2018-04-02 14:59:19 +07:00
* Copyright ( c ) 2012 - 2018 , Nordic Semiconductor ASA
* All rights reserved .
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms , with or without modification ,
* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met :
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice , this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer .
* 2. Redistributions in binary form , except as embedded into a Nordic
* Semiconductor ASA integrated circuit in a product or a software update for
* such product , must reproduce the above copyright notice , this list of
* conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and / or other
* materials provided with the distribution .
* 3. Neither the name of Nordic Semiconductor ASA nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
* software without specific prior written permission .
* 4. This software , with or without modification , must only be used with a
* Nordic Semiconductor ASA integrated circuit .
* 5. Any software provided in binary form under this license must not be reverse
* engineered , decompiled , modified and / or disassembled .
@ addtogroup BLE_COMMON BLE SoftDevice Common
@ {
@ defgroup ble_api Events , type definitions and API calls
@ {
@ brief Module independent events , type definitions and API calls for the BLE SoftDevice .
# ifndef BLE_H__
# define BLE_H__
# include <stdint.h>
# include "nrf_svc.h"
# include "nrf_error.h"
# include "ble_err.h"
# include "ble_gap.h"
# include "ble_l2cap.h"
# include "ble_gatt.h"
# include "ble_gattc.h"
# include "ble_gatts.h"
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern " C " {
# endif
/** @addtogroup BLE_COMMON_ENUMERATIONS Enumerations
* @ { */
* @ brief Common API SVC numbers .
SD_BLE_ENABLE = BLE_SVC_BASE , /**< Enable and initialize the BLE stack */
SD_BLE_EVT_GET , /**< Get an event from the pending events queue. */
SD_BLE_UUID_VS_ADD , /**< Add a Vendor Specific UUID. */
SD_BLE_UUID_DECODE , /**< Decode UUID bytes. */
SD_BLE_UUID_ENCODE , /**< Encode UUID bytes. */
SD_BLE_VERSION_GET , /**< Get the local version information (company ID, Link Layer Version, Link Layer Subversion). */
SD_BLE_USER_MEM_REPLY , /**< User Memory Reply. */
SD_BLE_OPT_SET , /**< Set a BLE option. */
SD_BLE_OPT_GET , /**< Get a BLE option. */
SD_BLE_CFG_SET , /**< Add a configuration to the BLE stack. */
} ;
* @ brief BLE Module Independent Event IDs .
BLE_EVT_USER_MEM_REQUEST = BLE_EVT_BASE + 0 , /**< User Memory request. @ref ble_evt_user_mem_request_t */
BLE_EVT_USER_MEM_RELEASE = BLE_EVT_BASE + 1 , /**< User Memory release. @ref ble_evt_user_mem_release_t */
} ;
/**@brief BLE Connection Configuration IDs.
* IDs that uniquely identify a connection configuration .
BLE_CONN_CFG_GAP = BLE_CONN_CFG_BASE + 0 , /**< BLE GAP specific connection configuration. */
BLE_CONN_CFG_GATTC = BLE_CONN_CFG_BASE + 1 , /**< BLE GATTC specific connection configuration. */
BLE_CONN_CFG_GATTS = BLE_CONN_CFG_BASE + 2 , /**< BLE GATTS specific connection configuration. */
BLE_CONN_CFG_GATT = BLE_CONN_CFG_BASE + 3 , /**< BLE GATT specific connection configuration. */
BLE_CONN_CFG_L2CAP = BLE_CONN_CFG_BASE + 4 , /**< BLE L2CAP specific connection configuration. */
} ;
/**@brief BLE Common Configuration IDs.
* IDs that uniquely identify a common configuration .
BLE_COMMON_CFG_VS_UUID = BLE_CFG_BASE , /**< Vendor specific UUID configuration */
} ;
/**@brief Common Option IDs.
* IDs that uniquely identify a common option .
BLE_COMMON_OPT_PA_LNA = BLE_OPT_BASE + 0 , /**< PA and LNA options */
BLE_COMMON_OPT_CONN_EVT_EXT = BLE_OPT_BASE + 1 , /**< Extended connection events option */
} ;
/** @} */
/** @addtogroup BLE_COMMON_DEFINES Defines
* @ { */
/** @brief Required pointer alignment for BLE Events.
