#[doc = r" Value read from the register"] pub struct R { bits: u32, } #[doc = r" Value to write to the register"] pub struct W { bits: u32, } impl super::FIFO { #[doc = r" Modifies the contents of the register"] #[inline] pub fn modify(&self, f: F) where for<'w> F: FnOnce(&R, &'w mut W) -> &'w mut W, { let bits = self.register.get(); let r = R { bits: bits }; let mut w = W { bits: bits }; f(&r, &mut w); self.register.set(w.bits); } #[doc = r" Reads the contents of the register"] #[inline] pub fn read(&self) -> R { R { bits: self.register.get(), } } #[doc = r" Writes to the register"] #[inline] pub fn write(&self, f: F) where F: FnOnce(&mut W) -> &mut W, { let mut w = W::reset_value(); f(&mut w); self.register.set(w.bits); } #[doc = r" Writes the reset value to the register"] #[inline] pub fn reset(&self) { self.write(|w| w) } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `RXFIFOSIZE`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum RXFIFOSIZER { #[doc = "Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 1 dataword."] _000, #[doc = "Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 4 datawords."] _001, #[doc = "Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 8 datawords."] _010, #[doc = "Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 16 datawords."] _011, #[doc = "Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 32 datawords."] _100, #[doc = "Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 64 datawords."] _101, #[doc = "Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 128 datawords."] _110, #[doc = "Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 256 datawords."] _111, } impl RXFIFOSIZER { #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bits(&self) -> u8 { match *self { RXFIFOSIZER::_000 => 0, RXFIFOSIZER::_001 => 1, RXFIFOSIZER::_010 => 2, RXFIFOSIZER::_011 => 3, RXFIFOSIZER::_100 => 4, RXFIFOSIZER::_101 => 5, RXFIFOSIZER::_110 => 6, RXFIFOSIZER::_111 => 7, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: u8) -> RXFIFOSIZER { match value { 0 => RXFIFOSIZER::_000, 1 => RXFIFOSIZER::_001, 2 => RXFIFOSIZER::_010, 3 => RXFIFOSIZER::_011, 4 => RXFIFOSIZER::_100, 5 => RXFIFOSIZER::_101, 6 => RXFIFOSIZER::_110, 7 => RXFIFOSIZER::_111, _ => unreachable!(), } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_000`"] #[inline] pub fn is_000(&self) -> bool { *self == RXFIFOSIZER::_000 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_001`"] #[inline] pub fn is_001(&self) -> bool { *self == RXFIFOSIZER::_001 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_010`"] #[inline] pub fn is_010(&self) -> bool { *self == RXFIFOSIZER::_010 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_011`"] #[inline] pub fn is_011(&self) -> bool { *self == RXFIFOSIZER::_011 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_100`"] #[inline] pub fn is_100(&self) -> bool { *self == RXFIFOSIZER::_100 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_101`"] #[inline] pub fn is_101(&self) -> bool { *self == RXFIFOSIZER::_101 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_110`"] #[inline] pub fn is_110(&self) -> bool { *self == RXFIFOSIZER::_110 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_111`"] #[inline] pub fn is_111(&self) -> bool { *self == RXFIFOSIZER::_111 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `RXFE`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum RXFER { #[doc = "Receive FIFO is not enabled. Buffer is depth 1. (Legacy support)"] _0, #[doc = "Receive FIFO is enabled. Buffer is depth indicted by RXFIFOSIZE."] _1, } impl RXFER { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { RXFER::_0 => false, RXFER::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> RXFER { match value { false => RXFER::_0, true => RXFER::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == RXFER::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == RXFER::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `TXFIFOSIZE`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum TXFIFOSIZER { #[doc = "Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 1 dataword."] _000, #[doc = "Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 4 datawords."] _001, #[doc = "Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 8 datawords."] _010, #[doc = "Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 16 datawords."] _011, #[doc = "Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 32 datawords."] _100, #[doc = "Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 64 datawords."] _101, #[doc = "Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 128 datawords."] _110, #[doc = "Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 256 datawords"] _111, } impl TXFIFOSIZER { #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bits(&self) -> u8 { match *self { TXFIFOSIZER::_000 => 0, TXFIFOSIZER::_001 => 1, TXFIFOSIZER::_010 => 2, TXFIFOSIZER::_011 => 3, TXFIFOSIZER::_100 => 4, TXFIFOSIZER::_101 => 5, TXFIFOSIZER::_110 => 6, TXFIFOSIZER::_111 => 7, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: u8) -> TXFIFOSIZER { match value { 0 => TXFIFOSIZER::_000, 1 => TXFIFOSIZER::_001, 2 => TXFIFOSIZER::_010, 3 => TXFIFOSIZER::_011, 4 => TXFIFOSIZER::_100, 5 => TXFIFOSIZER::_101, 6 => TXFIFOSIZER::_110, 7 => TXFIFOSIZER::_111, _ => unreachable!(), } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_000`"] #[inline] pub fn is_000(&self) -> bool { *self == TXFIFOSIZER::_000 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_001`"] #[inline] pub fn is_001(&self) -> bool { *self == TXFIFOSIZER::_001 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_010`"] #[inline] pub fn is_010(&self) -> bool { *self == TXFIFOSIZER::_010 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_011`"] #[inline] pub fn is_011(&self) -> bool { *self == TXFIFOSIZER::_011 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_100`"] #[inline] pub fn is_100(&self) -> bool { *self == TXFIFOSIZER::_100 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_101`"] #[inline] pub fn is_101(&self) -> bool { *self == TXFIFOSIZER::_101 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_110`"] #[inline] pub fn is_110(&self) -> bool { *self == TXFIFOSIZER::_110 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_111`"] #[inline] pub fn is_111(&self) -> bool { *self == TXFIFOSIZER::_111 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `TXFE`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum TXFER { #[doc = "Transmit FIFO is not enabled. Buffer is depth 1. (Legacy support)."] _0, #[doc = "Transmit FIFO is enabled. Buffer is depth indicated by TXFIFOSIZE."] _1, } impl TXFER { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { TXFER::_0 => false, TXFER::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> TXFER { match value { false => TXFER::_0, true => TXFER::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == TXFER::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == TXFER::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `RXUFE`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum RXUFER { #[doc = "RXUF flag does not generate an interrupt to the host."] _0, #[doc = "RXUF flag generates an interrupt to the host."] _1, } impl RXUFER { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { RXUFER::_0 => false, RXUFER::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> RXUFER { match value { false => RXUFER::_0, true => RXUFER::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == RXUFER::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == RXUFER::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `TXOFE`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum TXOFER { #[doc = "TXOF flag does not generate an interrupt to the host."] _0, #[doc = "TXOF flag generates an interrupt to the host."] _1, } impl TXOFER { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { TXOFER::_0 => false, TXOFER::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> TXOFER { match value { false => TXOFER::_0, true => TXOFER::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == TXOFER::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == TXOFER::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `RXIDEN`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum RXIDENR { #[doc = "Disable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle."] _000, #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 1 character."] _001, #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 2 characters."] _010, #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 4 characters."] _011, #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 8 characters."] _100, #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 16 characters."] _101, #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 32 characters."] _110, #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 64 characters."] _111, } impl RXIDENR { #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bits(&self) -> u8 { match *self { RXIDENR::_000 => 0, RXIDENR::_001 => 1, RXIDENR::_010 => 2, RXIDENR::_011 => 3, RXIDENR::_100 => 4, RXIDENR::_101 => 5, RXIDENR::_110 => 6, RXIDENR::_111 => 7, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: u8) -> RXIDENR { match value { 0 => RXIDENR::_000, 1 => RXIDENR::_001, 2 => RXIDENR::_010, 3 => RXIDENR::_011, 4 => RXIDENR::_100, 5 => RXIDENR::_101, 6 => RXIDENR::_110, 7 => RXIDENR::_111, _ => unreachable!(), } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_000`"] #[inline] pub fn is_000(&self) -> bool { *self == RXIDENR::_000 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_001`"] #[inline] pub fn is_001(&self) -> bool { *self == RXIDENR::_001 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_010`"] #[inline] pub fn is_010(&self) -> bool { *self == RXIDENR::_010 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_011`"] #[inline] pub fn is_011(&self) -> bool { *self == RXIDENR::_011 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_100`"] #[inline] pub fn is_100(&self) -> bool { *self == RXIDENR::_100 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_101`"] #[inline] pub fn is_101(&self) -> bool { *self == RXIDENR::_101 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_110`"] #[inline] pub fn is_110(&self) -> bool { *self == RXIDENR::_110 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_111`"] #[inline] pub fn is_111(&self) -> bool { *self == RXIDENR::_111 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `RXUF`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum RXUFR { #[doc = "No receive buffer underflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared."] _0, #[doc = "At least one receive buffer underflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared."] _1, } impl RXUFR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { RXUFR::_0 => false, RXUFR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> RXUFR { match value { false => RXUFR::_0, true => RXUFR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == RXUFR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == RXUFR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `TXOF`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum TXOFR { #[doc = "No transmit buffer overflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared."] _0, #[doc = "At least one transmit buffer overflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared."] _1, } impl TXOFR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { TXOFR::_0 => false, TXOFR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> TXOFR { match value { false => TXOFR::_0, true => TXOFR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == TXOFR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == TXOFR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `RXEMPT`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum RXEMPTR { #[doc = "Receive buffer is not empty."] _0, #[doc = "Receive buffer is empty."] _1, } impl RXEMPTR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { RXEMPTR::_0 => false, RXEMPTR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> RXEMPTR { match value { false => RXEMPTR::_0, true => RXEMPTR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == RXEMPTR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == RXEMPTR::_1 } } #[doc = "Possible values of the field `TXEMPT`"] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum TXEMPTR { #[doc = "Transmit buffer is not empty."] _0, #[doc = "Transmit buffer is empty."] _1, } impl TXEMPTR { #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { match *self { TXEMPTR::_0 => false, TXEMPTR::_1 => true, } } #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _from(value: bool) -> TXEMPTR { match value { false => TXEMPTR::_0, true => TXEMPTR::_1, } } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_0`"] #[inline] pub fn is_0(&self) -> bool { *self == TXEMPTR::_0 } #[doc = "Checks if the value of the field is `_1`"] #[inline] pub fn is_1(&self) -> bool { *self == TXEMPTR::_1 } } #[doc = "Values that can be written to the field `RXFE`"] pub enum RXFEW { #[doc = "Receive FIFO is not enabled. Buffer is depth 1. (Legacy support)"] _0, #[doc = "Receive FIFO is enabled. Buffer is depth indicted by RXFIFOSIZE."] _1, } impl RXFEW { #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _bits(&self) -> bool { match *self { RXFEW::_0 => false, RXFEW::_1 => true, } } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _RXFEW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _RXFEW<'a> { #[doc = r" Writes `variant` to the field"] #[inline] pub fn variant(self, variant: RXFEW) -> &'a mut W { { self.bit(variant._bits()) } } #[doc = "Receive FIFO is not enabled. Buffer is depth 1. (Legacy support)"] #[inline] pub fn _0(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(RXFEW::_0) } #[doc = "Receive FIFO is enabled. Buffer is depth indicted by RXFIFOSIZE."] #[inline] pub fn _1(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(RXFEW::_1) } #[doc = r" Sets the field bit"] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r" Clears the field bit"] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 3; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } #[doc = "Values that can be written to the field `TXFE`"] pub enum TXFEW { #[doc = "Transmit FIFO is not enabled. Buffer is depth 1. (Legacy support)."] _0, #[doc = "Transmit FIFO is enabled. Buffer is depth indicated by TXFIFOSIZE."] _1, } impl TXFEW { #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _bits(&self) -> bool { match *self { TXFEW::_0 => false, TXFEW::_1 => true, } } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _TXFEW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _TXFEW<'a> { #[doc = r" Writes `variant` to the field"] #[inline] pub fn variant(self, variant: TXFEW) -> &'a mut W { { self.bit(variant._bits()) } } #[doc = "Transmit FIFO is not enabled. Buffer is depth 1. (Legacy support)."] #[inline] pub fn _0(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(TXFEW::_0) } #[doc = "Transmit FIFO is enabled. Buffer is depth indicated by TXFIFOSIZE."] #[inline] pub fn _1(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(TXFEW::_1) } #[doc = r" Sets the field bit"] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r" Clears the field bit"] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 7; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } #[doc = "Values that can be written to the field `RXUFE`"] pub enum RXUFEW { #[doc = "RXUF flag does not generate an interrupt to the host."] _0, #[doc = "RXUF flag generates an interrupt to the host."] _1, } impl RXUFEW { #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _bits(&self) -> bool { match *self { RXUFEW::_0 => false, RXUFEW::_1 => true, } } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _RXUFEW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _RXUFEW<'a> { #[doc = r" Writes `variant` to the field"] #[inline] pub fn variant(self, variant: RXUFEW) -> &'a mut W { { self.bit(variant._bits()) } } #[doc = "RXUF flag does not generate an interrupt to the host."] #[inline] pub fn _0(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(RXUFEW::_0) } #[doc = "RXUF flag generates an interrupt to the host."] #[inline] pub fn _1(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(RXUFEW::_1) } #[doc = r" Sets the field bit"] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r" Clears the field bit"] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 8; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } #[doc = "Values that can be written to the field `TXOFE`"] pub enum TXOFEW { #[doc = "TXOF flag does not generate an interrupt to the host."] _0, #[doc = "TXOF flag generates an interrupt to the host."] _1, } impl TXOFEW { #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _bits(&self) -> bool { match *self { TXOFEW::_0 => false, TXOFEW::_1 => true, } } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _TXOFEW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _TXOFEW<'a> { #[doc = r" Writes `variant` to the field"] #[inline] pub fn variant(self, variant: TXOFEW) -> &'a mut W { { self.bit(variant._bits()) } } #[doc = "TXOF flag does not generate an interrupt to the host."] #[inline] pub fn _0(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(TXOFEW::_0) } #[doc = "TXOF flag generates an interrupt to the host."] #[inline] pub fn _1(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(TXOFEW::_1) } #[doc = r" Sets the field bit"] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r" Clears the field bit"] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 9; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } #[doc = "Values that can be written to the field `RXIDEN`"] pub enum RXIDENW { #[doc = "Disable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle."] _000, #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 1 character."] _001, #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 2 characters."] _010, #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 4 characters."] _011, #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 8 characters."] _100, #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 16 characters."] _101, #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 32 characters."] _110, #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 64 characters."] _111, } impl RXIDENW { #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _bits(&self) -> u8 { match *self { RXIDENW::_000 => 0, RXIDENW::_001 => 1, RXIDENW::_010 => 2, RXIDENW::_011 => 3, RXIDENW::_100 => 4, RXIDENW::_101 => 5, RXIDENW::_110 => 6, RXIDENW::_111 => 7, } } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _RXIDENW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _RXIDENW<'a> { #[doc = r" Writes `variant` to the field"] #[inline] pub fn variant(self, variant: RXIDENW) -> &'a mut W { { self.bits(variant._bits()) } } #[doc = "Disable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle."] #[inline] pub fn _000(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(RXIDENW::_000) } #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 1 character."] #[inline] pub fn _001(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(RXIDENW::_001) } #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 2 characters."] #[inline] pub fn _010(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(RXIDENW::_010) } #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 