use vcell::VolatileCell; #[doc = r" Register block"] #[repr(C)] pub struct RegisterBlock { #[doc = "0x00 - Status and Control register"] pub sc: SC, #[doc = "0x04 - Modulus register"] pub mod_: MOD, #[doc = "0x08 - Counter register"] pub cnt: CNT, #[doc = "0x0c - Interrupt Delay register"] pub idly: IDLY, #[doc = "0x10 - Channel n Control register 1"] pub ch0c1: CHC1, #[doc = "0x14 - Channel n Status register"] pub ch0s: CHS, #[doc = "0x18 - Channel n Delay 0 register"] pub ch0dly0: CHDLY0, #[doc = "0x1c - Channel n Delay 1 register"] pub ch0dly1: CHDLY1, #[doc = "0x20 - Channel n Delay 2 register"] pub ch0dly2: CHDLY2, #[doc = "0x24 - Channel n Delay 3 register"] pub ch0dly3: CHDLY3, #[doc = "0x28 - Channel n Delay 4 register"] pub ch0dly4: CHDLY4, #[doc = "0x2c - Channel n Delay 5 register"] pub ch0dly5: CHDLY5, #[doc = "0x30 - Channel n Delay 6 register"] pub ch0dly6: CHDLY6, #[doc = "0x34 - Channel n Delay 7 register"] pub ch0dly7: CHDLY7, #[doc = "0x38 - Channel n Control register 1"] pub ch1c1: CHC1, #[doc = "0x3c - Channel n Status register"] pub ch1s: CHS, #[doc = "0x40 - Channel n Delay 0 register"] pub ch1dly0: CHDLY0, #[doc = "0x44 - Channel n Delay 1 register"] pub ch1dly1: CHDLY1, #[doc = "0x48 - Channel n Delay 2 register"] pub ch1dly2: CHDLY2, #[doc = "0x4c - Channel n Delay 3 register"] pub ch1dly3: CHDLY3, #[doc = "0x50 - Channel n Delay 4 register"] pub ch1dly4: CHDLY4, #[doc = "0x54 - Channel n Delay 5 register"] pub ch1dly5: CHDLY5, #[doc = "0x58 - Channel n Delay 6 register"] pub ch1dly6: CHDLY6, #[doc = "0x5c - Channel n Delay 7 register"] pub ch1dly7: CHDLY7, _reserved0: [u8; 304usize], #[doc = "0x190 - Pulse-Out n Enable register"] pub poen: POEN, #[doc = "0x194 - Pulse-Out n Delay register"] pub podly: PODLY, } #[doc = "Status and Control register"] pub struct SC { register: VolatileCell, } #[doc = "Status and Control register"] pub mod sc; #[doc = "Modulus register"] pub struct MOD { register: VolatileCell, } #[doc = "Modulus register"] pub mod mod_; #[doc = "Counter register"] pub struct CNT { register: VolatileCell, } #[doc = "Counter register"] pub mod cnt; #[doc = "Interrupt Delay register"] pub struct IDLY { register: VolatileCell, } #[doc = "Interrupt Delay register"] pub mod idly; #[doc = "Channel n Control register 1"] pub struct CHC1 { register: VolatileCell, } #[doc = "Channel n Control register 1"] pub mod chc1; #[doc = "Channel n Status register"] pub struct CHS { register: VolatileCell, } #[doc = "Channel n Status register"] pub mod chs; #[doc = "Channel n Delay 0 register"] pub struct CHDLY0 { register: VolatileCell, } #[doc = "Channel n Delay 0 register"] pub mod chdly0; #[doc = "Channel n Delay 1 register"] pub struct CHDLY1 { register: VolatileCell, } #[doc = "Channel n Delay 1 register"] pub mod chdly1; #[doc = "Channel n Delay 2 register"] pub struct CHDLY2 { register: VolatileCell, } #[doc = "Channel n Delay 2 register"] pub mod chdly2; #[doc = "Channel n Delay 3 register"] pub struct CHDLY3 { register: VolatileCell, } #[doc = "Channel n Delay 3 register"] pub mod chdly3; #[doc = "Channel n Delay 4 register"] pub struct CHDLY4 { register: VolatileCell, } #[doc = "Channel n Delay 4 register"] pub mod chdly4; #[doc = "Channel n Delay 5 register"] pub struct CHDLY5 { register: VolatileCell, } #[doc = "Channel n Delay 5 register"] pub mod chdly5; #[doc = "Channel n Delay 6 register"] pub struct CHDLY6 { register: VolatileCell, } #[doc = "Channel n Delay 6 register"] pub mod chdly6; #[doc = "Channel n Delay 7 register"] pub struct CHDLY7 { register: VolatileCell, } #[doc = "Channel n Delay 7 register"] pub mod chdly7; #[doc = "Pulse-Out n Enable register"] pub struct POEN { register: VolatileCell, } #[doc = "Pulse-Out n Enable register"] pub mod poen; #[doc = "Pulse-Out n Delay register"] pub struct PODLY { register: VolatileCell, } #[doc = "Pulse-Out n Delay register"] pub mod podly; #[doc = "PDB0_DLY2 register."] pub struct DLY2 { register: VolatileCell, } #[doc = "PDB0_DLY2 register."] pub mod dly2; #[doc = "PDB0_DLY1 register."] pub struct DLY1 { register: VolatileCell, } #[doc = "PDB0_DLY1 register."] pub mod dly1;