/** @brief Leaves the maximum of the two arguments.
# define BLE_MAX(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
/** @brief Maximum possible length for BLE Events.
* @ note The highest value used for @ ref ble_gatt_conn_cfg_t : : att_mtu in any connection configuration shall be used as a parameter .
* If that value has not been configured for any connections then @ ref BLE_GATT_ATT_MTU_DEFAULT must be used instead .
# define BLE_EVT_LEN_MAX(ATT_MTU) ( \
offsetof ( ble_evt_t , evt . gattc_evt . params . prim_srvc_disc_rsp . services ) + ( ( ATT_MTU ) - 1 ) / 4 * sizeof ( ble_gattc_service_t ) \
/** @defgroup BLE_USER_MEM_TYPES User Memory Types
* @ { */
# define BLE_USER_MEM_TYPE_INVALID 0x00 /**< Invalid User Memory Types. */
# define BLE_USER_MEM_TYPE_GATTS_QUEUED_WRITES 0x01 /**< User Memory for GATTS queued writes. */
/** @} */
/** @defgroup BLE_UUID_VS_COUNTS Vendor Specific UUID counts
* @ {
# define BLE_UUID_VS_COUNT_DEFAULT 10 /**< Default VS UUID count. */
# define BLE_UUID_VS_COUNT_MAX 254 /**< Maximum VS UUID count. */
/** @} */
/** @defgroup BLE_COMMON_CFG_DEFAULTS Configuration defaults.
* @ {
# define BLE_CONN_CFG_TAG_DEFAULT 0 /**< Default configuration tag, SoftDevice default connection configuration. */
/** @} */
/** @} */
/** @addtogroup BLE_COMMON_STRUCTURES Structures
* @ { */
/**@brief User Memory Block. */
typedef struct
uint8_t * p_mem ; /**< Pointer to the start of the user memory block. */
uint16_t len ; /**< Length in bytes of the user memory block. */
} ble_user_mem_block_t ;
/**@brief Event structure for @ref BLE_EVT_USER_MEM_REQUEST. */
typedef struct
uint8_t type ; /**< User memory type, see @ref BLE_USER_MEM_TYPES. */
} ble_evt_user_mem_request_t ;
/**@brief Event structure for @ref BLE_EVT_USER_MEM_RELEASE. */
typedef struct
uint8_t type ; /**< User memory type, see @ref BLE_USER_MEM_TYPES. */
ble_user_mem_block_t mem_block ; /**< User memory block */
} ble_evt_user_mem_release_t ;
/**@brief Event structure for events not associated with a specific function module. */
typedef struct
uint16_t conn_handle ; /**< Connection Handle on which this event occurred. */
ble_evt_user_mem_request_t user_mem_request ; /**< User Memory Request Event Parameters. */
ble_evt_user_mem_release_t user_mem_release ; /**< User Memory Release Event Parameters. */
} params ; /**< Event parameter union. */
} ble_common_evt_t ;
/**@brief BLE Event header. */
typedef struct
uint16_t evt_id ; /**< Value from a BLE_<module>_EVT series. */
uint16_t evt_len ; /**< Length in octets including this header. */
} ble_evt_hdr_t ;
/**@brief Common BLE Event type, wrapping the module specific event reports. */
typedef struct
ble_evt_hdr_t header ; /**< Event header. */
ble_common_evt_t common_evt ; /**< Common Event, evt_id in BLE_EVT_* series. */
ble_gap_evt_t gap_evt ; /**< GAP originated event, evt_id in BLE_GAP_EVT_* series. */
ble_gattc_evt_t gattc_evt ; /**< GATT client originated event, evt_id in BLE_GATTC_EVT* series. */
ble_gatts_evt_t gatts_evt ; /**< GATT server originated event, evt_id in BLE_GATTS_EVT* series. */
ble_l2cap_evt_t l2cap_evt ; /**< L2CAP originated event, evt_id in BLE_L2CAP_EVT* series. */
} evt ; /**< Event union. */
} ble_evt_t ;
* @ brief Version Information .
