uint8_tm_boot_settings[CODE_PAGE_SIZE]__attribute__((at(BOOTLOADER_SETTINGS_ADDRESS)))__attribute__((used));/**< This variable reserves a codepage for bootloader specific settings, to ensure the compiler doesn't locate any code or variables at his location. */
uint32_tm_uicr_bootloader_start_address__attribute__((at(NRF_UICR_BOOT_START_ADDRESS)))=BOOTLOADER_REGION_START;/**< This variable makes the linker script write the bootloader start address to the UICR register. This value will be written in the HEX file and thus written to UICR when the bootloader is flashed into the chip. */
#elif defined ( __GNUC__ )
uint8_tm_boot_settings[CODE_PAGE_SIZE]__attribute__((section(".bootloaderSettings")));/**< This variable reserves a codepage for bootloader specific settings, to ensure the compiler doesn't locate any code or variables at his location. */
volatileuint32_tm_uicr_bootloader_start_address__attribute__((section(".uicrBootStartAddress")))=BOOTLOADER_REGION_START;/**< This variable ensures that the linker script will write the bootloader start address to the UICR register. This value will be written in the HEX file and thus written to UICR when the bootloader is flashed into the chip. */
#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
__no_inituint8_tm_boot_settings[CODE_PAGE_SIZE]@BOOTLOADER_SETTINGS_ADDRESS;/**< This variable reserves a codepage for bootloader specific settings, to ensure the compiler doesn't locate any code or variables at his location. */
__rootconstuint32_tm_uicr_bootloader_start_address@NRF_UICR_BOOT_START_ADDRESS=BOOTLOADER_REGION_START;/**< This variable ensures that the linker script will write the bootloader start address to the UICR register. This value will be written in the HEX file and thus written to UICR when the bootloader is flashed into the chip. */
uint8_tm_mbr_params_page[CODE_PAGE_SIZE]__attribute__((at(BOOTLOADER_MBR_PARAMS_PAGE_ADDRESS)))__attribute__((used));/**< This variable reserves a codepage for mbr parameters, to ensure the compiler doesn't locate any code or variables at his location. */
=BOOTLOADER_MBR_PARAMS_PAGE_ADDRESS;/**< This variable makes the linker script write the mbr parameters page address to the UICR register. This value will be written in the HEX file and thus written to the UICR when the bootloader is flashed into the chip */
#elif defined (__GNUC__ )
uint8_tm_mbr_params_page[CODE_PAGE_SIZE]__attribute__((section(".mbrParamsPage")));/**< This variable reserves a codepage for mbr parameters, to ensure the compiler doesn't locate any code or variables at his location. */
=BOOTLOADER_MBR_PARAMS_PAGE_ADDRESS;/**< This variable makes the linker script write the mbr parameters page address to the UICR register. This value will be written in the HEX file and thus written to the UICR when the bootloader is flashed into the chip */
#elif defined (__ICCARM__ )
__no_inituint8_tm_mbr_params_page[CODE_PAGE_SIZE]@BOOTLOADER_MBR_PARAMS_PAGE_ADDRESS;/**< This variable reserves a codepage for bootloader specific settings, to ensure the compiler doesn't locate any code or variables at his location. */
__rootconstuint32_tm_uicr_mbr_params_page_address@NRF_UICR_MBR_PARAMS_PAGE_ADDRESS=BOOTLOADER_MBR_PARAMS_PAGE_ADDRESS;/**< This variable ensures that the linker script will write the bootloader start address to the UICR register. This value will be written in the HEX file and thus written to UICR when the bootloader is flashed into the chip. */