 0, NRF_SAADC_LIMIT_HIGH = 1 } nrf_saadc_limit_t; typedef int16_t nrf_saadc_value_t; ///< Type of a single ADC conversion result. /** * @brief Analog-to-digital converter configuration structure. */ typedef struct { nrf_saadc_resolution_t resolution; nrf_saadc_oversample_t oversample; nrf_saadc_value_t * buffer; uint32_t buffer_size; } nrf_saadc_config_t; /** * @brief Analog-to-digital converter channel configuration structure. */ typedef struct { nrf_saadc_resistor_t resistor_p; nrf_saadc_resistor_t resistor_n; nrf_saadc_gain_t gain; nrf_saadc_reference_t reference; nrf_saadc_acqtime_t acq_time; nrf_saadc_mode_t mode; nrf_saadc_burst_t burst; nrf_saadc_input_t pin_p; nrf_saadc_input_t pin_n; } nrf_saadc_channel_config_t; /** * @brief Function for triggering a specific SAADC task. * * @param[in] saadc_task SAADC task. */ __STATIC_INLINE void nrf_saadc_task_trigger(nrf_saadc_task_t saadc_task) { *((volatile uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)NRF_SAADC + (uint32_t)saadc_task)) = 0x1UL; } /** * @brief Function for getting the address of a specific SAADC task register. * * @param[in] saadc_task SAADC task. * * @return Address of the specified SAADC task. */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_saadc_task_address_get(nrf_saadc_task_t saadc_task) { return (uint32_t)((uint8_t *)NRF_SAADC + (uint32_t)saadc_task); } /** * @brief Function for getting the state of a specific SAADC event. * * @param[in] saadc_event SAADC event. * * @return State of the specified SAADC event. */ __STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_saadc_event_check(nrf_saadc_event_t saadc_event) { return (bool)*(volatile uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)NRF_SAADC + (uint32_t)saadc_event); } /** * @brief Function for clearing the specific SAADC event. * * @param[in] saadc_event SAADC event. */ __STATIC_INLINE void nrf_saadc_event_clear(nrf_saadc_event_t saadc_event) { *((volatile uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)NRF_SAADC + (uint32_t)saadc_event)) = 0x0UL; #if __CORTEX_M == 0x04 volatile uint32_t dummy = *((volatile uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)NRF_SAADC + (uint32_t)saadc_event)); (void)dummy; #endif } /** * @brief Function for getting the address of a specific SAADC event register. * * @param[in] saadc_event SAADC event. * * @return Address of the specified SAADC event. */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_saadc_event_address_get(nrf_saadc_event_t saadc_event) { return (uint32_t )((uint8_t *)NRF_SAADC + (uint32_t)saadc_event); } /** * @brief Function for getting the address of a specific SAADC limit event register. * * @param[in] channel Channel number. * @param[in] limit_type Low limit or high limit. * * @return Address of the specified SAADC limit event. */ __STATIC_INLINE volatile uint32_t * nrf_saadc_event_limit_address_get(uint8_t channel, nrf_saadc_limit_t limit_type) { ASSERT(channel < NRF_SAADC_CHANNEL_COUNT); if (limit_type == NRF_SAADC_LIMIT_HIGH) { return &NRF_SAADC->EVENTS_CH[channel].LIMITH; } else { return &NRF_SAADC->EVENTS_CH[channel].LIMITL; } } /** * @brief Function for getting the SAADC channel monitoring limit events. * * @param[in] channel Channel number. * @param[in] limit_type Low limit or high limit. */ __STATIC_INLINE nrf_saadc_event_t nrf_saadc_event_limit_get(uint8_t channel, nrf_saadc_limit_t limit_type) { if (limit_type == NRF_SAADC_LIMIT_HIGH) { return (nrf_saadc_event_t)( (uint32_t) NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH0_LIMITH + (uint32_t) (NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH1_LIMITH - NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH0_LIMITH) * (uint32_t) channel ); } else { return (nrf_saadc_event_t)( (uint32_t) NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH0_LIMITL + (uint32_t) (NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH1_LIMITL - NRF_SAADC_EVENT_CH0_LIMITL) * (uint32_t) channel ); } } /** * @brief Function for configuring the input pins for a specific SAADC channel. * * @param[in] channel Channel number. * @param[in] pselp Positive input. * @param[in] pseln Negative input. Set to NRF_SAADC_INPUT_DISABLED in single ended mode. */ __STATIC_INLINE void nrf_saadc_channel_input_set(uint8_t channel, nrf_saadc_input_t pselp, nrf_saadc_input_t pseln) { NRF_SAADC->CH[channel].PSELN = pseln; NRF_SAADC->CH[channel].PSELP = pselp; } /** * @brief Function for setting the SAADC channel monitoring limits. * * @param[in] channel Channel number. * @param[in] low Low