typedef struct
uint8_t version_number ; /**< Link Layer Version number. See https://www.bluetooth.org/en-us/specification/assigned-numbers/link-layer for assigned values. */
uint16_t company_id ; /**< Company ID, Nordic Semiconductor's company ID is 89 (0x0059) (https://www.bluetooth.org/apps/content/Default.aspx?doc_id=49708). */
uint16_t subversion_number ; /**< Link Layer Sub Version number, corresponds to the SoftDevice Config ID or Firmware ID (FWID). */
} ble_version_t ;
* @ brief Configuration parameters for the PA and LNA .
typedef struct
uint8_t enable : 1 ; /**< Enable toggling for this amplifier */
uint8_t active_high : 1 ; /**< Set the pin to be active high */
uint8_t gpio_pin : 6 ; /**< The GPIO pin to toggle for this amplifier */
} ble_pa_lna_cfg_t ;
* @ brief PA & LNA GPIO toggle configuration
* This option configures the SoftDevice to toggle pins when the radio is active for use with a power amplifier and / or
* a low noise amplifier .
* Toggling the pins is achieved by using two PPI channels and a GPIOTE channel . The hardware channel IDs are provided
* by the application and should be regarded as reserved as long as any PA / LNA toggling is enabled .
* @ note @ ref sd_ble_opt_get is not supported for this option .
* @ note Setting this option while the radio is in use ( i . e . any of the roles are active ) may have undefined consequences
* and must be avoided by the application .
typedef struct
ble_pa_lna_cfg_t pa_cfg ; /**< Power Amplifier configuration */
ble_pa_lna_cfg_t lna_cfg ; /**< Low Noise Amplifier configuration */
uint8_t ppi_ch_id_set ; /**< PPI channel used for radio pin setting */
uint8_t ppi_ch_id_clr ; /**< PPI channel used for radio pin clearing */
uint8_t gpiote_ch_id ; /**< GPIOTE channel used for radio pin toggling */
} ble_common_opt_pa_lna_t ;
* @ brief Configuration of extended BLE connection events .
* When enabled the SoftDevice will dynamically extend the connection event when possible .
* The connection event length is controlled by the connection configuration as set by @ ref ble_gap_conn_cfg_t : : event_length .
* The connection event can be extended if there is time to send another packet pair before the start of the next connection interval ,
* and if there are no conflicts with other BLE roles requesting radio time .
* @ note @ ref sd_ble_opt_get is not supported for this option .
typedef struct
uint8_t enable : 1 ; /**< Enable extended BLE connection events, disabled by default. */
} ble_common_opt_conn_evt_ext_t ;
/**@brief Option structure for common options. */
typedef union
ble_common_opt_pa_lna_t pa_lna ; /**< Parameters for controlling PA and LNA pin toggling. */
ble_common_opt_conn_evt_ext_t conn_evt_ext ; /**< Parameters for enabling extended connection events. */
} ble_common_opt_t ;
/**@brief Common BLE Option type, wrapping the module specific options. */
typedef union
ble_common_opt_t common_opt ; /**< COMMON options, opt_id in @ref BLE_COMMON_OPTS series. */
ble_gap_opt_t gap_opt ; /**< GAP option, opt_id in @ref BLE_GAP_OPTS series. */
} ble_opt_t ;
/**@brief BLE connection configuration type, wrapping the module specific configurations, set with
* @ ref sd_ble_cfg_set .
* @ note Connection configurations don ' t have to be set .
* In the case that no configurations has been set , or fewer connection configurations has been set than enabled connections ,
* the default connection configuration will be automatically added for the remaining connections .
* When creating connections with the default configuration , @ ref BLE_CONN_CFG_TAG_DEFAULT should be used in
* place of @ ref ble_conn_cfg_t : : conn_cfg_tag .
* @ sa sd_ble_gap_adv_start ( )
* @ sa sd_ble_gap_connect ( )
* @ mscs
* @ mmsc { @ ref BLE_CONN_CFG }
* @ endmscs
typedef struct
uint8_t conn_cfg_tag ; /**< The application chosen tag it can use with the
@ ref sd_ble_gap_adv_start ( ) and @ ref sd_ble_gap_connect ( ) calls
to select this configuration when creating a connection .
