/** * Copyright (c) 2017 - 2017, Nordic Semiconductor ASA * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form, except as embedded into a Nordic * Semiconductor ASA integrated circuit in a product or a software update for * such product, must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of Nordic Semiconductor ASA nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * 4. This software, with or without modification, must only be used with a * Nordic Semiconductor ASA integrated circuit. * * 5. Any software provided in binary form under this license must not be reverse * engineered, decompiled, modified and/or disassembled. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR ASA "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR ASA OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE * GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #ifndef SDK_CONFIG_H #define SDK_CONFIG_H // <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>>\n #ifdef USE_APP_CONFIG #include "app_config.h" #endif // HCI_SLIP_ENABLED - hci_slip - SLIP protocol implementation used by HCI //========================================================== #ifndef HCI_SLIP_ENABLED #define HCI_SLIP_ENABLED 1 #endif // HCI_UART_BAUDRATE - Default Baudrate // <323584=> 1200 baud // <643072=> 2400 baud // <1290240=> 4800 baud // <2576384=> 9600 baud // <3862528=> 14400 baud // <5152768=> 19200 baud // <7716864=> 28800 baud // <10289152=> 38400 baud // <15400960=> 57600 baud // <20615168=> 76800 baud // <30801920=> 115200 baud // <61865984=> 230400 baud // <67108864=> 250000 baud // <121634816=> 460800 baud // <251658240=> 921600 baud // <268435456=> 1000000 baud #ifndef HCI_UART_BAUDRATE #define HCI_UART_BAUDRATE 30801920 #endif // HCI_UART_FLOW_CONTROL - Hardware Flow Control // <0=> Disabled // <1=> Enabled #ifndef HCI_UART_FLOW_CONTROL #define HCI_UART_FLOW_CONTROL 0 #endif // HCI_UART_RX_PIN - UART RX pin #ifndef HCI_UART_RX_PIN #define HCI_UART_RX_PIN 8 #endif // HCI_UART_TX_PIN - UART TX pin #ifndef HCI_UART_TX_PIN #define HCI_UART_TX_PIN 6 #endif // HCI_UART_RTS_PIN - UART RTS pin #ifndef HCI_UART_RTS_PIN #define HCI_UART_RTS_PIN 5 #endif // HCI_UART_CTS_PIN - UART CTS pin #ifndef HCI_UART_CTS_PIN #define HCI_UART_CTS_PIN 7 #endif #ifndef HCI_TRANSPORT_ENABLED #define HCI_TRANSPORT_ENABLED 1 #endif // HCI_MAX_PACKET_SIZE_IN_BITS - Maximum size of a single application packet in bits. #ifndef HCI_MAX_PACKET_SIZE_IN_BITS #define HCI_MAX_PACKET_SIZE_IN_BITS 8000 #endif //#include "nrf_drv_config.h" // nRF_BLE_DFU //========================================================== // NRF_DFU_BLE_REQUIRES_BONDS - nrf_ble_dfu - BLE DFU module #ifndef NRF_DFU_BLE_REQUIRES_BONDS #define NRF_DFU_BLE_REQUIRES_BONDS 0 #endif // //========================================================== // nRF_Bootloader //========================================================== // nrf_dfu - DFU Bootloader //========================================================== // NRF_DFU_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT_MS - Timeout in ms before automatically starting a valid application due to inactivity <100-60000000> #ifndef NRF_DFU_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT_MS #define NRF_DFU_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT_MS 120000 #endif // NRF_DFU_POST_SD_BL_TIMEOUT_MS - Timeout in ms before automatically starting a valid application after a bootloader or SoftDevice update <100-60000000> #ifndef NRF_DFU_POST_SD_BL_TIMEOUT_MS #define NRF_DFU_POST_SD_BL_TIMEOUT_MS 10000 #endif // DFU flash buffers //========================================================== // FLASH_BUFFER_COUNT - Number of flash buffers. // Must be a power of two. #ifndef FLASH_BUFFER_COUNT #define FLASH_BUFFER_COUNT 4 #endif // FLASH_BUFFER_LENGTH - Length of a flash buffer, in bytes. // Must be a multiple of the word size. #ifndef FLASH_BUFFER_LENGTH #define FLASH_BUFFER_LENGTH 128 #endif // //========================================================== // //========================================================== // //========================================================== // nRF_Crypto //========================================================== // NRF_CRYPTO_ENABLED - nrf_crypto - Cryptography library //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_CRYPTO_ENABLED #define NRF_CRYPTO_ENABLED 1 #endif // NRF_CRYPTO_BACKEND_CC310_LIB - Enable the ARM Cryptocell CC310 backend // The hardware-accelerated cryptography backend is available only on nRF52840. #ifndef NRF_CRYPTO_BACKEND_CC310_LIB #define NRF_CRYPTO_BACKEND_CC310_LIB 0 #endif // NRF_CRYPTO_BACKEND_MICRO_ECC - Enable the micro-ecc software backend // The micro-ecc library provides a software implementation of ECC cryptography for nRF5 Series devices. //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_CRYPTO_BACKEND_MICRO_ECC #define NRF_CRYPTO_BACKEND_MICRO_ECC 1 #endif // NRF_CRYPTO_BACKEND_MICRO_ECC_SHA256 - Enable SHA256 // Enable SHA256 cryptographic hash functionality. // Enable this setting if you need SHA256 support, for example to verify signatures. #ifndef NRF_CRYPTO_BACKEND_MICRO_ECC_SHA256 #define NRF_CRYPTO_BACKEND_MICRO_ECC_SHA256 1 #endif // NRF_CRYPTO_BACKEND_MICRO_ECC_RNG - Enable random number generator // Enable random number generation. // Enable this setting if you need to generate cryptographic keys. // This setting requires the RNG peripheral driver to be present. #ifndef NRF_CRYPTO_BACKEND_MICRO_ECC_RNG #define NRF_CRYPTO_BACKEND_MICRO_ECC_RNG 0 #endif // // // //========================================================== // nRF_Drivers //========================================================== // CLOCK_ENABLED - nrf_drv_clock - CLOCK peripheral driver //========================================================== #ifndef CLOCK_ENABLED #define CLOCK_ENABLED 0 #endif // CLOCK_CONFIG_XTAL_FREQ - HF XTAL Frequency // <0=> Default (64 MHz) #ifndef CLOCK_CONFIG_XTAL_FREQ #define CLOCK_CONFIG_XTAL_FREQ 0 #endif // CLOCK_CONFIG_LF_SRC - LF Clock Source // <0=> RC // <1=> XTAL // <2=> Synth #ifndef CLOCK_CONFIG_LF_SRC #define CLOCK_CONFIG_LF_SRC 1 #endif // CLOCK_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,2 (nRF51) and 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef CLOCK_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define CLOCK_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // // COMP_ENABLED - nrf_drv_comp - COMP peripheral driver //========================================================== #ifndef COMP_ENABLED #define COMP_ENABLED 0 #endif // COMP_CONFIG_REF - Reference voltage // <0=> Internal 1.2V // <1=> Internal 1.8V // <2=> Internal 2.4V // <4=> VDD // <7=> ARef #ifndef COMP_CONFIG_REF #define COMP_CONFIG_REF 1 #endif // COMP_CONFIG_MAIN_MODE - Main mode // <0=> Single ended // <1=> Differential #ifndef COMP_CONFIG_MAIN_MODE #define COMP_CONFIG_MAIN_MODE 0 #endif // COMP_CONFIG_SPEED_MODE - Speed mode // <0=> Low power // <1=> Normal // <2=> High speed #ifndef COMP_CONFIG_SPEED_MODE #define COMP_CONFIG_SPEED_MODE 2 #endif // COMP_CONFIG_HYST - Hystheresis // <0=> No // <1=> 50mV #ifndef COMP_CONFIG_HYST #define COMP_CONFIG_HYST 0 #endif // COMP_CONFIG_ISOURCE - Current Source // <0=> Off // <1=> 2.5 uA // <2=> 5 uA // <3=> 10 uA #ifndef COMP_CONFIG_ISOURCE #define COMP_CONFIG_ISOURCE 0 #endif // COMP_CONFIG_INPUT - Analog input // <0=> 0 // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef COMP_CONFIG_INPUT #define COMP_CONFIG_INPUT 0 #endif // COMP_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,2 (nRF51) and 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef COMP_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define COMP_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // // EGU_ENABLED - nrf_drv_swi - SWI(EGU) peripheral driver #ifndef EGU_ENABLED #define EGU_ENABLED 0 #endif // GPIOTE_ENABLED - nrf_drv_gpiote - GPIOTE peripheral driver //========================================================== #ifndef GPIOTE_ENABLED #define GPIOTE_ENABLED 0 #endif // GPIOTE_CONFIG_NUM_OF_LOW_POWER_EVENTS - Number of lower power input pins #ifndef GPIOTE_CONFIG_NUM_OF_LOW_POWER_EVENTS #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_NUM_OF_LOW_POWER_EVENTS 4 #endif // GPIOTE_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,2 (nRF51) and 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef GPIOTE_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // // I2S_ENABLED - nrf_drv_i2s - I2S peripheral driver //========================================================== #ifndef I2S_ENABLED #define I2S_ENABLED 0 #endif // I2S_CONFIG_SCK_PIN - SCK pin <0-31> #ifndef I2S_CONFIG_SCK_PIN #define I2S_CONFIG_SCK_PIN 31 #endif // I2S_CONFIG_LRCK_PIN - LRCK pin <1-31> #ifndef I2S_CONFIG_LRCK_PIN #define I2S_CONFIG_LRCK_PIN 30 #endif // I2S_CONFIG_MCK_PIN - MCK pin #ifndef I2S_CONFIG_MCK_PIN #define I2S_CONFIG_MCK_PIN 255 #endif // I2S_CONFIG_SDOUT_PIN - SDOUT pin <0-31> #ifndef I2S_CONFIG_SDOUT_PIN #define I2S_CONFIG_SDOUT_PIN 29 #endif // I2S_CONFIG_SDIN_PIN - SDIN pin <0-31> #ifndef I2S_CONFIG_SDIN_PIN #define I2S_CONFIG_SDIN_PIN 28 #endif // I2S_CONFIG_MASTER - Mode // <0=> Master // <1=> Slave #ifndef I2S_CONFIG_MASTER #define I2S_CONFIG_MASTER 0 #endif // I2S_CONFIG_FORMAT - Format // <0=> I2S // <1=> Aligned #ifndef I2S_CONFIG_FORMAT #define I2S_CONFIG_FORMAT 0 #endif // I2S_CONFIG_ALIGN - Alignment // <0=> Left // <1=> Right #ifndef I2S_CONFIG_ALIGN #define I2S_CONFIG_ALIGN 0 #endif // I2S_CONFIG_SWIDTH - Sample width (bits) // <0=> 8 // <1=> 16 // <2=> 24 #ifndef I2S_CONFIG_SWIDTH #define I2S_CONFIG_SWIDTH 1 #endif // I2S_CONFIG_CHANNELS - Channels // <0=> Stereo // <1=> Left // <2=> Right #ifndef I2S_CONFIG_CHANNELS #define I2S_CONFIG_CHANNELS 1 #endif // I2S_CONFIG_MCK_SETUP - MCK behavior // <0=> Disabled // <2147483648=> 32MHz/2 // <1342177280=> 32MHz/3 // <1073741824=> 32MHz/4 // <805306368=> 32MHz/5 // <671088640=> 32MHz/6 // <536870912=> 32MHz/8 // <402653184=> 32MHz/10 // <369098752=> 32MHz/11 // <285212672=> 32MHz/15 // <268435456=> 32MHz/16 // <201326592=> 32MHz/21 // <184549376=> 32MHz/23 // <142606336=> 32MHz/30 // <138412032=> 32MHz/31 // <134217728=> 32MHz/32 // <100663296=> 32MHz/42 // <68157440=> 32MHz/63 // <34340864=> 32MHz/125 #ifndef I2S_CONFIG_MCK_SETUP #define I2S_CONFIG_MCK_SETUP 536870912 #endif // I2S_CONFIG_RATIO - MCK/LRCK ratio // <0=> 32x // <1=> 48x // <2=> 64x // <3=> 96x // <4=> 128x // <5=> 192x // <6=> 256x // <7=> 384x // <8=> 512x #ifndef I2S_CONFIG_RATIO #define I2S_CONFIG_RATIO 2000 #endif // I2S_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,2 (nRF51) and 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef I2S_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define I2S_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // // LPCOMP_ENABLED - nrf_drv_lpcomp - LPCOMP peripheral driver //========================================================== #ifndef LPCOMP_ENABLED #define LPCOMP_ENABLED 0 #endif // LPCOMP_CONFIG_REFERENCE - Reference voltage // <0=> Supply 1/8 // <1=> Supply 2/8 // <2=> Supply 3/8 // <3=> Supply 4/8 // <4=> Supply 5/8 // <5=> Supply 6/8 // <6=> Supply 7/8 // <8=> Supply 1/16 (nRF52) // <9=> Supply 3/16 (nRF52) // <10=> Supply 5/16 (nRF52) // <11=> Supply 7/16 (nRF52) // <12=> Supply 9/16 (nRF52) // <13=> Supply 11/16 (nRF52) // <14=> Supply 13/16 (nRF52) // <15=> Supply 15/16 (nRF52) // <7=> External Ref 0 // <65543=> External Ref 1 #ifndef LPCOMP_CONFIG_REFERENCE #define LPCOMP_CONFIG_REFERENCE 3 #endif // LPCOMP_CONFIG_DETECTION - Detection // <0=> Crossing // <1=> Up // <2=> Down #ifndef LPCOMP_CONFIG_DETECTION #define LPCOMP_CONFIG_DETECTION 2 #endif // LPCOMP_CONFIG_INPUT - Analog input // <0=> 0 // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef LPCOMP_CONFIG_INPUT #define LPCOMP_CONFIG_INPUT 0 #endif // LPCOMP_CONFIG_HYST - Hysteresis #ifndef LPCOMP_CONFIG_HYST #define LPCOMP_CONFIG_HYST 0 #endif // LPCOMP_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,2 (nRF51) and 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef LPCOMP_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define LPCOMP_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // // PDM_ENABLED - nrf_drv_pdm - PDM peripheral driver //========================================================== #ifndef PDM_ENABLED #define PDM_ENABLED 0 #endif // PDM_CONFIG_MODE - Mode // <0=> Stereo // <1=> Mono #ifndef PDM_CONFIG_MODE #define PDM_CONFIG_MODE 1 #endif // PDM_CONFIG_EDGE - Edge // <0=> Left falling // <1=> Left rising #ifndef PDM_CONFIG_EDGE #define PDM_CONFIG_EDGE 0 #endif // PDM_CONFIG_CLOCK_FREQ - Clock frequency // <134217728=> 1000k // <138412032=> 1032k (default) // <142606336=> 1067k #ifndef PDM_CONFIG_CLOCK_FREQ #define PDM_CONFIG_CLOCK_FREQ 138412032 #endif // PDM_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,2 (nRF51) and 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef PDM_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define PDM_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // // PERIPHERAL_RESOURCE_SHARING_ENABLED - nrf_drv_common - Peripheral drivers common module #ifndef PERIPHERAL_RESOURCE_SHARING_ENABLED #define PERIPHERAL_RESOURCE_SHARING_ENABLED 0 #endif // POWER_ENABLED - nrf_drv_power - POWER peripheral driver //========================================================== #ifndef POWER_ENABLED #define POWER_ENABLED 0 #endif // POWER_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,2 (nRF51) and 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef POWER_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define POWER_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // POWER_CONFIG_DEFAULT_DCDCEN - The default configuration of main DCDC regulator // This settings means only that components for DCDC regulator are installed and it can be enabled. #ifndef POWER_CONFIG_DEFAULT_DCDCEN #define POWER_CONFIG_DEFAULT_DCDCEN 0 #endif // POWER_CONFIG_DEFAULT_DCDCENHV - The default configuration of High Voltage DCDC regulator // This settings means only that components for DCDC regulator are installed and it can be enabled. #ifndef POWER_CONFIG_DEFAULT_DCDCENHV #define POWER_CONFIG_DEFAULT_DCDCENHV 0 #endif // // PPI_ENABLED - nrf_drv_ppi - PPI peripheral driver #ifndef PPI_ENABLED #define PPI_ENABLED 0 #endif // PWM_ENABLED - nrf_drv_pwm - PWM peripheral driver //========================================================== #ifndef PWM_ENABLED #define PWM_ENABLED 0 #endif // PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_OUT0_PIN - Out0 pin <0-31> #ifndef PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_OUT0_PIN #define PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_OUT0_PIN 31 #endif // PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_OUT1_PIN - Out1 pin <0-31> #ifndef PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_OUT1_PIN #define PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_OUT1_PIN 31 #endif // PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_OUT2_PIN - Out2 pin <0-31> #ifndef PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_OUT2_PIN #define PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_OUT2_PIN 31 #endif // PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_OUT3_PIN - Out3 pin <0-31> #ifndef PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_OUT3_PIN #define PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_OUT3_PIN 31 #endif // PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_BASE_CLOCK - Base clock // <0=> 16 MHz // <1=> 8 MHz // <2=> 4 MHz // <3=> 2 MHz // <4=> 1 MHz // <5=> 500 kHz // <6=> 250 kHz // <7=> 125 kHz #ifndef PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_BASE_CLOCK #define PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_BASE_CLOCK 4 #endif // PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_COUNT_MODE - Count mode // <0=> Up // <1=> Up and Down #ifndef PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_COUNT_MODE #define PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_COUNT_MODE 0 #endif // PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_TOP_VALUE - Top value #ifndef PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_TOP_VALUE #define PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_TOP_VALUE 1000 #endif // PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_LOAD_MODE - Load mode // <0=> Common // <1=> Grouped // <2=> Individual // <3=> Waveform #ifndef PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_LOAD_MODE #define PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_LOAD_MODE 0 #endif // PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_STEP_MODE - Step mode // <0=> Auto // <1=> Triggered #ifndef PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_STEP_MODE #define PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_STEP_MODE 0 #endif // PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // PWM0_ENABLED - Enable PWM0 instance #ifndef PWM0_ENABLED #define PWM0_ENABLED 0 #endif // PWM1_ENABLED - Enable PWM1 instance #ifndef PWM1_ENABLED #define PWM1_ENABLED 0 #endif // PWM2_ENABLED - Enable PWM2 instance #ifndef PWM2_ENABLED #define PWM2_ENABLED 0 #endif // PWM3_ENABLED - Enable PWM3 instance #ifndef PWM3_ENABLED #define PWM3_ENABLED 0 #endif // // QDEC_ENABLED - nrf_drv_qdec - QDEC peripheral driver //========================================================== #ifndef QDEC_ENABLED #define QDEC_ENABLED 0 #endif // QDEC_CONFIG_REPORTPER - Report period // <0=> 10 Samples // <1=> 40 Samples // <2=> 80 Samples // <3=> 120 Samples // <4=> 160 Samples // <5=> 200 Samples // <6=> 240 Samples // <7=> 280 Samples #ifndef QDEC_CONFIG_REPORTPER #define QDEC_CONFIG_REPORTPER 0 #endif // QDEC_CONFIG_SAMPLEPER - Sample period // <0=> 128 us // <1=> 256 us // <2=> 512 us // <3=> 1024 us // <4=> 2048 us // <5=> 4096 us // <6=> 8192 us // <7=> 16384 us #ifndef QDEC_CONFIG_SAMPLEPER #define QDEC_CONFIG_SAMPLEPER 7 #endif // QDEC_CONFIG_PIO_A - A pin <0-31> #ifndef QDEC_CONFIG_PIO_A #define QDEC_CONFIG_PIO_A 31 #endif // QDEC_CONFIG_PIO_B - B pin <0-31> #ifndef QDEC_CONFIG_PIO_B #define QDEC_CONFIG_PIO_B 31 #endif // QDEC_CONFIG_PIO_LED - LED pin <0-31> #ifndef QDEC_CONFIG_PIO_LED #define QDEC_CONFIG_PIO_LED 31 #endif // QDEC_CONFIG_LEDPRE - LED pre #ifndef QDEC_CONFIG_LEDPRE #define QDEC_CONFIG_LEDPRE 511 #endif // QDEC_CONFIG_LEDPOL - LED polarity // <0=> Active low // <1=> Active high #ifndef QDEC_CONFIG_LEDPOL #define QDEC_CONFIG_LEDPOL 1 #endif // QDEC_CONFIG_DBFEN - Debouncing enable #ifndef QDEC_CONFIG_DBFEN #define QDEC_CONFIG_DBFEN 0 #endif // QDEC_CONFIG_SAMPLE_INTEN - Sample ready interrupt enable #ifndef QDEC_CONFIG_SAMPLE_INTEN #define QDEC_CONFIG_SAMPLE_INTEN 0 #endif // QDEC_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,2 (nRF51) and 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef QDEC_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define QDEC_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // // RNG_ENABLED - nrf_drv_rng - RNG peripheral driver //========================================================== #ifndef RNG_ENABLED #define RNG_ENABLED 0 #endif // RNG_CONFIG_ERROR_CORRECTION - Error correction #ifndef RNG_CONFIG_ERROR_CORRECTION #define RNG_CONFIG_ERROR_CORRECTION 0 #endif // RNG_CONFIG_POOL_SIZE - Pool size #ifndef RNG_CONFIG_POOL_SIZE #define RNG_CONFIG_POOL_SIZE 64 #endif // RNG_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,2 (nRF51) and 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef RNG_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define RNG_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // // RTC_ENABLED - nrf_drv_rtc - RTC peripheral driver //========================================================== #ifndef RTC_ENABLED #define RTC_ENABLED 0 #endif // RTC_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FREQUENCY - Frequency <16-32768> #ifndef RTC_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FREQUENCY #define RTC_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FREQUENCY 32768 #endif // RTC_DEFAULT_CONFIG_RELIABLE - Ensures safe compare event triggering #ifndef RTC_DEFAULT_CONFIG_RELIABLE #define RTC_DEFAULT_CONFIG_RELIABLE 0 #endif // RTC_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,2 (nRF51) and 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef RTC_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define RTC_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // RTC0_ENABLED - Enable RTC0 instance #ifndef RTC0_ENABLED #define RTC0_ENABLED 0 #endif // RTC1_ENABLED - Enable RTC1 instance #ifndef RTC1_ENABLED #define RTC1_ENABLED 0 #endif // RTC2_ENABLED - Enable RTC2 instance #ifndef RTC2_ENABLED #define RTC2_ENABLED 0 #endif // NRF_MAXIMUM_LATENCY_US - Maximum possible time[us] in highest priority interrupt #ifndef NRF_MAXIMUM_LATENCY_US #define NRF_MAXIMUM_LATENCY_US 2000 #endif // // SAADC_ENABLED - nrf_drv_saadc - SAADC peripheral driver //========================================================== #ifndef SAADC_ENABLED #define SAADC_ENABLED 0 #endif // SAADC_CONFIG_RESOLUTION - Resolution // <0=> 8 bit // <1=> 10 bit // <2=> 12 bit // <3=> 14 bit #ifndef SAADC_CONFIG_RESOLUTION #define SAADC_CONFIG_RESOLUTION 1 #endif // SAADC_CONFIG_OVERSAMPLE - Sample period // <0=> Disabled // <1=> 2x // <2=> 4x // <3=> 8x // <4=> 16x // <5=> 32x // <6=> 64x // <7=> 128x // <8=> 256x #ifndef SAADC_CONFIG_OVERSAMPLE #define SAADC_CONFIG_OVERSAMPLE 0 #endif // SAADC_CONFIG_LP_MODE - Enabling low power mode #ifndef SAADC_CONFIG_LP_MODE #define SAADC_CONFIG_LP_MODE 0 #endif // SAADC_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,2 (nRF51) and 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef SAADC_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define SAADC_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // // SPIS_ENABLED - nrf_drv_spis - SPI Slave driver //========================================================== #ifndef SPIS_ENABLED #define SPIS_ENABLED 0 #endif // SPIS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,2 (nRF51) and 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef SPIS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define SPIS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // SPIS_DEFAULT_MODE - Mode // <0=> MODE_0 // <1=> MODE_1 // <2=> MODE_2 // <3=> MODE_3 #ifndef SPIS_DEFAULT_MODE #define SPIS_DEFAULT_MODE 0 #endif // SPIS_DEFAULT_BIT_ORDER - SPIS default bit order // <0=> MSB first // <1=> LSB first #ifndef SPIS_DEFAULT_BIT_ORDER #define SPIS_DEFAULT_BIT_ORDER 0 #endif // SPIS_DEFAULT_DEF - SPIS default DEF character <0-255> #ifndef SPIS_DEFAULT_DEF #define SPIS_DEFAULT_DEF 255 #endif // SPIS_DEFAULT_ORC - SPIS default ORC character <0-255> #ifndef SPIS_DEFAULT_ORC #define SPIS_DEFAULT_ORC 255 #endif // SPIS0_ENABLED - Enable SPIS0 instance #ifndef SPIS0_ENABLED #define SPIS0_ENABLED 0 #endif // SPIS1_ENABLED - Enable SPIS1 instance #ifndef SPIS1_ENABLED #define SPIS1_ENABLED 0 #endif // SPIS2_ENABLED - Enable SPIS2 instance #ifndef SPIS2_ENABLED #define SPIS2_ENABLED 0 #endif // // SPI_ENABLED - nrf_drv_spi - SPI/SPIM peripheral driver //========================================================== #ifndef SPI_ENABLED #define SPI_ENABLED 0 #endif // SPI_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,2 (nRF51) and 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef SPI_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define SPI_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // SPI0_ENABLED - Enable SPI0 instance //========================================================== #ifndef SPI0_ENABLED #define SPI0_ENABLED 0 #endif // SPI0_USE_EASY_DMA - Use EasyDMA #ifndef SPI0_USE_EASY_DMA #define SPI0_USE_EASY_DMA 1 #endif // SPI0_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY - SPI frequency // <33554432=> 125 kHz // <67108864=> 250 kHz // <134217728=> 500 kHz // <268435456=> 1 MHz // <536870912=> 2 MHz // <1073741824=> 4 MHz // <2147483648=> 8 MHz #ifndef SPI0_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY #define SPI0_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY 1073741824 #endif // // SPI1_ENABLED - Enable SPI1 instance //========================================================== #ifndef SPI1_ENABLED #define SPI1_ENABLED 0 #endif // SPI1_USE_EASY_DMA - Use EasyDMA #ifndef SPI1_USE_EASY_DMA #define SPI1_USE_EASY_DMA 1 #endif // SPI1_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY - SPI frequency // <33554432=> 125 kHz // <67108864=> 250 kHz // <134217728=> 500 kHz // <268435456=> 1 MHz // <536870912=> 2 MHz // <1073741824=> 4 MHz // <2147483648=> 8 MHz #ifndef SPI1_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY #define SPI1_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY 1073741824 #endif // // SPI2_ENABLED - Enable SPI2 instance //========================================================== #ifndef SPI2_ENABLED #define SPI2_ENABLED 0 #endif // SPI2_USE_EASY_DMA - Use EasyDMA #ifndef SPI2_USE_EASY_DMA #define SPI2_USE_EASY_DMA 1 #endif // SPI2_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY - SPI frequency // <33554432=> 125 kHz // <67108864=> 250 kHz // <134217728=> 500 kHz // <268435456=> 1 MHz // <536870912=> 2 MHz // <1073741824=> 4 MHz // <2147483648=> 8 MHz #ifndef SPI2_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY #define SPI2_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY 1073741824 #endif // // // TIMER_ENABLED - nrf_drv_timer - TIMER periperal driver //========================================================== #ifndef TIMER_ENABLED #define TIMER_ENABLED 0 #endif // TIMER_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FREQUENCY - Timer frequency if in Timer mode // <0=> 16 MHz // <1=> 8 MHz // <2=> 4 MHz // <3=> 2 MHz // <4=> 1 MHz // <5=> 500 kHz // <6=> 250 kHz // <7=> 125 kHz // <8=> 62.5 kHz // <9=> 31.25 kHz #ifndef TIMER_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FREQUENCY #define TIMER_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FREQUENCY 0 #endif // TIMER_DEFAULT_CONFIG_MODE - Timer mode or operation // <0=> Timer // <1=> Counter #ifndef TIMER_DEFAULT_CONFIG_MODE #define TIMER_DEFAULT_CONFIG_MODE 0 #endif // TIMER_DEFAULT_CONFIG_BIT_WIDTH - Timer counter bit width // <0=> 16 bit // <1=> 8 bit // <2=> 24 bit // <3=> 32 bit #ifndef TIMER_DEFAULT_CONFIG_BIT_WIDTH #define TIMER_DEFAULT_CONFIG_BIT_WIDTH 0 #endif // TIMER_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,2 (nRF51) and 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef TIMER_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define TIMER_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // TIMER0_ENABLED - Enable TIMER0 instance #ifndef TIMER0_ENABLED #define TIMER0_ENABLED 0 #endif // TIMER1_ENABLED - Enable TIMER1 instance #ifndef TIMER1_ENABLED #define TIMER1_ENABLED 0 #endif // TIMER2_ENABLED - Enable TIMER2 instance #ifndef TIMER2_ENABLED #define TIMER2_ENABLED 0 #endif // TIMER3_ENABLED - Enable TIMER3 instance #ifndef TIMER3_ENABLED #define TIMER3_ENABLED 0 #endif // TIMER4_ENABLED - Enable TIMER4 instance #ifndef TIMER4_ENABLED #define TIMER4_ENABLED 0 #endif // // TWIS_ENABLED - nrf_drv_twis - TWIS peripheral driver //========================================================== #ifndef TWIS_ENABLED #define TWIS_ENABLED 0 #endif // TWIS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_ADDR0 - Address0 #ifndef TWIS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_ADDR0 #define TWIS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_ADDR0 0 #endif // TWIS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_ADDR1 - Address1 #ifndef TWIS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_ADDR1 #define TWIS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_ADDR1 0 #endif // TWIS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_SCL_PULL - SCL pin pull configuration // <0=> Disabled // <1=> Pull down // <3=> Pull up #ifndef TWIS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_SCL_PULL #define TWIS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_SCL_PULL 0 #endif // TWIS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_SDA_PULL - SDA pin pull configuration // <0=> Disabled // <1=> Pull down // <3=> Pull up #ifndef TWIS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_SDA_PULL #define TWIS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_SDA_PULL 0 #endif // TWIS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,2 (nRF51) and 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef TWIS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define TWIS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // TWIS0_ENABLED - Enable TWIS0 instance #ifndef TWIS0_ENABLED #define TWIS0_ENABLED 0 #endif // TWIS1_ENABLED - Enable TWIS1 instance #ifndef TWIS1_ENABLED #define TWIS1_ENABLED 0 #endif // TWIS_ASSUME_INIT_AFTER_RESET_ONLY - Assume that any instance would be initialized only once // Optimization flag. Registers used by TWIS are shared by other peripherals. Normally, during initialization driver tries to clear all registers to known state before doing the initialization itself. This gives initialization safe procedure, no matter when it would be called. If you activate TWIS only once and do never uninitialize it - set this flag to 1 what gives more optimal code. #ifndef TWIS_ASSUME_INIT_AFTER_RESET_ONLY #define TWIS_ASSUME_INIT_AFTER_RESET_ONLY 0 #endif // TWIS_NO_SYNC_MODE - Remove support for synchronous mode // Synchronous mode would be used in specific situations. And it uses some additional code and data memory to safely process state machine by polling it in status functions. If this functionality is not required it may be disabled to free some resources. #ifndef TWIS_NO_SYNC_MODE #define TWIS_NO_SYNC_MODE 0 #endif // // TWI_ENABLED - nrf_drv_twi - TWI/TWIM peripheral driver //========================================================== #ifndef TWI_ENABLED #define TWI_ENABLED 0 #endif // TWI_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FREQUENCY - Frequency // <26738688=> 100k // <67108864=> 250k // <104857600=> 400k #ifndef TWI_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FREQUENCY #define TWI_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FREQUENCY 26738688 #endif // TWI_DEFAULT_CONFIG_CLR_BUS_INIT - Enables bus clearing procedure during init #ifndef TWI_DEFAULT_CONFIG_CLR_BUS_INIT #define TWI_DEFAULT_CONFIG_CLR_BUS_INIT 0 #endif // TWI_DEFAULT_CONFIG_HOLD_BUS_UNINIT - Enables bus holding after uninit #ifndef TWI_DEFAULT_CONFIG_HOLD_BUS_UNINIT #define TWI_DEFAULT_CONFIG_HOLD_BUS_UNINIT 0 #endif // TWI_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,2 (nRF51) and 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef TWI_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define TWI_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // TWI0_ENABLED - Enable TWI0 instance //========================================================== #ifndef TWI0_ENABLED #define TWI0_ENABLED 0 #endif // TWI0_USE_EASY_DMA - Use EasyDMA (if present) #ifndef TWI0_USE_EASY_DMA #define TWI0_USE_EASY_DMA 0 #endif // // TWI1_ENABLED - Enable TWI1 instance //========================================================== #ifndef TWI1_ENABLED #define TWI1_ENABLED 0 #endif // TWI1_USE_EASY_DMA - Use EasyDMA (if present) #ifndef TWI1_USE_EASY_DMA #define TWI1_USE_EASY_DMA 0 #endif // // // UART_ENABLED - nrf_drv_uart - UART/UARTE peripheral driver //========================================================== #ifndef UART_ENABLED #define UART_ENABLED 1 #endif // UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_HWFC - Hardware Flow Control // <0=> Disabled // <1=> Enabled #ifndef UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_HWFC #define UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_HWFC 0 #endif // UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_PARITY - Parity // <0=> Excluded // <14=> Included #ifndef UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_PARITY #define UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_PARITY 0 #endif // UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_BAUDRATE - Default Baudrate // <323584=> 1200 baud // <643072=> 2400 baud // <1290240=> 4800 baud // <2576384=> 9600 baud // <3862528=> 14400 baud // <5152768=> 19200 baud // <7716864=> 28800 baud // <10289152=> 38400 baud // <15400960=> 57600 baud // <20615168=> 76800 baud // <30801920=> 115200 baud // <61865984=> 230400 baud // <67108864=> 250000 baud // <121634816=> 460800 baud // <251658240=> 921600 baud // <268435456=> 1000000 baud #ifndef UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_BAUDRATE #define UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_BAUDRATE 30801920 #endif // UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,2 (nRF51) and 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define UART_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // UART_EASY_DMA_SUPPORT - Driver supporting EasyDMA #ifndef UART_EASY_DMA_SUPPORT #define UART_EASY_DMA_SUPPORT 1 #endif // UART_LEGACY_SUPPORT - Driver supporting Legacy mode #ifndef UART_LEGACY_SUPPORT #define UART_LEGACY_SUPPORT 1 #endif // UART0_ENABLED - Enable UART0 instance //========================================================== #ifndef UART0_ENABLED #define UART0_ENABLED 1 #endif // UART0_CONFIG_USE_EASY_DMA - Default setting for using EasyDMA #ifndef UART0_CONFIG_USE_EASY_DMA #define UART0_CONFIG_USE_EASY_DMA 0 #endif // // UART1_ENABLED - Enable UART1 instance //========================================================== #ifndef UART1_ENABLED #define UART1_ENABLED 0 #endif // UART1_CONFIG_USE_EASY_DMA - Default setting for using EasyDMA #ifndef UART1_CONFIG_USE_EASY_DMA #define UART1_CONFIG_USE_EASY_DMA 1 #endif // // // USBD_ENABLED - nrf_drv_usbd - USB driver //========================================================== #ifndef USBD_ENABLED #define USBD_ENABLED 0 #endif // USBD_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,2 (nRF51) and 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef USBD_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define USBD_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // NRF_DRV_USBD_DMASCHEDULER_MODE - USBD SMA scheduler working scheme // <0=> Prioritized access // <1=> Round Robin #ifndef NRF_DRV_USBD_DMASCHEDULER_MODE #define NRF_DRV_USBD_DMASCHEDULER_MODE 0 #endif // // WDT_ENABLED - nrf_drv_wdt - WDT peripheral driver //========================================================== #ifndef WDT_ENABLED #define WDT_ENABLED 0 #endif // WDT_CONFIG_BEHAVIOUR - WDT behavior in CPU SLEEP or HALT mode // <1=> Run in SLEEP, Pause in HALT // <8=> Pause in SLEEP, Run in HALT // <9=> Run in SLEEP and HALT // <0=> Pause in SLEEP and HALT #ifndef WDT_CONFIG_BEHAVIOUR #define WDT_CONFIG_BEHAVIOUR 1 #endif // WDT_CONFIG_RELOAD_VALUE - Reload value <15-4294967295> #ifndef WDT_CONFIG_RELOAD_VALUE #define WDT_CONFIG_RELOAD_VALUE 2000 #endif // WDT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,2 (nRF51) and 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef WDT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define WDT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // // //========================================================== // nRF_Libraries //========================================================== // APP_SCHEDULER_ENABLED - app_scheduler - Events scheduler //========================================================== #ifndef APP_SCHEDULER_ENABLED #define APP_SCHEDULER_ENABLED 1 #endif // APP_SCHEDULER_WITH_PAUSE - Enabling pause feature #ifndef APP_SCHEDULER_WITH_PAUSE #define APP_SCHEDULER_WITH_PAUSE 0 #endif // APP_SCHEDULER_WITH_PROFILER - Enabling scheduler profiling #ifndef APP_SCHEDULER_WITH_PROFILER #define APP_SCHEDULER_WITH_PROFILER 0 #endif // // APP_TIMER_ENABLED - app_timer - Application timer functionality //========================================================== #ifndef APP_TIMER_ENABLED #define APP_TIMER_ENABLED 1 #endif // APP_TIMER_CONFIG_RTC_FREQUENCY - Configure RTC prescaler. // <0=> 32768 Hz // <1=> 16384 Hz // <3=> 8192 Hz // <7=> 4096 Hz // <15=> 2048 Hz // <31=> 1024 Hz #ifndef APP_TIMER_CONFIG_RTC_FREQUENCY #define APP_TIMER_CONFIG_RTC_FREQUENCY 0 #endif // APP_TIMER_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY - Interrupt priority // Priorities 0,2 (nRF51) and 0,1,4,5 (nRF52) are reserved for SoftDevice // <0=> 0 (highest) // <1=> 1 // <2=> 2 // <3=> 3 // <4=> 4 // <5=> 5 // <6=> 6 // <7=> 7 #ifndef APP_TIMER_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY #define APP_TIMER_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY 7 #endif // APP_TIMER_CONFIG_OP_QUEUE_SIZE - Capacity of timer requests queue. // Size of the queue depends on how many timers are used // in the system, how often timers are started and overall // system latency. If queue size is too small app_timer calls // will fail. #ifndef APP_TIMER_CONFIG_OP_QUEUE_SIZE #define APP_TIMER_CONFIG_OP_QUEUE_SIZE 10 #endif // APP_TIMER_CONFIG_USE_SCHEDULER - Enable scheduling app_timer events to app_scheduler #ifndef