limit. * @param[in] high High limit. */ __STATIC_INLINE void nrf_saadc_channel_limits_set(uint8_t channel, int16_t low, int16_t high) { NRF_SAADC->CH[channel].LIMIT = ( (((uint32_t) low << SAADC_CH_LIMIT_LOW_Pos) & SAADC_CH_LIMIT_LOW_Msk) | (((uint32_t) high << SAADC_CH_LIMIT_HIGH_Pos) & SAADC_CH_LIMIT_HIGH_Msk)); } /** * @brief Function for enabling specified SAADC interrupts. * * @param[in] saadc_int_mask Interrupt(s) to enable. */ __STATIC_INLINE void nrf_saadc_int_enable(uint32_t saadc_int_mask) { NRF_SAADC->INTENSET = saadc_int_mask; } /** * @brief Function for retrieving the state of specified SAADC interrupts. * * @param[in] saadc_int_mask Interrupt(s) to check. * * @retval true If all specified interrupts are enabled. * @retval false If at least one of the given interrupts is not enabled. */ __STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_saadc_int_enable_check(uint32_t saadc_int_mask) { return (bool)(NRF_SAADC->INTENSET & saadc_int_mask); } /** * @brief Function for disabling specified interrupts. * * @param saadc_int_mask Interrupt(s) to disable. */ __STATIC_INLINE void nrf_saadc_int_disable(uint32_t saadc_int_mask) { NRF_SAADC->INTENCLR = saadc_int_mask; } /** * @brief Function for generating masks for SAADC channel limit interrupts. * * @param[in] channel SAADC channel number. * @param[in] limit_type Limit type. * * @returns Interrupt mask. */ __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_saadc_limit_int_get(uint8_t channel, nrf_saadc_limit_t limit_type) { ASSERT(channel < NRF_SAADC_CHANNEL_COUNT); uint32_t mask = (limit_type == NRF_SAADC_LIMIT_LOW) ? NRF_SAADC_INT_CH0LIMITL : NRF_SAADC_INT_CH0LIMITH; return mask << (channel * 2); } /** * @brief Function for checking whether the SAADC is busy. * * This function checks whether the analog-to-digital converter is busy with a conversion. * * @retval true If the SAADC is busy. * @retval false If the SAADC is not busy. */ __STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_saadc_busy_check(void) { //return ((NRF_SAADC->STATUS & SAADC_STATUS_STATUS_Msk) == SAADC_STATUS_STATUS_Msk); //simplified for performance return NRF_SAADC->STATUS; } /** * @brief Function for enabling the SAADC. * * The analog-to-digital converter must be enabled before use. */ __STATIC_INLINE void nrf_saadc_enable(void) { NRF_SAADC->ENABLE = (SAADC_ENABLE_ENABLE_Enabled << SAADC_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos); } /** * @brief Function for disabling the SAADC. */ __STATIC_INLINE void nrf_saadc_disable(void) { NRF_SAADC->ENABLE = (SAADC_ENABLE_ENABLE_Disabled << SAADC_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos); } /** * @brief Function for checking if the SAADC is enabled. * * @retval true If the SAADC is enabled. * @retval false If the SAADC is not enabled. */ __STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_saadc_enable_check(void) { //simplified for performance return NRF_SAADC->ENABLE; } /** * @brief Function for initializing the SAADC result buffer. * * @param[in] buffer Pointer to the result buffer. * @param[in] num Size of buffer in words. */ __STATIC_INLINE void nrf_saadc_buffer_init(nrf_saadc_value_t * buffer, uint32_t num) { NRF_SAADC->RESULT.PTR = (uint32_t)buffer; NRF_SAADC->RESULT.MAXCNT = num; } /** * @brief Function for getting the number of buffer words transferred since last START operation. * * @returns Number of words transferred. */ __STATIC_INLINE uint16_t nrf_saadc_amount_get(void) { return NRF_SAADC->RESULT.AMOUNT; } /** * @brief Function for setting the SAADC sample resolution. * * @param[in] resolution Bit resolution. */ __STATIC_INLINE void nrf_saadc_resolution_set(nrf_saadc_resolution_t resolution) { NRF_SAADC->RESOLUTION = resolution; } /** * @brief Function for configuring the oversampling feature. * * @param[in] oversample Oversampling mode. */ __STATIC_INLINE void nrf_saadc_oversample_set(nrf_saadc_oversample_t oversample) { NRF_SAADC->OVERSAMPLE = oversample; } /** * @brief Function for getting the oversampling feature configuration. * * @return Oversampling configuration. */ __STATIC_INLINE nrf_saadc_oversample_t nrf_saadc_oversample_get(void) { return (nrf_saadc_oversample_t)NRF_SAADC->OVERSAMPLE; } /** * @brief Function for initializing the SAADC channel. * * @param[in] channel Channel number. * @param[in] config Pointer to the channel configuration structure. */ void nrf_saadc_channel_init(uint8_t channel, nrf_saadc_channel_config_t const * const config); /** *@} **/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* NRF_SAADC_H_ */