Must be different for all connection configurations added and not @ ref BLE_CONN_CFG_TAG_DEFAULT . */
union {
ble_gap_conn_cfg_t gap_conn_cfg ; /**< GAP connection configuration, cfg_id is @ref BLE_CONN_CFG_GAP. */
ble_gattc_conn_cfg_t gattc_conn_cfg ; /**< GATTC connection configuration, cfg_id is @ref BLE_CONN_CFG_GATTC. */
ble_gatts_conn_cfg_t gatts_conn_cfg ; /**< GATTS connection configuration, cfg_id is @ref BLE_CONN_CFG_GATTS. */
ble_gatt_conn_cfg_t gatt_conn_cfg ; /**< GATT connection configuration, cfg_id is @ref BLE_CONN_CFG_GATT. */
ble_l2cap_conn_cfg_t l2cap_conn_cfg ; /**< L2CAP connection configuration, cfg_id is @ref BLE_CONN_CFG_L2CAP. */
} params ; /**< Connection configuration union. */
} ble_conn_cfg_t ;
* @ brief Configuration of Vendor Specific UUIDs , set with @ ref sd_ble_cfg_set .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Too many UUIDs configured .
typedef struct
uint8_t vs_uuid_count ; /**< Number of 128-bit Vendor Specific UUID bases to allocate memory for.
Default value is @ ref BLE_UUID_VS_COUNT_DEFAULT . Maximum value is
} ble_common_cfg_vs_uuid_t ;
/**@brief Common BLE Configuration type, wrapping the common configurations. */
typedef union
ble_common_cfg_vs_uuid_t vs_uuid_cfg ; /**< Vendor specific UUID configuration, cfg_id is @ref BLE_COMMON_CFG_VS_UUID. */
} ble_common_cfg_t ;
/**@brief BLE Configuration type, wrapping the module specific configurations. */
typedef union
ble_conn_cfg_t conn_cfg ; /**< Connection specific configurations, cfg_id in @ref BLE_CONN_CFGS series. */
ble_common_cfg_t common_cfg ; /**< Global common configurations, cfg_id in @ref BLE_COMMON_CFGS series. */
ble_gap_cfg_t gap_cfg ; /**< Global GAP configurations, cfg_id in @ref BLE_GAP_CFGS series. */
ble_gatts_cfg_t gatts_cfg ; /**< Global GATTS configuration, cfg_id in @ref BLE_GATTS_CFGS series. */
} ble_cfg_t ;
/** @} */
/** @addtogroup BLE_COMMON_FUNCTIONS Functions
* @ { */
/**@brief Enable the BLE stack
* @ param [ in , out ] p_app_ram_base Pointer to a variable containing the start address of the
* application RAM region ( APP_RAM_BASE ) . On return , this will
* contain the minimum start address of the application RAM region
* required by the SoftDevice for this configuration .
* @ note The memory requirement for a specific configuration will not increase between SoftDevices
* with the same major version number .
* @ note The value of * p_app_ram_base when the app has done no custom configuration of the
* SoftDevice , i . e . the app has not called @ ref sd_ble_cfg_set before @ ref sd_ble_enable , can
* be found in the release notes .
* @ note At runtime the IC ' s RAM is split into 2 regions : The SoftDevice RAM region is located
* between 0x20000000 and APP_RAM_BASE - 1 and the application ' s RAM region is located between
* APP_RAM_BASE and the start of the call stack .
* @ details This call initializes the BLE stack , no BLE related function other than @ ref
* sd_ble_cfg_set can be called before this one .
* @ mscs
* @ mmsc { @ ref BLE_COMMON_ENABLE }
* @ endmscs
* @ retval : : NRF_SUCCESS The BLE stack has been initialized successfully .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE The BLE stack had already been initialized and cannot be reinitialized .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR Invalid or not sufficiently aligned pointer supplied .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM The amount of memory assigned to the SoftDevice by * p_app_ram_base is not
* large enough to fit this configuration ' s memory requirement . Check * p_app_ram_base
* and set the start address of the application RAM region accordingly .