APP_TIMER_CONFIG_USE_SCHEDULER #define APP_TIMER_CONFIG_USE_SCHEDULER 1 #endif // APP_TIMER_WITH_PROFILER - Enable app_timer profiling #ifndef APP_TIMER_WITH_PROFILER #define APP_TIMER_WITH_PROFILER 0 #endif // APP_TIMER_KEEPS_RTC_ACTIVE - Enable RTC always on // If option is enabled RTC is kept running even if there is no active timers. // This option can be used when app_timer is used for timestamping. #ifndef APP_TIMER_KEEPS_RTC_ACTIVE #define APP_TIMER_KEEPS_RTC_ACTIVE 0 #endif // APP_TIMER_CONFIG_SWI_NUMBER - Configure SWI instance used. // <0=> 0 // <1=> 1 #ifndef APP_TIMER_CONFIG_SWI_NUMBER #define APP_TIMER_CONFIG_SWI_NUMBER 0 #endif // // NRF_TWI_MNGR_ENABLED - nrf_twi_mngr - TWI transaction manager #ifndef NRF_TWI_MNGR_ENABLED #define NRF_TWI_MNGR_ENABLED 0 #endif // APP_UART_ENABLED - app_uart - UART driver //========================================================== #ifndef APP_UART_ENABLED #define APP_UART_ENABLED 1 #endif // APP_UART_DRIVER_INSTANCE - UART instance used // <0=> 0 #ifndef APP_UART_DRIVER_INSTANCE #define APP_UART_DRIVER_INSTANCE 0 #endif // // APP_USBD_CLASS_AUDIO_ENABLED - app_usbd_audio - USB AUDIO class #ifndef APP_USBD_CLASS_AUDIO_ENABLED #define APP_USBD_CLASS_AUDIO_ENABLED 0 #endif // APP_USBD_CLASS_CDC_ACM_ENABLED - app_usbd_cdc_acm - USB CDC ACM class #ifndef APP_USBD_CLASS_CDC_ACM_ENABLED #define APP_USBD_CLASS_CDC_ACM_ENABLED 0 #endif // APP_USBD_CLASS_HID_ENABLED - app_usbd_hid - USB HID class #ifndef APP_USBD_CLASS_HID_ENABLED #define APP_USBD_CLASS_HID_ENABLED 0 #endif // APP_USBD_HID_GENERIC_ENABLED - app_usbd_hid_generic - USB HID generic #ifndef APP_USBD_HID_GENERIC_ENABLED #define APP_USBD_HID_GENERIC_ENABLED 0 #endif // APP_USBD_HID_KBD_ENABLED - app_usbd_hid_kbd - USB HID keyboard #ifndef APP_USBD_HID_KBD_ENABLED #define APP_USBD_HID_KBD_ENABLED 0 #endif // APP_USBD_HID_MOUSE_ENABLED - app_usbd_hid_mouse - USB HID mouse #ifndef APP_USBD_HID_MOUSE_ENABLED #define APP_USBD_HID_MOUSE_ENABLED 0 #endif // APP_USBD_MSC_ENABLED - app_usbd_msc - USB MSC class #ifndef APP_USBD_MSC_ENABLED #define APP_USBD_MSC_ENABLED 0 #endif // BUTTON_ENABLED - app_button - buttons handling module #ifndef BUTTON_ENABLED #define BUTTON_ENABLED 0 #endif // CRC16_ENABLED - crc16 - CRC16 calculation routines #ifndef CRC16_ENABLED #define CRC16_ENABLED 1 #endif // CRC32_ENABLED - crc32 - CRC32 calculation routines #ifndef CRC32_ENABLED #define CRC32_ENABLED 1 #endif // HCI_MEM_POOL_ENABLED - hci_mem_pool - memory pool implementation used by HCI //========================================================== #ifndef HCI_MEM_POOL_ENABLED #define HCI_MEM_POOL_ENABLED 1 #endif // HCI_TX_BUF_SIZE - TX buffer size in bytes. #ifndef HCI_TX_BUF_SIZE #define HCI_TX_BUF_SIZE 600 #endif // HCI_RX_BUF_SIZE - RX buffer size in bytes. #ifndef HCI_RX_BUF_SIZE #define HCI_RX_BUF_SIZE 600 #endif // HCI_RX_BUF_QUEUE_SIZE - RX buffer queue size. #ifndef HCI_RX_BUF_QUEUE_SIZE #define HCI_RX_BUF_QUEUE_SIZE 4 #endif // // MEM_MANAGER_ENABLED - mem_manager - Dynamic memory allocator //========================================================== #ifndef MEM_MANAGER_ENABLED #define MEM_MANAGER_ENABLED 1 #endif // MEMORY_MANAGER_SMALL_BLOCK_COUNT - Size of each memory blocks identified as 'small' block. <0-255> #ifndef MEMORY_MANAGER_SMALL_BLOCK_COUNT #define MEMORY_MANAGER_SMALL_BLOCK_COUNT 1 #endif // MEMORY_MANAGER_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE - Size of each memory blocks identified as 'small' block. // Size of each memory blocks identified as 'small' block. Memory block are recommended to be word-sized. #ifndef MEMORY_MANAGER_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE #define MEMORY_MANAGER_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE 32 #endif // MEMORY_MANAGER_MEDIUM_BLOCK_COUNT - Size of each memory blocks identified as 'medium' block. <0-255> #ifndef MEMORY_MANAGER_MEDIUM_BLOCK_COUNT #define MEMORY_MANAGER_MEDIUM_BLOCK_COUNT 0 #endif // MEMORY_MANAGER_MEDIUM_BLOCK_SIZE - Size of each memory blocks identified as 'medium' block. // Size of each memory blocks identified as 'medium' block. Memory block are recommended to be word-sized. #ifndef MEMORY_MANAGER_MEDIUM_BLOCK_SIZE #define MEMORY_MANAGER_MEDIUM_BLOCK_SIZE 256 #endif // MEMORY_MANAGER_LARGE_BLOCK_COUNT - Size of each memory blocks identified as 'large' block. <0-255> #ifndef MEMORY_MANAGER_LARGE_BLOCK_COUNT #define MEMORY_MANAGER_LARGE_BLOCK_COUNT 0 #endif // MEMORY_MANAGER_LARGE_BLOCK_SIZE - Size of each memory blocks identified as 'large' block. // Size of each memory blocks identified as 'large' block. Memory block are recommended to be word-sized. #ifndef MEMORY_MANAGER_LARGE_BLOCK_SIZE #define MEMORY_MANAGER_LARGE_BLOCK_SIZE 256 #endif // MEMORY_MANAGER_XLARGE_BLOCK_COUNT - Size of each memory blocks identified as 'extra large' block. <0-255> #ifndef MEMORY_MANAGER_XLARGE_BLOCK_COUNT #define MEMORY_MANAGER_XLARGE_BLOCK_COUNT 0 #endif // MEMORY_MANAGER_XLARGE_BLOCK_SIZE - Size of each memory blocks identified as 'extra large' block. // Size of each memory blocks identified as 'extra large' block. Memory block are recommended to be word-sized. #ifndef MEMORY_MANAGER_XLARGE_BLOCK_SIZE #define MEMORY_MANAGER_XLARGE_BLOCK_SIZE 1320 #endif // MEMORY_MANAGER_XXLARGE_BLOCK_COUNT - Size of each memory blocks identified as 'extra extra large' block. <0-255> #ifndef MEMORY_MANAGER_XXLARGE_BLOCK_COUNT #define MEMORY_MANAGER_XXLARGE_BLOCK_COUNT 0 #endif // MEMORY_MANAGER_XXLARGE_BLOCK_SIZE - Size of each memory blocks identified as 'extra extra large' block. // Size of each memory blocks identified as 'extra extra large' block. Memory block are recommended to be word-sized. #ifndef MEMORY_MANAGER_XXLARGE_BLOCK_SIZE #define MEMORY_MANAGER_XXLARGE_BLOCK_SIZE 3444 #endif // MEMORY_MANAGER_XSMALL_BLOCK_COUNT - Size of each memory blocks identified as 'extra small' block. <0-255> #ifndef MEMORY_MANAGER_XSMALL_BLOCK_COUNT #define MEMORY_MANAGER_XSMALL_BLOCK_COUNT 0 #endif // MEMORY_MANAGER_XSMALL_BLOCK_SIZE - Size of each memory blocks identified as 'extra small' block. // Size of each memory blocks identified as 'extra large' block. Memory block are recommended to be word-sized. #ifndef MEMORY_MANAGER_XSMALL_BLOCK_SIZE #define MEMORY_MANAGER_XSMALL_BLOCK_SIZE 64 #endif // MEMORY_MANAGER_XXSMALL_BLOCK_COUNT - Size of each memory blocks identified as 'extra extra small' block. <0-255> #ifndef MEMORY_MANAGER_XXSMALL_BLOCK_COUNT #define MEMORY_MANAGER_XXSMALL_BLOCK_COUNT 0 #endif // MEMORY_MANAGER_XXSMALL_BLOCK_SIZE - Size of each memory blocks identified as 'extra extra small' block. // Size of each memory blocks identified as 'extra extra small' block. Memory block are recommended to be word-sized. #ifndef MEMORY_MANAGER_XXSMALL_BLOCK_SIZE #define MEMORY_MANAGER_XXSMALL_BLOCK_SIZE 32 #endif // MEM_MANAGER_DISABLE_API_PARAM_CHECK - Disable API parameter checks in the module. #ifndef MEM_MANAGER_DISABLE_API_PARAM_CHECK #define MEM_MANAGER_DISABLE_API_PARAM_CHECK 0 #endif // // NRF_BALLOC_ENABLED - nrf_balloc - Block allocator module //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_BALLOC_ENABLED #define NRF_BALLOC_ENABLED 0 #endif // NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_DEBUG_ENABLED - Enables debug mode in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_DEBUG_ENABLED #define NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_DEBUG_ENABLED 0 #endif // NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_HEAD_GUARD_WORDS - Number of words used as head guard. <0-255> #ifndef NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_HEAD_GUARD_WORDS #define NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_HEAD_GUARD_WORDS 1 #endif // NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_TAIL_GUARD_WORDS - Number of words used as tail guard. <0-255> #ifndef NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_TAIL_GUARD_WORDS #define NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_TAIL_GUARD_WORDS 1 #endif // NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_BASIC_CHECKS_ENABLED - Enables basic checks in this module. #ifndef NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_BASIC_CHECKS_ENABLED #define NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_BASIC_CHECKS_ENABLED 0 #endif // NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_DOUBLE_FREE_CHECK_ENABLED - Enables double memory free check in this module. #ifndef NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_DOUBLE_FREE_CHECK_ENABLED #define NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_DOUBLE_FREE_CHECK_ENABLED 0 #endif // NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_DATA_TRASHING_CHECK_ENABLED - Enables free memory corruption check in this module. #ifndef NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_DATA_TRASHING_CHECK_ENABLED #define NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_DATA_TRASHING_CHECK_ENABLED 0 #endif // // // NRF_FSTORAGE_ENABLED - nrf_fstorage - Flash abstraction library //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_FSTORAGE_ENABLED #define NRF_FSTORAGE_ENABLED 1 #endif // nrf_fstorage_sd - Implementation using the SoftDevice. // Configuration options for the fstorage implementation using the SoftDevice. //========================================================== // NRF_FSTORAGE_SD_QUEUE_SIZE - Size of the internal queue of operations. // Increase this value if API calls frequently return the error @ref NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM. #ifndef NRF_FSTORAGE_SD_QUEUE_SIZE #define NRF_FSTORAGE_SD_QUEUE_SIZE 8 #endif // NRF_FSTORAGE_SD_MAX_RETRIES - Maximum number of attempts at executing an operation when the SoftDevice is busy. // Increase this value if events frequently return the @ref NRF_ERROR_TIMEOUT error. // The SoftDevice might fail to schedule flash access due to high BLE activity. #ifndef NRF_FSTORAGE_SD_MAX_RETRIES #define NRF_FSTORAGE_SD_MAX_RETRIES 8 #endif // NRF_FSTORAGE_SD_MAX_WRITE_SIZE - Maximum number of bytes to be written to flash in a single operation. // This value must be a multiple of four. // Lowering this value can increase the chances of the SoftDevice being able to execute flash operations in between radio activity. // This value is bound by the maximum number of bytes that can be written to flash in a single call to @ref sd_flash_write. // That is 1024 bytes for nRF51 ICs and 4096 bytes for nRF52 ICs. #ifndef NRF_FSTORAGE_SD_MAX_WRITE_SIZE #define NRF_FSTORAGE_SD_MAX_WRITE_SIZE 20 #endif // //========================================================== // // NRF_MEMOBJ_ENABLED - nrf_memobj - Linked memory allocator module #ifndef NRF_MEMOBJ_ENABLED #define NRF_MEMOBJ_ENABLED 0 #endif // NRF_QUEUE_ENABLED - nrf_queue - Queue module #ifndef NRF_QUEUE_ENABLED #define NRF_QUEUE_ENABLED 0 #endif // NRF_SECTION_ITER_ENABLED - nrf_section_iter - Section iterator #ifndef NRF_SECTION_ITER_ENABLED #define NRF_SECTION_ITER_ENABLED 1 #endif // NRF_STRERROR_ENABLED - nrf_strerror - Library for converting error code to string. #ifndef NRF_STRERROR_ENABLED #define NRF_STRERROR_ENABLED 1 #endif // //========================================================== // nRF_Log //========================================================== // nrf_log - Logging //========================================================== // NRF_LOG_ENABLED - Logging module for nRF5 SDK //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_LOG_ENABLED #define NRF_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // NRF_LOG_USES_COLORS - If enabled then ANSI escape code for colors is prefixed to every string //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_LOG_USES_COLORS #define NRF_LOG_USES_COLORS 0 #endif // NRF_LOG_COLOR_DEFAULT - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White //#ifndef NRF_LOG_COLOR_DEFAULT //#define NRF_LOG_COLOR_DEFAULT 0 //#endif // NRF_LOG_ERROR_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_LOG_ERROR_COLOR #define NRF_LOG_ERROR_COLOR 0 #endif // NRF_LOG_WARNING_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_LOG_WARNING_COLOR #define NRF_LOG_WARNING_COLOR 0 #endif // // NRF_LOG_DEFAULT_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef NRF_LOG_DEFAULT_LEVEL #define NRF_LOG_DEFAULT_LEVEL 3 #endif // NRF_LOG_DEFERRED - Enable deffered logger. // Log data is buffered and can be processed in idle. #ifndef NRF_LOG_DEFERRED #define NRF_LOG_DEFERRED 1 #endif // NRF_LOG_BUFSIZE - Size of the buffer for storing logs (in bytes). // Must be power of 2 and multiple of 4. // If NRF_LOG_DEFERRED = 0 then buffer size can be reduced to minimum. // <128=> 128 // <256=> 256 // <512=> 512 // <1024=> 1024 // <2048=> 2048 // <4096=> 4096 // <8192=> 8192 // <16384=> 16384 #ifndef NRF_LOG_BUFSIZE #define NRF_LOG_BUFSIZE 1024 #endif // NRF_LOG_ALLOW_OVERFLOW - Configures behavior when circular buffer is full. // If set then oldest logs are overwritten. Otherwise a // marker is injected informing about overflow. #ifndef NRF_LOG_ALLOW_OVERFLOW #define NRF_LOG_ALLOW_OVERFLOW 1 #endif // NRF_LOG_USES_TIMESTAMP - Enable timestamping // Function for getting the timestamp is provided by the user #ifndef NRF_LOG_USES_TIMESTAMP #define NRF_LOG_USES_TIMESTAMP 0 #endif // NRF_LOG_FILTERS_ENABLED - Enable dynamic filtering of logs. #ifndef NRF_LOG_FILTERS_ENABLED #define NRF_LOG_FILTERS_ENABLED 0 #endif // NRF_LOG_CLI_CMDS - Enable CLI commands for the module. #ifndef NRF_LOG_CLI_CMDS #define NRF_LOG_CLI_CMDS 0 #endif // Log message pool - Configuration of log message pool //========================================================== // NRF_LOG_MSGPOOL_ELEMENT_SIZE - Size of a single element in the pool of memory objects. // If a small value is set, then performance of logs processing // is degraded because data is fragmented. Bigger value impacts // RAM memory utilization. The size is set to fit a message with // a timestamp and up to 2 arguments in a single memory object. #ifndef NRF_LOG_MSGPOOL_ELEMENT_SIZE #define NRF_LOG_MSGPOOL_ELEMENT_SIZE 20 #endif // NRF_LOG_MSGPOOL_ELEMENT_COUNT - Number of elements in the pool of memory objects // If a small value is set, then it may lead to a deadlock // in certain cases if backend has high latency and holds // multiple messages for long time. Bigger value impacts // RAM memory usage. #ifndef NRF_LOG_MSGPOOL_ELEMENT_COUNT #define NRF_LOG_MSGPOOL_ELEMENT_COUNT 8 #endif // //========================================================== // // nrf_log module configuration //========================================================== // nrf_log in nRF_Core //========================================================== // NRF_MPU_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_MPU_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define NRF_MPU_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // NRF_MPU_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef NRF_MPU_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define NRF_MPU_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // NRF_MPU_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_MPU_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define NRF_MPU_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // NRF_MPU_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_MPU_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define NRF_MPU_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // NRF_STACK_GUARD_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_STACK_GUARD_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define NRF_STACK_GUARD_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // NRF_STACK_GUARD_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef NRF_STACK_GUARD_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define NRF_STACK_GUARD_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // NRF_STACK_GUARD_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_STACK_GUARD_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define NRF_STACK_GUARD_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // NRF_STACK_GUARD_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_STACK_GUARD_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define NRF_STACK_GUARD_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // TASK_MANAGER_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef TASK_MANAGER_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define TASK_MANAGER_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // TASK_MANAGER_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef TASK_MANAGER_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define TASK_MANAGER_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // TASK_MANAGER_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef TASK_MANAGER_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define TASK_MANAGER_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // TASK_MANAGER_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef TASK_MANAGER_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define TASK_MANAGER_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // //========================================================== // nrf_log in nRF_Drivers //========================================================== // CLOCK_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef CLOCK_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define CLOCK_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // CLOCK_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef CLOCK_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define CLOCK_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // CLOCK_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef CLOCK_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define CLOCK_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // CLOCK_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef CLOCK_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define CLOCK_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // COMMON_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef COMMON_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define COMMON_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // COMMON_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef COMMON_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define COMMON_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // COMMON_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef COMMON_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define COMMON_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // COMMON_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef COMMON_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define COMMON_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // COMP_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef COMP_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define COMP_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // COMP_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef COMP_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define COMP_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // COMP_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef COMP_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define COMP_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // COMP_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef COMP_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define COMP_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // GPIOTE_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef GPIOTE_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // GPIOTE_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef GPIOTE_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // GPIOTE_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef GPIOTE_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // GPIOTE_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef GPIOTE_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define GPIOTE_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // I2S_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef I2S_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define I2S_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // I2S_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef I2S_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define I2S_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // I2S_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef I2S_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define I2S_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // I2S_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef I2S_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define I2S_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // LPCOMP_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef LPCOMP_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define LPCOMP_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // LPCOMP_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef LPCOMP_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define LPCOMP_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // LPCOMP_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef LPCOMP_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define LPCOMP_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // LPCOMP_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef LPCOMP_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define LPCOMP_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // PDM_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef PDM_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define PDM_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // PDM_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef PDM_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define PDM_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // PDM_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef PDM_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define PDM_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // PDM_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef PDM_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define PDM_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // PPI_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef PPI_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define PPI_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // PPI_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef PPI_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define PPI_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // PPI_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef PPI_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define PPI_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // PPI_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef PPI_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define PPI_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // PWM_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef PWM_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define PWM_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // PWM_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef PWM_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define PWM_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // PWM_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef PWM_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define PWM_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // PWM_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef PWM_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define PWM_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // QDEC_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef QDEC_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define QDEC_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // QDEC_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef QDEC_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define QDEC_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // QDEC_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef QDEC_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define QDEC_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // QDEC_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef QDEC_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define QDEC_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // RNG_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef RNG_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define RNG_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // RNG_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef RNG_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define RNG_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // RNG_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef RNG_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define RNG_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // RNG_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef RNG_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define RNG_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // RNG_CONFIG_RANDOM_NUMBER_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging of random numbers. #ifndef RNG_CONFIG_RANDOM_NUMBER_LOG_ENABLED #define RNG_CONFIG_RANDOM_NUMBER_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // // RTC_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef RTC_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define RTC_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // RTC_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef RTC_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define RTC_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // RTC_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef RTC_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define RTC_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // RTC_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef RTC_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define RTC_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // SAADC_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef SAADC_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define SAADC_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // SAADC_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef SAADC_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define SAADC_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // SAADC_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef SAADC_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define SAADC_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // SAADC_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef SAADC_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define SAADC_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // SPIS_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef SPIS_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define SPIS_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // SPIS_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef SPIS_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define SPIS_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // SPIS_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef SPIS_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define SPIS_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // SPIS_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef SPIS_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define SPIS_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // SPI_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef SPI_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define SPI_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // SPI_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef SPI_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define SPI_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // SPI_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef SPI_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define SPI_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // SPI_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef SPI_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define SPI_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // SWI_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef SWI_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define SWI_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // SWI_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef SWI_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define SWI_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // SWI_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef SWI_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define SWI_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // SWI_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef SWI_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define SWI_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // TIMER_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef TIMER_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define TIMER_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // TIMER_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef TIMER_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define TIMER_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // TIMER_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef TIMER_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define TIMER_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // TIMER_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef TIMER_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define TIMER_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // TWIS_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef TWIS_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define TWIS_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // TWIS_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef TWIS_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define TWIS_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // TWIS_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef TWIS_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define TWIS_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // TWIS_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef TWIS_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define TWIS_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // TWI_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef TWI_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define TWI_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // TWI_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef TWI_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define TWI_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // TWI_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef TWI_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define TWI_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // TWI_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef TWI_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define TWI_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // UART_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef UART_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define UART_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // UART_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef UART_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define UART_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // UART_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef UART_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define UART_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // UART_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef UART_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define UART_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // USBD_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enable logging in the module //========================================================== #ifndef USBD_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define USBD_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // USBD_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef USBD_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define USBD_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // USBD_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef USBD_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define USBD_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // USBD_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef USBD_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define USBD_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // WDT_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef WDT_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define WDT_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // WDT_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef WDT_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define WDT_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // WDT_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef WDT_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define WDT_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // WDT_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef WDT_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define WDT_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // //========================================================== // nrf_log in nRF_Libraries //========================================================== // APP_USBD_CDC_ACM_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef APP_USBD_CDC_ACM_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define APP_USBD_CDC_ACM_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // APP_USBD_CDC_ACM_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef APP_USBD_CDC_ACM_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define APP_USBD_CDC_ACM_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // APP_USBD_CDC_ACM_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef APP_USBD_CDC_ACM_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define APP_USBD_CDC_ACM_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // APP_USBD_CDC_ACM_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef APP_USBD_CDC_ACM_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define APP_USBD_CDC_ACM_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // APP_USBD_MSC_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef APP_USBD_MSC_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define APP_USBD_MSC_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // APP_USBD_MSC_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef APP_USBD_MSC_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define APP_USBD_MSC_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // APP_USBD_MSC_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef APP_USBD_MSC_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define APP_USBD_MSC_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // APP_USBD_MSC_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef APP_USBD_MSC_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define APP_USBD_MSC_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // MEM_MANAGER_ENABLE_LOGS - Enable debug trace in the module. #ifndef MEM_MANAGER_ENABLE_LOGS #define MEM_MANAGER_ENABLE_LOGS 0 #endif // NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define NRF_BALLOC_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // NRF_CLI_BLE_UART_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_CLI_BLE_UART_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define NRF_CLI_BLE_UART_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // NRF_CLI_BLE_UART_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef NRF_CLI_BLE_UART_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define NRF_CLI_BLE_UART_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // NRF_CLI_BLE_UART_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_CLI_BLE_UART_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define NRF_CLI_BLE_UART_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // NRF_CLI_BLE_UART_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_CLI_BLE_UART_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define NRF_CLI_BLE_UART_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // NRF_CLI_UART_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_CLI_UART_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define NRF_CLI_UART_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // NRF_CLI_UART_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef NRF_CLI_UART_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define NRF_CLI_UART_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // NRF_CLI_UART_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_CLI_UART_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define NRF_CLI_UART_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // NRF_CLI_UART_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_CLI_UART_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define NRF_CLI_UART_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // NRF_MEMOBJ_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_MEMOBJ_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define NRF_MEMOBJ_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // NRF_MEMOBJ_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef NRF_MEMOBJ_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define NRF_MEMOBJ_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // NRF_MEMOBJ_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_MEMOBJ_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define NRF_MEMOBJ_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // NRF_MEMOBJ_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_MEMOBJ_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define NRF_MEMOBJ_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // NRF_PWR_MGMT_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED - Enables logging in the module. //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_PWR_MGMT_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define NRF_PWR_MGMT_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // NRF_PWR_MGMT_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef NRF_PWR_MGMT_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define NRF_PWR_MGMT_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // NRF_PWR_MGMT_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_PWR_MGMT_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define NRF_PWR_MGMT_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // NRF_PWR_MGMT_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_PWR_MGMT_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #define NRF_PWR_MGMT_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // NRF_SDH_ANT_LOG_ENABLED - Enable logging in SoftDevice handler (ANT) module. //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_SDH_ANT_LOG_ENABLED #define NRF_SDH_ANT_LOG_ENABLED 0 #endif // NRF_SDH_ANT_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef NRF_SDH_ANT_LOG_LEVEL #define NRF_SDH_ANT_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // NRF_SDH_ANT_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_SDH_ANT_INFO_COLOR #define NRF_SDH_ANT_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // NRF_SDH_ANT_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_SDH_ANT_DEBUG_COLOR #define NRF_SDH_ANT_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // NRF_SDH_BLE_LOG_ENABLED - Enable logging in SoftDevice handler (BLE) module. //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_SDH_BLE_LOG_ENABLED #define NRF_SDH_BLE_LOG_ENABLED 1 #endif // NRF_SDH_BLE_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef NRF_SDH_BLE_LOG_LEVEL #define NRF_SDH_BLE_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // NRF_SDH_BLE_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_SDH_BLE_INFO_COLOR #define NRF_SDH_BLE_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // NRF_SDH_BLE_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_SDH_BLE_DEBUG_COLOR #define NRF_SDH_BLE_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // NRF_SDH_LOG_ENABLED - Enable logging in SoftDevice handler module. //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_SDH_LOG_ENABLED #define NRF_SDH_LOG_ENABLED 1 #endif // NRF_SDH_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef NRF_SDH_LOG_LEVEL #define NRF_SDH_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // NRF_SDH_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_SDH_INFO_COLOR #define NRF_SDH_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // NRF_SDH_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_SDH_DEBUG_COLOR #define NRF_SDH_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // NRF_SDH_SOC_LOG_ENABLED - Enable logging in SoftDevice handler (SoC) module. //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_SDH_SOC_LOG_ENABLED #define NRF_SDH_SOC_LOG_ENABLED 1 #endif // NRF_SDH_SOC_LOG_LEVEL - Default Severity level // <0=> Off // <1=> Error // <2=> Warning // <3=> Info // <4=> Debug #ifndef NRF_SDH_SOC_LOG_LEVEL #define NRF_SDH_SOC_LOG_LEVEL 3 #endif // NRF_SDH_SOC_INFO_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_SDH_SOC_INFO_COLOR #define NRF_SDH_SOC_INFO_COLOR 0 #endif // NRF_SDH_SOC_DEBUG_COLOR - ANSI escape code prefix. // <0=> Default // <1=> Black // <2=> Red // <3=> Green // <4=> Yellow // <5=> Blue // <6=> Magenta // <7=> Cyan // <8=> White #ifndef NRF_SDH_SOC_DEBUG_COLOR #define NRF_SDH_SOC_DEBUG_COLOR 0 #endif // // //========================================================== // //========================================================== // //========================================================== // //========================================================== // nRF_SoftDevice //========================================================== // NRF_SDH_BLE_ENABLED - nrf_sdh_ble - SoftDevice BLE event handler //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_SDH_BLE_ENABLED #define NRF_SDH_BLE_ENABLED 1 #endif // BLE Stack configuration - Stack configuration parameters // These values are not used directly by the SoftDevice handler but the application or other libraries might depend on them. // Keep them up-to-date with the desired configuration. //========================================================== // NRF_SDH_BLE_PERIPHERAL_LINK_COUNT - Maximum number of peripheral links. #ifndef NRF_SDH_BLE_PERIPHERAL_LINK_COUNT #define NRF_SDH_BLE_PERIPHERAL_LINK_COUNT 1 #endif // NRF_SDH_BLE_CENTRAL_LINK_COUNT - Maximum number of central links. #ifndef NRF_SDH_BLE_CENTRAL_LINK_COUNT #define NRF_SDH_BLE_CENTRAL_LINK_COUNT 0 #endif // NRF_SDH_BLE_TOTAL_LINK_COUNT - Maximum number of total concurrent connections using the default configuration. #ifndef NRF_SDH_BLE_TOTAL_LINK_COUNT #define NRF_SDH_BLE_TOTAL_LINK_COUNT 1 #endif // NRF_SDH_BLE_GAP_EVENT_LENGTH - The time set aside for this connection on every connection interval in 1.25 ms units. #ifndef NRF_SDH_BLE_GAP_EVENT_LENGTH #define NRF_SDH_BLE_GAP_EVENT_LENGTH 3 #endif // NRF_SDH_BLE_GATT_MAX_MTU_SIZE - Static maximum MTU size. #ifndef NRF_SDH_BLE_GATT_MAX_MTU_SIZE #define NRF_SDH_BLE_GATT_MAX_MTU_SIZE 23 #endif // NRF_SDH_BLE_GATTS_ATTR_TAB_SIZE - Attribute Table size in bytes. The size must be a multiple of 4. #ifndef NRF_SDH_BLE_GATTS_ATTR_TAB_SIZE #define NRF_SDH_BLE_GATTS_ATTR_TAB_SIZE 1408 #endif // NRF_SDH_BLE_VS_UUID_COUNT - The number of vendor-specific UUIDs. #ifndef NRF_SDH_BLE_VS_UUID_COUNT #define NRF_SDH_BLE_VS_UUID_COUNT 0 #endif // NRF_SDH_BLE_SERVICE_CHANGED - Include the Service Changed characteristic in the Attribute Table. #ifndef NRF_SDH_BLE_SERVICE_CHANGED #define NRF_SDH_BLE_SERVICE_CHANGED 0 #endif // //========================================================== // BLE Observers - Observers and priority levels //========================================================== // NRF_SDH_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO_LEVELS - Total number of priority levels for BLE observers. // This setting configures the number of priority levels available for BLE event handlers. // The priority level of a handler determines the order in which it receives events, with respect to other handlers. #ifndef NRF_SDH_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO_LEVELS #define NRF_SDH_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO_LEVELS 3 #endif // BLE Observers priorities - Invididual priorities //========================================================== // BLE_ADV_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Advertising module. #ifndef BLE_ADV_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_ADV_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_ANCS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Apple Notification Service Client. #ifndef BLE_ANCS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_ANCS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_ANS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Alert Notification Service Client. #ifndef BLE_ANS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_ANS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_BAS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Battery Service. #ifndef BLE_BAS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_BAS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_BAS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Battery Service Client. #ifndef BLE_BAS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_BAS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_BPS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Blood Pressure Service. #ifndef BLE_BPS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_BPS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_CONN_PARAMS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Connection parameters module. #ifndef BLE_CONN_PARAMS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_CONN_PARAMS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_CONN_STATE_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Connection State module. #ifndef BLE_CONN_STATE_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_CONN_STATE_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 0 #endif // BLE_CSCS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Cycling Speed and Cadence Service. #ifndef BLE_CSCS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_CSCS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_CTS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Current Time Service Client. #ifndef BLE_CTS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_CTS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_DB_DISC_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Database Discovery module. #ifndef BLE_DB_DISC_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_DB_DISC_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 1 #endif // BLE_DFU_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the DFU Service. #ifndef BLE_DFU_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_DFU_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_GLS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Glucose Service. #ifndef BLE_GLS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_GLS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_HIDS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Human Interface Device Service. #ifndef BLE_HIDS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_HIDS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_HRS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Heart Rate Service. #ifndef BLE_HRS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_HRS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_HRS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Heart Rate Service Client. #ifndef BLE_HRS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_HRS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_HTS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Health Thermometer Service. #ifndef BLE_HTS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_HTS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_IAS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Immediate Alert Service. #ifndef BLE_IAS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_IAS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_IAS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Immediate Alert Service Client. #ifndef BLE_IAS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_IAS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_LBS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the LED Button Service. #ifndef BLE_LBS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_LBS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_LBS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the LED