#[doc = r" Value read from the register"] pub struct R { bits: u32, } #[doc = r" Value to write to the register"] pub struct W { bits: u32, } impl super::ESR1 { #[doc = r" Modifies the contents of the register"] #[inline] pub fn modify(&self, f: F) where for<'w> F: FnOnce(&R, &'w mut W) -> &'w mut W, { let bits = self.register.get(); let r = R { bits: bits }; let mut w = W { bits: bits }; f(&r, &mut w); self.register.set(w.bits); } #[doc = r" Reads the contents of the register"] #[inline] pub fn read(&self) -> R { R { bits: self.register.get(), } } #[doc = r" Writes to the register"] #[inline] pub fn write(&self, f: F) where F: FnOnce(&mut W) -> &mut W, { let mut w = W::reset_value(); f(&mut w); self.register.set(w.bits); } #[doc = r" Writes the reset value to the register"] #[inline] pub fn reset(&self) { self.write(|w| w) } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `ERRINT`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum ERRINTR { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "Indicates setting of any Error Bit in the Error and Status Register."] _1, } impl ERRINTR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { ERRINTR::_0 => false, ERRINTR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> ERRINTR { match value { false => ERRINTR::_0, true => ERRINTR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == ERRINTR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == ERRINTR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `BOFFINT`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum BOFFINTR { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "FlexCAN module entered Bus Off state."] _1, } impl BOFFINTR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { BOFFINTR::_0 => false, BOFFINTR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> BOFFINTR { match value { false => BOFFINTR::_0, true => BOFFINTR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == BOFFINTR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == BOFFINTR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `RX`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum RXR { #[doc = "FlexCAN is not receiving a message."] _0, #[doc = "FlexCAN is receiving a message."] _1, } impl RXR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { RXR::_0 => false, RXR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> RXR { match value { false => RXR::_0, true => RXR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == RXR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == RXR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `FLTCONF`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum FLTCONFR { #[doc = "Error Active"] _00, #[doc = "Error Passive"] _01, #[doc = "Bus Off"] _1X, #[doc = r" Reserved"] _Reserved(u8), } impl FLTCONFR { #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bits(&self) -> u8 { match *self { FLTCONFR::_00 => 0, FLTCONFR::_01 => 1, FLTCONFR::_1X => 2, FLTCONFR::_Reserved(bits) => bits, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: u8) -> FLTCONFR { match value { 0 => FLTCONFR::_00, 1 => FLTCONFR::_01, 2 => FLTCONFR::_1X, i => FLTCONFR::_Reserved(i), } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_00`"] #[inline] pub fn is_00(&self) -> bool { *self == FLTCONFR::_00 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_01`"] #[inline] pub fn is_01(&self) -> bool { *self == FLTCONFR::_01 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1X`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1x(&self) -> bool { *self == FLTCONFR::_1X } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `TX`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum TXR { #[doc = "FlexCAN is not transmitting a message."] _0, #[doc = "FlexCAN is transmitting a message."] _1, } impl TXR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { TXR::_0 => false, TXR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> TXR { match value { false => TXR::_0, true => TXR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == TXR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == TXR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `IDLE`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum IDLER { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "CAN bus is now IDLE."] _1, } impl IDLER { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { IDLER::_0 => false, IDLER::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> IDLER { match value { false => IDLER::_0, true => IDLER::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == IDLER::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == IDLER::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `RXWRN`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum RXWRNR { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "RXERRCNT is greater than or equal to 96."] _1, } impl RXWRNR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { RXWRNR::_0 => false, RXWRNR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> RXWRNR { match value { false => RXWRNR::_0, true => RXWRNR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == RXWRNR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == RXWRNR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `TXWRN`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum TXWRNR { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "TXERRCNT is greater than or equal to 96."] _1, } impl TXWRNR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { TXWRNR::_0 => false, TXWRNR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> TXWRNR { match value { false => TXWRNR::_0, true => TXWRNR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == TXWRNR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == TXWRNR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `STFERR`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum STFERRR { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "A Stuffing Error occurred since last read of this register."] _1, } impl STFERRR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { STFERRR::_0 => false, STFERRR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> STFERRR { match value { false => STFERRR::_0, true => STFERRR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == STFERRR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == STFERRR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `FRMERR`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum FRMERRR { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "A Form Error occurred since last read of this register."] _1, } impl FRMERRR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { FRMERRR::_0 => false, FRMERRR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> FRMERRR { match value { false => FRMERRR::_0, true => FRMERRR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == FRMERRR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == FRMERRR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `CRCERR`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum CRCERRR { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "A CRC error occurred since last read of this register."] _1, } impl CRCERRR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { CRCERRR::_0 => false, CRCERRR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> CRCERRR { match value { false => CRCERRR::_0, true => CRCERRR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == CRCERRR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == CRCERRR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `ACKERR`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum ACKERRR { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "An ACK error occurred since last read of this register."] _1, } impl ACKERRR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { ACKERRR::_0 => false, ACKERRR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> ACKERRR { match value { false => ACKERRR::_0, true => ACKERRR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == ACKERRR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == ACKERRR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `BIT0ERR`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum BIT0ERRR { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "At least one bit sent as dominant is received as recessive."] _1, } impl BIT0ERRR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { BIT0ERRR::_0 => false, BIT0ERRR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> BIT0ERRR { match value { false => BIT0ERRR::_0, true => BIT0ERRR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == BIT0ERRR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == BIT0ERRR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `BIT1ERR`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum BIT1ERRR { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "At least one bit sent as recessive is received as dominant."] _1, } impl BIT1ERRR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { BIT1ERRR::_0 => false, BIT1ERRR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> BIT1ERRR { match value { false => BIT1ERRR::_0, true => BIT1ERRR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == BIT1ERRR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == BIT1ERRR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `RWRNINT`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum RWRNINTR { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "The Rx error counter transitioned from less than 96 to greater than or equal to 96."] _1, } impl RWRNINTR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { RWRNINTR::_0 => false, RWRNINTR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> RWRNINTR { match value { false => RWRNINTR::_0, true => RWRNINTR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == RWRNINTR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == RWRNINTR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `TWRNINT`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum TWRNINTR { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "The Tx error counter transitioned from less than 96 to greater than or equal to 96."] _1, } impl TWRNINTR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { TWRNINTR::_0 => false, TWRNINTR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> TWRNINTR { match value { false => TWRNINTR::_0, true => TWRNINTR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == TWRNINTR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == TWRNINTR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `SYNCH`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum SYNCHR { #[doc = "FlexCAN is not synchronized to the CAN bus."] _0, #[doc = "FlexCAN is synchronized to the CAN bus."] _1, } impl SYNCHR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { SYNCHR::_0 => false, SYNCHR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> SYNCHR { match value { false => SYNCHR::_0, true => SYNCHR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == SYNCHR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == SYNCHR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `BOFFDONEINT`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum BOFFDONEINTR { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "FlexCAN module has completed Bus Off process."] _1, } impl BOFFDONEINTR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { BOFFDONEINTR::_0 => false, BOFFDONEINTR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> BOFFDONEINTR { match value { false => BOFFDONEINTR::_0, true => BOFFDONEINTR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == BOFFDONEINTR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == BOFFDONEINTR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `ERRINT_FAST`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum ERRINT_FASTR { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "Indicates setting of any Error Bit detected in the Data Phase of CAN FD frames with the BRS bit set."] _1, } impl ERRINT_FASTR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { ERRINT_FASTR::_0 => false, ERRINT_FASTR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> ERRINT_FASTR { match value { false => ERRINT_FASTR::_0, true => ERRINT_FASTR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == ERRINT_FASTR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == ERRINT_FASTR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `ERROVR`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum ERROVRR { #[doc = "Overrun has not occurred."] _0, #[doc = "Overrun has occurred."] _1, } impl ERROVRR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { ERROVRR::_0 => false, ERROVRR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> ERROVRR { match value { false => ERROVRR::_0, true => ERROVRR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == ERROVRR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == ERROVRR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `STFERR_FAST`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum STFERR_FASTR { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "A Stuffing Error occurred since last read of this register."] _1, } impl STFERR_FASTR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { STFERR_FASTR::_0 => false, STFERR_FASTR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> STFERR_FASTR { match value { false => STFERR_FASTR::_0, true => STFERR_FASTR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == STFERR_FASTR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == STFERR_FASTR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `FRMERR_FAST`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum FRMERR_FASTR { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "A Form Error occurred since last read of this register."] _1, } impl FRMERR_FASTR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { FRMERR_FASTR::_0 => false, FRMERR_FASTR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> FRMERR_FASTR { match value { false => FRMERR_FASTR::_0, true => FRMERR_FASTR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == FRMERR_FASTR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == FRMERR_FASTR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `CRCERR_FAST`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum CRCERR_FASTR { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "A CRC error occurred since last read of this register."] _1, } impl CRCERR_FASTR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { CRCERR_FASTR::_0 => false, CRCERR_FASTR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> CRCERR_FASTR { match value { false => CRCERR_FASTR::_0, true => CRCERR_FASTR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == CRCERR_FASTR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == CRCERR_FASTR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `BIT0ERR_FAST`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum BIT0ERR_FASTR { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "At least one bit sent as dominant is received as recessive."] _1, } impl BIT0ERR_FASTR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { BIT0ERR_FASTR::_0 => false, BIT0ERR_FASTR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> BIT0ERR_FASTR { match value { false => BIT0ERR_FASTR::_0, true => BIT0ERR_FASTR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == BIT0ERR_FASTR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == BIT0ERR_FASTR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `BIT1ERR_FAST`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum BIT1ERR_FASTR { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "At least one bit sent as recessive is received as dominant."] _1, } impl BIT1ERR_FASTR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { BIT1ERR_FASTR::_0 => false, BIT1ERR_FASTR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> BIT1ERR_FASTR { match value { false => BIT1ERR_FASTR::_0, true => BIT1ERR_FASTR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == BIT1ERR_FASTR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == BIT1ERR_FASTR::_1 } } #[doc = "Values that can be written to the field `ERRINT`"] pub enum ERRINTW { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "Indicates setting of any Error Bit in the Error and Status Register."] _1, } impl ERRINTW { #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _bits(&self) -> bool { match *self { ERRINTW::_0 => false, ERRINTW::_1 => true, } } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _ERRINTW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _ERRINTW<'a> { #[doc = r" Writes `variant` to the field"] #[inline] pub fn variant(self, variant: ERRINTW) -> &'a mut W { { self.bit(variant._bits()) } } #[doc = "No such occurrence."] #[inline] pub fn _0(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(ERRINTW::_0) } #[doc = "Indicates setting of any Error Bit in the Error and Status Register."] #[inline] pub fn _1(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(ERRINTW::_1) } #[doc = r" Sets the field bit"] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r" Clears the field bit"] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 1; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } #[doc = "Values that can be written to the field `BOFFINT`"] pub enum BOFFINTW { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "FlexCAN module entered Bus Off state."] _1, } impl BOFFINTW { #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _bits(&self) -> bool { match *self { BOFFINTW::_0 => false, BOFFINTW::_1 => true, } } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _BOFFINTW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _BOFFINTW<'a> { #[doc = r" Writes `variant` to the field"] #[inline] pub fn variant(self, variant: BOFFINTW) -> &'a mut W { { self.bit(variant._bits()) } } #[doc = "No such occurrence."] #[inline] pub fn _0(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(BOFFINTW::_0) } #[doc = "FlexCAN module entered Bus Off state."] #[inline] pub fn _1(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(BOFFINTW::_1) } #[doc = r" Sets the field bit"] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r" Clears the field bit"] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 2; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } #[doc = "Values that can be written to the field `RWRNINT`"] pub enum RWRNINTW { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "The Rx error counter transitioned from less than 96 to greater than or equal to 96."] _1, } impl RWRNINTW { #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _bits(&self) -> bool { match *self { RWRNINTW::_0 => false, RWRNINTW::_1 => true, } } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _RWRNINTW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _RWRNINTW<'a> { #[doc = r" Writes `variant` to the field"] #[inline] pub fn variant(self, variant: RWRNINTW) -> &'a mut W { { self.bit(variant._bits()) } } #[doc = "No such occurrence."] #[inline] pub fn _0(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(RWRNINTW::_0) } #[doc = "The Rx error counter transitioned from less than 96 to greater than or equal to 96."] #[inline] pub fn _1(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(RWRNINTW::_1) } #[doc = r" Sets the field bit"] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r" Clears the field bit"] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 16; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } #[doc = "Values that can be written to the field `TWRNINT`"] pub enum TWRNINTW { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "The Tx error counter transitioned from less than 96 to greater than or equal to 96."] _1, } impl TWRNINTW { #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _bits(&self) -> bool { match *self { TWRNINTW::_0 => false, TWRNINTW::_1 => true, } } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _TWRNINTW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _TWRNINTW<'a> { #[doc = r" Writes `variant` to the field"] #[inline] pub fn variant(self, variant: TWRNINTW) -> &'a mut W { { self.bit(variant._bits()) } } #[doc = "No such occurrence."] #[inline] pub fn _0(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(TWRNINTW::_0) } #[doc = "The Tx error counter transitioned from less than 96 to greater than or equal to 96."] #[inline] pub fn _1(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(TWRNINTW::_1) } #[doc = r" Sets the field bit"] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r" Clears the field bit"] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 17; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } #[doc = "Values that can be written to the field `BOFFDONEINT`"] pub enum BOFFDONEINTW { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "FlexCAN module has completed Bus Off process."] _1, } impl BOFFDONEINTW { #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _bits(&self) -> bool { match *self { BOFFDONEINTW::_0 => false, BOFFDONEINTW::_1 => true, } } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _BOFFDONEINTW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _BOFFDONEINTW<'a> { #[doc = r" Writes `variant` to the field"] #[inline] pub fn variant(self, variant: BOFFDONEINTW) -> &'a mut W { { self.bit(variant._bits()) } } #[doc = "No such occurrence."] #[inline] pub fn _0(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(BOFFDONEINTW::_0) } #[doc = "FlexCAN module has completed Bus Off process."] #[inline] pub fn _1(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(BOFFDONEINTW::_1) } #[doc = r" Sets the field bit"] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r" Clears the field bit"] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 19; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } #[doc = "Values that can be written to the field `ERRINT_FAST`"] pub enum ERRINT_FASTW { #[doc = "No such occurrence."] _0, #[doc = "Indicates setting of any Error Bit detected in the Data Phase of CAN FD frames with the BRS bit set."] _1, } impl ERRINT_FASTW { #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _bits(&self) -> bool { match *self { ERRINT_FASTW::_0 => false, ERRINT_FASTW::_1 => true, } } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _ERRINT_FASTW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _ERRINT_FASTW<'a> { #[doc = r" Writes `variant` to the field"] #[inline] pub fn variant(self, variant: ERRINT_FASTW) -> &'a mut W { { self.bit(variant._bits()) } } #[doc = "No such occurrence."] #[inline] pub fn _0(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(ERRINT_FASTW::_0) } #[doc = "Indicates setting of any Error Bit detected in the Data Phase of CAN FD frames with the BRS bit set."] #[inline] pub fn _1(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(ERRINT_FASTW::_1) } #[doc = r" Sets the field bit"] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r" Clears the field bit"] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 20; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } #[doc = "Values that can be written to the field `ERROVR`"] pub enum ERROVRW { #[doc = "Overrun has not occurred."] _0, #[doc = "Overrun has occurred."] _1, } impl ERROVRW { #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _bits(&self) -> bool { match *self { ERROVRW::_0 => false, ERROVRW::_1 => true, } } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _ERROVRW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _ERROVRW<'a> { #[doc = r" Writes `variant` to the field"] #[inline] pub fn variant(self, variant: ERROVRW) -> &'a mut W { { self.bit(variant._bits()) } } #[doc = "Overrun has not occurred."] #[inline] pub fn _0(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(ERROVRW::_0) } #[doc = "Overrun has occurred."] #[inline] pub fn _1(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(ERROVRW::_1) } #[doc = r" Sets the field bit"] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r" Clears the field bit"] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 21; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } impl R { #[doc = r" Value of the register as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bits(&self) -> u32 { self.bits } #[doc = "Bit 1 - Error Interrupt"] #[inline] pub fn errint(&self) -> ERRINTR { ERRINTR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 1; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 2 - Bus Off Interrupt"] #[inline] pub fn boffint(&self) -> BOFFINTR { BOFFINTR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 2; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 3 - FlexCAN In Reception"] #[inline] pub fn rx(&self) -> RXR { RXR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 3; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bits 4:5 - Fault Confinement State"] #[inline] pub fn fltconf(&self) -> FLTCONFR { FLTCONFR::_from({ const MASK: u8 = 3; const OFFSET: u8 = 4; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) as u8 }) } #[doc = "Bit 6 - FlexCAN In Transmission"] #[inline] pub fn tx(&self) -> TXR { TXR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 6; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 7 - IDLE"] #[inline] pub fn idle(&self) -> IDLER { IDLER::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 7; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 8 - Rx Error Warning"] #[inline] pub fn rxwrn(&self) -> RXWRNR { RXWRNR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 8; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 9 - TX Error Warning"] #[inline] pub fn txwrn(&self) -> TXWRNR { TXWRNR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 9; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 10 - Stuffing Error"] #[inline] pub fn stferr(&self) -> STFERRR { STFERRR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 10; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 11 - Form Error"] #[inline] pub fn frmerr(&self) -> FRMERRR { FRMERRR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 11; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 12 - Cyclic Redundancy Check Error"] #[inline] pub fn crcerr(&self) -> CRCERRR { CRCERRR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 12; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 13 - Acknowledge Error"] #[inline] pub fn ackerr(&self) -> ACKERRR { ACKERRR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 13; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 14 - Bit0 Error"] #[inline] pub fn bit0err(&self) -> BIT0ERRR { BIT0ERRR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 14; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 15 - Bit1 Error"] #[inline] pub fn bit1err(&self) -> BIT1ERRR { BIT1ERRR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 15; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 16 - Rx Warning Interrupt Flag"] #[inline] pub fn rwrnint(&self) -> RWRNINTR { RWRNINTR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 16; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 17 - Tx Warning Interrupt Flag"] #[inline] pub fn twrnint(&self) -> TWRNINTR { TWRNINTR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 17; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 18 - CAN Synchronization Status"] #[inline] pub fn synch(&self) -> SYNCHR { SYNCHR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 18; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 19 - Bus Off Done Interrupt"] #[inline] pub fn boffdoneint(&self) -> BOFFDONEINTR { BOFFDONEINTR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 19; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 20 - Error Interrupt for errors detected in the Data Phase of CAN FD frames with the BRS bit set"] #[inline] pub fn errint_fast(&self) -> ERRINT_FASTR { ERRINT_FASTR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 20; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 21 - Error Overrun bit"] #[inline] pub fn errovr(&self) -> ERROVRR { ERROVRR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 21; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 26 - Stuffing Error in the Data Phase of CAN FD frames with the BRS bit set"] #[inline] pub fn stferr_fast(&self) -> STFERR_FASTR { STFERR_FASTR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 26; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 27 - Form Error in the Data Phase of CAN FD frames with the BRS bit set"] #[inline] pub fn frmerr_fast(&self) -> FRMERR_FASTR { FRMERR_FASTR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 27; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 28 - Cyclic Redundancy Check Error in the CRC field of CAN FD frames with the BRS bit set"] #[inline] pub fn crcerr_fast(&self) -> CRCERR_FASTR { CRCERR_FASTR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 28; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 30 - Bit0 Error in the Data Phase of CAN FD frames with the BRS bit set"] #[inline] pub fn bit0err_fast(&self) -> BIT0ERR_FASTR { BIT0ERR_FASTR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 30; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 31 - Bit1 Error in the Data Phase of CAN FD frames with the BRS bit set"] #[inline] pub fn bit1err_fast(&self) -> BIT1ERR_FASTR { BIT1ERR_FASTR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 31; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } } impl W { #[doc = r" Reset value of the register"] #[inline] pub fn reset_value() -> W { W { bits: 0 } } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the register"] #[inline] pub unsafe fn bits(&mut self, bits: u32) -> &mut Self { self.bits = bits; self } #[doc = "Bit 1 - Error Interrupt"] #[inline] pub fn errint(&mut self) -> _ERRINTW { _ERRINTW { w: self } } #[doc = "Bit 2 - Bus Off Interrupt"] #[inline] pub fn boffint(&mut self) -> _BOFFINTW { _BOFFINTW { w: self } } #[doc = "Bit 16 - Rx Warning Interrupt Flag"] #[inline] pub fn rwrnint(&mut self) -> _RWRNINTW { _RWRNINTW { w: self } } #[doc = "Bit 17 - Tx Warning Interrupt Flag"] #[inline] pub fn twrnint(&mut self) -> _TWRNINTW { _TWRNINTW { w: self } } #[doc = "Bit 19 - Bus Off Done Interrupt"] #[inline] pub fn boffdoneint(&mut self) -> _BOFFDONEINTW { _BOFFDONEINTW { w: self } } #[doc = "Bit 20 - Error Interrupt for errors detected in the Data Phase of CAN FD frames with the BRS bit set"] #[inline] pub fn errint_fast(&mut self) -> _ERRINT_FASTW { _ERRINT_FASTW { w: self } } #[doc = "Bit 21 - Error Overrun bit"] #[inline] pub fn errovr(&mut self) -> _ERROVRW { _ERROVRW { w: self } } }