SVCALL ( SD_BLE_ENABLE , uint32_t , sd_ble_enable ( uint32_t * p_app_ram_base ) ) ;
/**@brief Add configurations for the BLE stack
* @ param [ in ] cfg_id Config ID , see @ ref BLE_CONN_CFGS , @ ref BLE_COMMON_CFGS , @ ref
* @ param [ in ] p_cfg Pointer to a ble_cfg_t structure containing the configuration value .
* @ param [ in ] app_ram_base The start address of the application RAM region ( APP_RAM_BASE ) .
* See @ ref sd_ble_enable for details about APP_RAM_BASE .
* @ note The memory requirement for a specific configuration will not increase between SoftDevices
* with the same major version number .
* @ note If a configuration is set more than once , the last one set is the one that takes effect on
* @ ref sd_ble_enable .
* @ note Any part of the BLE stack that is NOT configured with @ ref sd_ble_cfg_set will have default
* configuration .
* @ note @ ref sd_ble_cfg_set may be called at any time when the SoftDevice is enabled ( see @ ref
* sd_softdevice_enable ) while the BLE part of the SoftDevice is not enabled ( see @ ref
* sd_ble_enable ) .
* @ note Error codes for the configurations are described in the configuration structs .
* @ mscs
* @ mmsc { @ ref BLE_COMMON_ENABLE }
* @ endmscs
* @ retval : : NRF_SUCCESS The configuration has been added successfully .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE The BLE stack had already been initialized .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR Invalid or not sufficiently aligned pointer supplied .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Invalid cfg_id supplied .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM The amount of memory assigned to the SoftDevice by app_ram_base is not
* large enough to fit this configuration ' s memory requirement .
SVCALL ( SD_BLE_CFG_SET , uint32_t , sd_ble_cfg_set ( uint32_t cfg_id , ble_cfg_t const * p_cfg , uint32_t app_ram_base ) ) ;
/**@brief Get an event from the pending events queue.
* @ param [ out ] p_dest Pointer to buffer to be filled in with an event , or NULL to retrieve the event length .
* This buffer < b > must be aligned to the extend defined by @ ref BLE_EVT_PTR_ALIGNMENT < / b > .
* The buffer should be interpreted as a @ ref ble_evt_t struct .
* @ param [ in , out ] p_len Pointer the length of the buffer , on return it is filled with the event length .
* @ details This call allows the application to pull a BLE event from the BLE stack . The application is signaled that
* an event is available from the BLE stack by the triggering of the SD_EVT_IRQn interrupt .
* The application is free to choose whether to call this function from thread mode ( main context ) or directly from the
* Interrupt Service Routine that maps to SD_EVT_IRQn . In any case however , and because the BLE stack runs at a higher
* priority than the application , this function should be called in a loop ( until @ ref NRF_ERROR_NOT_FOUND is returned )
* every time SD_EVT_IRQn is raised to ensure that all available events are pulled from the BLE stack . Failure to do so
* could potentially leave events in the internal queue without the application being aware of this fact .
* Sizing the p_dest buffer is equally important , since the application needs to provide all the memory necessary for the event to
* be copied into application memory . If the buffer provided is not large enough to fit the entire contents of the event ,
* @ ref NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE will be returned and the application can then call again with a larger buffer size .
* The maximum possible event length is defined by @ ref BLE_EVT_LEN_MAX . The application may also " peek " the event length
* by providing p_dest as a NULL pointer and inspecting the value of * p_len upon return :
* \ code
* uint16_t len ;
* errcode = sd_ble_evt_get ( NULL , & len ) ;
* \ endcode
* @ mscs
* @ mmsc { @ ref BLE_COMMON_IRQ_EVT_MSC }
* @ mmsc { @ ref BLE_COMMON_THREAD_EVT_MSC }
* @ endmscs
* @ retval : : NRF_SUCCESS Event pulled and stored into the supplied buffer .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR Invalid or not sufficiently aligned pointer supplied .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_NOT_FOUND No events ready to be pulled .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE Event ready but could not fit into the supplied buffer .