4 characters."] #[inline] pub fn _011(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(RXIDENW::_011) } #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 8 characters."] #[inline] pub fn _100(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(RXIDENW::_100) } #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 16 characters."] #[inline] pub fn _101(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(RXIDENW::_101) } #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 32 characters."] #[inline] pub fn _110(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(RXIDENW::_110) } #[doc = "Enable RDRF assertion due to partially filled FIFO when receiver is idle for 64 characters."] #[inline] pub fn _111(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(RXIDENW::_111) } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub fn bits(self, value: u8) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: u8 = 7; const OFFSET: u8 = 10; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } #[doc = "Values that can be written to the field `RXFLUSH`"] pub enum RXFLUSHW { #[doc = "No flush operation occurs."] _0, #[doc = "All data in the receive FIFO/buffer is cleared out."] _1, } impl RXFLUSHW { #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _bits(&self) -> bool { match *self { RXFLUSHW::_0 => false, RXFLUSHW::_1 => true, } } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _RXFLUSHW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _RXFLUSHW<'a> { #[doc = r" Writes `variant` to the field"] #[inline] pub fn variant(self, variant: RXFLUSHW) -> &'a mut W { { self.bit(variant._bits()) } } #[doc = "No flush operation occurs."] #[inline] pub fn _0(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(RXFLUSHW::_0) } #[doc = "All data in the receive FIFO/buffer is cleared out."] #[inline] pub fn _1(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(RXFLUSHW::_1) } #[doc = r" Sets the field bit"] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r" Clears the field bit"] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 14; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } #[doc = "Values that can be written to the field `TXFLUSH`"] pub enum TXFLUSHW { #[doc = "No flush operation occurs."] _0, #[doc = "All data in the transmit FIFO/Buffer is cleared out."] _1, } impl TXFLUSHW { #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _bits(&self) -> bool { match *self { TXFLUSHW::_0 => false, TXFLUSHW::_1 => true, } } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _TXFLUSHW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _TXFLUSHW<'a> { #[doc = r" Writes `variant` to the field"] #[inline] pub fn variant(self, variant: TXFLUSHW) -> &'a mut W { { self.bit(variant._bits()) } } #[doc = "No flush operation occurs."] #[inline] pub fn _0(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(TXFLUSHW::_0) } #[doc = "All data in the transmit FIFO/Buffer is cleared out."] #[inline] pub fn _1(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(TXFLUSHW::_1) } #[doc = r" Sets the field bit"] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r" Clears the field bit"] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 15; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } #[doc = "Values that can be written to the field `RXUF`"] pub enum RXUFW { #[doc = "No receive buffer underflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared."] _0, #[doc = "At least one receive buffer underflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared."] _1, } impl RXUFW { #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _bits(&self) -> bool { match *self { RXUFW::_0 => false, RXUFW::_1 => true, } } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _RXUFW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _RXUFW<'a> { #[doc = r" Writes `variant` to the field"] #[inline] pub fn variant(self, variant: RXUFW) -> &'a mut W { { self.bit(variant._bits()) } } #[doc = "No receive buffer underflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared."] #[inline] pub fn _0(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(RXUFW::_0) } #[doc = "At least one receive buffer underflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared."] #[inline] pub fn _1(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(RXUFW::_1) } #[doc = r" Sets the field bit"] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r" Clears the field bit"] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 16; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } #[doc = "Values that can be written to the field `TXOF`"] pub enum TXOFW { #[doc = "No transmit buffer overflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared."] _0, #[doc = "At least one transmit buffer overflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared."] _1, } impl TXOFW { #[allow(missing_docs)] #[doc(hidden)] #[inline] pub