Button Service Client. #ifndef BLE_LBS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_LBS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_LLS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Link Loss Service. #ifndef BLE_LLS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_LLS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_LNS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Location Navigation Service. #ifndef BLE_LNS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_LNS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_NUS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the UART Service. #ifndef BLE_NUS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_NUS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_NUS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the UART Central Service. #ifndef BLE_NUS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_NUS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_OTS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Object transfer service. #ifndef BLE_OTS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_OTS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_OTS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Object transfer service client. #ifndef BLE_OTS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_OTS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_RSCS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Running Speed and Cadence Service. #ifndef BLE_RSCS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_RSCS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_RSCS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Running Speed and Cadence Client. #ifndef BLE_RSCS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_RSCS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BLE_TPS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the TX Power Service. #ifndef BLE_TPS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_TPS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // BSP_BTN_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Button Control module. #ifndef BSP_BTN_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BSP_BTN_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 1 #endif // NFC_BLE_PAIR_LIB_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the NFC pairing library. #ifndef NFC_BLE_PAIR_LIB_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define NFC_BLE_PAIR_LIB_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 1 #endif // NRF_BLE_BMS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Bond Management Service. #ifndef NRF_BLE_BMS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define NRF_BLE_BMS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // NRF_BLE_CGMS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Contiuon Glucose Monitoring Service. #ifndef NRF_BLE_CGMS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define NRF_BLE_CGMS_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // NRF_BLE_GATTS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the GATT Service Client. #ifndef NRF_BLE_GATTS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define NRF_BLE_GATTS_C_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // NRF_BLE_GATT_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the GATT module. #ifndef NRF_BLE_GATT_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define NRF_BLE_GATT_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // NRF_BLE_QWR_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Queued writes module. #ifndef NRF_BLE_QWR_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define NRF_BLE_QWR_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // PM_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the Peer Manager module. #ifndef PM_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define PM_BLE_OBSERVER_PRIO 2 #endif // //========================================================== // //========================================================== // // NRF_SDH_ENABLED - nrf_sdh - SoftDevice handler //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_SDH_ENABLED #define NRF_SDH_ENABLED 1 #endif // Dispatch model // This setting configures how Stack events are dispatched to the application. //========================================================== // NRF_SDH_DISPATCH_MODEL // NRF_SDH_DISPATCH_MODEL_INTERRUPT: SoftDevice events are passed to the application from the interrupt context. // NRF_SDH_DISPATCH_MODEL_APPSH: SoftDevice events are scheduled using @ref app_scheduler. // NRF_SDH_DISPATCH_MODEL_POLLING: SoftDevice events are to be fetched manually. // <0=> NRF_SDH_DISPATCH_MODEL_INTERRUPT // <1=> NRF_SDH_DISPATCH_MODEL_APPSH // <2=> NRF_SDH_DISPATCH_MODEL_POLLING #ifndef NRF_SDH_DISPATCH_MODEL #define NRF_SDH_DISPATCH_MODEL 1 #endif // //========================================================== // Clock - SoftDevice clock configuration //========================================================== // NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_SRC - SoftDevice clock source. // <0=> NRF_CLOCK_LF_SRC_RC // <1=> NRF_CLOCK_LF_SRC_XTAL // <2=> NRF_CLOCK_LF_SRC_SYNTH #ifndef NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_SRC #define NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_SRC 0 #endif // NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_RC_CTIV - SoftDevice calibration timer interval. #ifndef NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_RC_CTIV #define NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_RC_CTIV 16 #endif // NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_RC_TEMP_CTIV - SoftDevice calibration timer interval under constant temperature. // How often (in number of calibration intervals) the RC oscillator shall be calibrated // if the temperature has not changed. #ifndef NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_RC_TEMP_CTIV #define NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_RC_TEMP_CTIV 2 #endif // NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_XTAL_ACCURACY - External crystal clock accuracy used in the LL to compute timing windows. // <0=> NRF_CLOCK_LF_XTAL_ACCURACY_250_PPM // <1=> NRF_CLOCK_LF_XTAL_ACCURACY_500_PPM // <2=> NRF_CLOCK_LF_XTAL_ACCURACY_150_PPM // <3=> NRF_CLOCK_LF_XTAL_ACCURACY_100_PPM // <4=> NRF_CLOCK_LF_XTAL_ACCURACY_75_PPM // <5=> NRF_CLOCK_LF_XTAL_ACCURACY_50_PPM // <6=> NRF_CLOCK_LF_XTAL_ACCURACY_30_PPM // <7=> NRF_CLOCK_LF_XTAL_ACCURACY_20_PPM #ifndef NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_XTAL_ACCURACY #define NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_XTAL_ACCURACY 7 #endif // //========================================================== // SDH Observers - Observers and priority levels //========================================================== // NRF_SDH_REQ_OBSERVER_PRIO_LEVELS - Total number of priority levels for request observers. // This setting configures the number of priority levels available for the SoftDevice request event handlers. // The priority level of a handler determines the order in which it receives events, with respect to other handlers. #ifndef NRF_SDH_REQ_OBSERVER_PRIO_LEVELS #define NRF_SDH_REQ_OBSERVER_PRIO_LEVELS 2 #endif // NRF_SDH_STATE_OBSERVER_PRIO_LEVELS - Total number of priority levels for state observers. // This setting configures the number of priority levels available for the SoftDevice state event handlers. // The priority level of a handler determines the order in which it receives events, with respect to other handlers. #ifndef NRF_SDH_STATE_OBSERVER_PRIO_LEVELS #define NRF_SDH_STATE_OBSERVER_PRIO_LEVELS 2 #endif // NRF_SDH_STACK_OBSERVER_PRIO_LEVELS - Total number of priority levels for stack event observers. // This setting configures the number of priority levels available for the SoftDevice stack event handlers (ANT, BLE, SoC). // The priority level of a handler determines the order in which it receives events, with respect to other handlers. #ifndef NRF_SDH_STACK_OBSERVER_PRIO_LEVELS #define NRF_SDH_STACK_OBSERVER_PRIO_LEVELS 2 #endif // State Observers priorities - Invididual priorities //========================================================== // CLOCK_CONFIG_STATE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which state events are dispatched to the Clock driver. #ifndef CLOCK_CONFIG_STATE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define CLOCK_CONFIG_STATE_OBSERVER_PRIO 0 #endif // POWER_CONFIG_STATE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which state events are dispatched to the Power driver. #ifndef POWER_CONFIG_STATE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define POWER_CONFIG_STATE_OBSERVER_PRIO 0 #endif // RNG_CONFIG_STATE_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which state events are dispatched to this module. #ifndef RNG_CONFIG_STATE_OBSERVER_PRIO #define RNG_CONFIG_STATE_OBSERVER_PRIO 0 #endif // //========================================================== // Stack Event Observers priorities - Invididual priorities //========================================================== // NRF_SDH_ANT_STACK_OBSERVER_PRIO // This setting configures the priority with which ANT events are processed with respect to other events coming from the stack. // Modify this setting if you need to have ANT events dispatched before or after other stack events, such as BLE or SoC. // Zero is the highest priority. #ifndef NRF_SDH_ANT_STACK_OBSERVER_PRIO #define NRF_SDH_ANT_STACK_OBSERVER_PRIO 0 #endif // NRF_SDH_BLE_STACK_OBSERVER_PRIO // This setting configures the priority with which BLE events are processed with respect to other events coming from the stack. // Modify this setting if you need to have BLE events dispatched before or after other stack events, such as ANT or SoC. // Zero is the highest priority. #ifndef NRF_SDH_BLE_STACK_OBSERVER_PRIO #define NRF_SDH_BLE_STACK_OBSERVER_PRIO 0 #endif // NRF_SDH_SOC_STACK_OBSERVER_PRIO // This setting configures the priority with which SoC events are processed with respect to other events coming from the stack. // Modify this setting if you need to have SoC events dispatched before or after other stack events, such as ANT or BLE. // Zero is the highest priority. #ifndef NRF_SDH_SOC_STACK_OBSERVER_PRIO #define NRF_SDH_SOC_STACK_OBSERVER_PRIO 0 #endif // //========================================================== // //========================================================== // // NRF_SDH_SOC_ENABLED - nrf_sdh_soc - SoftDevice SoC event handler //========================================================== #ifndef NRF_SDH_SOC_ENABLED #define NRF_SDH_SOC_ENABLED 1 #endif // SoC Observers - Observers and priority levels //========================================================== // NRF_SDH_SOC_OBSERVER_PRIO_LEVELS - Total number of priority levels for SoC observers. // This setting configures the number of priority levels available for the SoC event handlers. // The priority level of a handler determines the order in which it receives events, with respect to other handlers. #ifndef NRF_SDH_SOC_OBSERVER_PRIO_LEVELS #define NRF_SDH_SOC_OBSERVER_PRIO_LEVELS 2 #endif // SoC Observers priorities - Invididual priorities //========================================================== // BLE_ADV_SOC_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which SoC events are dispatched to the Advertising module. #ifndef BLE_ADV_SOC_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_ADV_SOC_OBSERVER_PRIO 1 #endif // BLE_DFU_SOC_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which BLE events are dispatched to the DFU Service. #ifndef BLE_DFU_SOC_OBSERVER_PRIO #define BLE_DFU_SOC_OBSERVER_PRIO 1 #endif // CLOCK_CONFIG_SOC_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which SoC events are dispatched to the Clock driver. #ifndef CLOCK_CONFIG_SOC_OBSERVER_PRIO #define CLOCK_CONFIG_SOC_OBSERVER_PRIO 0 #endif // POWER_CONFIG_SOC_OBSERVER_PRIO // Priority with which SoC events are dispatched to the Power driver. #ifndef POWER_CONFIG_SOC_OBSERVER_PRIO #define POWER_CONFIG_SOC_OBSERVER_PRIO 0 #endif // //========================================================== // //========================================================== // // //========================================================== // <<< end of configuration section >>> #endif //SDK_CONFIG_H