SVCALL ( SD_BLE_EVT_GET , uint32_t , sd_ble_evt_get ( uint8_t * p_dest , uint16_t * p_len ) ) ;
/**@brief Add a Vendor Specific base UUID.
* @ details This call enables the application to add a vendor specific base UUID to the BLE stack ' s table , for later
* use with all other modules and APIs . This then allows the application to use the shorter , 24 - bit @ ref ble_uuid_t
* format when dealing with both 16 - bit and 128 - bit UUIDs without having to check for lengths and having split code
* paths . This is accomplished by extending the grouping mechanism that the Bluetooth SIG standard base UUID uses
* for all other 128 - bit UUIDs . The type field in the @ ref ble_uuid_t structure is an index ( relative to
* @ ref BLE_UUID_TYPE_VENDOR_BEGIN ) to the table populated by multiple calls to this function , and the UUID field
* in the same structure contains the 2 bytes at indexes 12 and 13. The number of possible 128 - bit UUIDs available to
* the application is therefore the number of Vendor Specific UUIDs added with the help of this function times 65536 ,
* although restricted to modifying bytes 12 and 13 for each of the entries in the supplied array .
* @ note Bytes 12 and 13 of the provided UUID will not be used internally , since those are always replaced by
* the 16 - bit uuid field in @ ref ble_uuid_t .
* @ note If a UUID is already present in the BLE stack ' s internal table , the corresponding index will be returned in
* p_uuid_type along with an @ ref NRF_SUCCESS error code .
* @ param [ in ] p_vs_uuid Pointer to a 16 - octet ( 128 - bit ) little endian Vendor Specific UUID disregarding
* bytes 12 and 13.
* @ param [ out ] p_uuid_type Pointer to a uint8_t where the type field in @ ref ble_uuid_t corresponding to this UUID will be stored .
* @ retval : : NRF_SUCCESS Successfully added the Vendor Specific UUID .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR If p_vs_uuid or p_uuid_type is NULL or invalid .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM If there are no more free slots for VS UUIDs .
SVCALL ( SD_BLE_UUID_VS_ADD , uint32_t , sd_ble_uuid_vs_add ( ble_uuid128_t const * p_vs_uuid , uint8_t * p_uuid_type ) ) ;
/** @brief Decode little endian raw UUID bytes (16-bit or 128-bit) into a 24 bit @ref ble_uuid_t structure.
* @ details The raw UUID bytes excluding bytes 12 and 13 ( i . e . bytes 0 - 11 and 14 - 15 ) of p_uuid_le are compared
* to the corresponding ones in each entry of the table of vendor specific UUIDs populated with @ ref sd_ble_uuid_vs_add
* to look for a match . If there is such a match , bytes 12 and 13 are returned as p_uuid - > uuid and the index
* relative to @ ref BLE_UUID_TYPE_VENDOR_BEGIN as p_uuid - > type .
* @ note If the UUID length supplied is 2 , then the type set by this call will always be @ ref BLE_UUID_TYPE_BLE .
* @ param [ in ] uuid_le_len Length in bytes of the buffer pointed to by p_uuid_le ( must be 2 or 16 bytes ) .
* @ param [ in ] p_uuid_le Pointer pointing to little endian raw UUID bytes .
* @ param [ out ] p_uuid Pointer to a @ ref ble_uuid_t structure to be filled in .
* @ retval : : NRF_SUCCESS Successfully decoded into the @ ref ble_uuid_t structure .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR Invalid pointer supplied .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH Invalid UUID length .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_NOT_FOUND For a 128 - bit UUID , no match in the populated table of UUIDs .
SVCALL ( SD_BLE_UUID_DECODE , uint32_t , sd_ble_uuid_decode ( uint8_t uuid_le_len , uint8_t const * p_uuid_le , ble_uuid_t * p_uuid ) ) ;
/** @brief Encode a @ref ble_uuid_t structure into little endian raw UUID bytes (16-bit or 128-bit).
* @ note The pointer to the destination buffer p_uuid_le may be NULL , in which case only the validity and size of p_uuid is computed .