fn _bits(&self) -> bool { match *self { TXOFW::_0 => false, TXOFW::_1 => true, } } } #[doc = r" Proxy"] pub struct _TXOFW<'a> { w: &'a mut W, } impl<'a> _TXOFW<'a> { #[doc = r" Writes `variant` to the field"] #[inline] pub fn variant(self, variant: TXOFW) -> &'a mut W { { self.bit(variant._bits()) } } #[doc = "No transmit buffer overflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared."] #[inline] pub fn _0(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(TXOFW::_0) } #[doc = "At least one transmit buffer overflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared."] #[inline] pub fn _1(self) -> &'a mut W { self.variant(TXOFW::_1) } #[doc = r" Sets the field bit"] pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(true) } #[doc = r" Clears the field bit"] pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W { self.bit(false) } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the field"] #[inline] pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 17; self.w.bits &= !((MASK as u32) << OFFSET); self.w.bits |= ((value & MASK) as u32) << OFFSET; self.w } } impl R { #[doc = r" Value of the register as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bits(&self) -> u32 { self.bits } #[doc = "Bits 0:2 - Receive FIFO. Buffer Depth"] #[inline] pub fn rxfifosize(&self) -> RXFIFOSIZER { RXFIFOSIZER::_from({ const MASK: u8 = 7; const OFFSET: u8 = 0; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) as u8 }) } #[doc = "Bit 3 - Receive FIFO Enable"] #[inline] pub fn rxfe(&self) -> RXFER { RXFER::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 3; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bits 4:6 - Transmit FIFO. Buffer Depth"] #[inline] pub fn txfifosize(&self) -> TXFIFOSIZER { TXFIFOSIZER::_from({ const MASK: u8 = 7; const OFFSET: u8 = 4; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) as u8 }) } #[doc = "Bit 7 - Transmit FIFO Enable"] #[inline] pub fn txfe(&self) -> TXFER { TXFER::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 7; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 8 - Receive FIFO Underflow Interrupt Enable"] #[inline] pub fn rxufe(&self) -> RXUFER { RXUFER::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 8; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 9 - Transmit FIFO Overflow Interrupt Enable"] #[inline] pub fn txofe(&self) -> TXOFER { TXOFER::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 9; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bits 10:12 - Receiver Idle Empty Enable"] #[inline] pub fn rxiden(&self) -> RXIDENR { RXIDENR::_from({ const MASK: u8 = 7; const OFFSET: u8 = 10; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) as u8 }) } #[doc = "Bit 16 - Receiver Buffer Underflow Flag"] #[inline] pub fn rxuf(&self) -> RXUFR { RXUFR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 16; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 17 - Transmitter Buffer Overflow Flag"] #[inline] pub fn txof(&self) -> TXOFR { TXOFR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 17; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 22 - Receive Buffer/FIFO Empty"] #[inline] pub fn rxempt(&self) -> RXEMPTR { RXEMPTR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 22; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } #[doc = "Bit 23 - Transmit Buffer/FIFO Empty"] #[inline] pub fn txempt(&self) -> TXEMPTR { TXEMPTR::_from({ const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 23; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u32) != 0 }) } } impl W { #[doc = r" Reset value of the register"] #[inline] pub fn reset_value() -> W { W { bits: 12582929 } } #[doc = r" Writes raw bits to the register"] #[inline] pub unsafe fn bits(&mut self, bits: u32) -> &mut Self { self.bits = bits; self } #[doc = "Bit 3 - Receive FIFO Enable"] #[inline] pub fn rxfe(&mut self) -> _RXFEW { _RXFEW { w: self } } #[doc = "Bit 7 - Transmit FIFO Enable"] #[inline] pub fn txfe(&mut self) -> _TXFEW { _TXFEW { w: self } } #[doc = "Bit 8 - Receive FIFO Underflow Interrupt Enable"] #[inline] pub fn rxufe(&mut self) -> _RXUFEW { _RXUFEW { w: self } } #[doc = "Bit 9 - Transmit FIFO Overflow Interrupt Enable"] #[inline] pub fn txofe(&mut self) -> _TXOFEW { _TXOFEW { w: self } } #[doc = "Bits 10:12 - Receiver Idle Empty Enable"] #[inline] pub fn rxiden(&mut self) -> _RXIDENW { _RXIDENW { w: self } } #[doc = "Bit 14 - Receive FIFO/Buffer Flush"] #[inline] pub fn rxflush(&mut self) -> _RXFLUSHW { _RXFLUSHW { w: self } } #[doc = "Bit 15 - Transmit FIFO/Buffer Flush"] #[inline] pub fn txflush(&mut self) -> _TXFLUSHW { _TXFLUSHW { w: self } } #[doc = "Bit 16 - Receiver Buffer Underflow Flag"] #[inline] pub fn rxuf(&mut self) -> _RXUFW { _RXUFW { w: self } } #[doc = "Bit 17 - Transmitter Buffer Overflow Flag"] #[inline] pub fn txof(&mut self) -> _TXOFW { _TXOFW { w: self } } }