* @ param [ in ] p_uuid Pointer to a @ ref ble_uuid_t structure that will be encoded into bytes .
* @ param [ out ] p_uuid_le_len Pointer to a uint8_t that will be filled with the encoded length ( 2 or 16 bytes ) .
* @ param [ out ] p_uuid_le Pointer to a buffer where the little endian raw UUID bytes ( 2 or 16 ) will be stored .
* @ retval : : NRF_SUCCESS Successfully encoded into the buffer .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR Invalid pointer supplied .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Invalid UUID type .
SVCALL ( SD_BLE_UUID_ENCODE , uint32_t , sd_ble_uuid_encode ( ble_uuid_t const * p_uuid , uint8_t * p_uuid_le_len , uint8_t * p_uuid_le ) ) ;
/**@brief Get Version Information.
* @ details This call allows the application to get the BLE stack version information .
* @ param [ out ] p_version Pointer to a ble_version_t structure to be filled in .
* @ retval : : NRF_SUCCESS Version information stored successfully .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR Invalid pointer supplied .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_BUSY The BLE stack is busy ( typically doing a locally - initiated disconnection procedure ) .
SVCALL ( SD_BLE_VERSION_GET , uint32_t , sd_ble_version_get ( ble_version_t * p_version ) ) ;
/**@brief Provide a user memory block.
* @ note This call can only be used as a response to a @ ref BLE_EVT_USER_MEM_REQUEST event issued to the application .
* @ param [ in ] conn_handle Connection handle .
* @ param [ in ] p_block Pointer to a user memory block structure or NULL if memory is managed by the application .
* @ mscs
* @ endmscs
* @ retval : : NRF_SUCCESS Successfully queued a response to the peer .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR Invalid pointer supplied .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_BUSY The stack is busy , process pending events and retry .
* @ retval : : BLE_ERROR_INVALID_CONN_HANDLE Invalid Connection Handle .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH Invalid user memory block length supplied .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Invalid Connection state or no user memory request pending .
SVCALL ( SD_BLE_USER_MEM_REPLY , uint32_t , sd_ble_user_mem_reply ( uint16_t conn_handle , ble_user_mem_block_t const * p_block ) ) ;
/**@brief Set a BLE option.
* @ details This call allows the application to set the value of an option .
* @ mscs
* @ endmscs
* @ param [ in ] opt_id Option ID , see @ ref BLE_COMMON_OPTS and @ ref BLE_GAP_OPTS .
* @ param [ in ] p_opt Pointer to a ble_opt_t structure containing the option value .
* @ retval : : NRF_SUCCESS Option set successfully .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR Invalid pointer supplied .
* @ retval : : BLE_ERROR_INVALID_CONN_HANDLE Invalid Connection Handle .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Invalid parameter ( s ) supplied , check parameter limits and constraints .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Unable to set the parameter at this time .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_BUSY The BLE stack is busy or the previous procedure has not completed .
SVCALL ( SD_BLE_OPT_SET , uint32_t , sd_ble_opt_set ( uint32_t opt_id , ble_opt_t const * p_opt ) ) ;
/**@brief Get a BLE option.
* @ details This call allows the application to retrieve the value of an option .
* @ param [ in ] opt_id Option ID , see @ ref BLE_COMMON_OPTS and @ ref BLE_GAP_OPTS .
* @ param [ out ] p_opt Pointer to a ble_opt_t structure to be filled in .
* @ retval : : NRF_SUCCESS Option retrieved successfully .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR Invalid pointer supplied .
* @ retval : : BLE_ERROR_INVALID_CONN_HANDLE Invalid Connection Handle .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Invalid parameter ( s ) supplied , check parameter limits and constraints .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Unable to retrieve the parameter at this time .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_BUSY The BLE stack is busy or the previous procedure has not completed .
* @ retval : : NRF_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED This option is not supported .
SVCALL ( SD_BLE_OPT_GET , uint32_t , sd_ble_opt_get ( uint32_t opt_id , ble_opt_t * p_opt ) ) ;
/** @} */
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif
# endif /* BLE_H__ */
@ }
@ }