
348 lines
13 KiB

use rusttype::{point, Font, PositionedGlyph, Scale};
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::io::Write;
// Add an allocator that lets us keep track of the system
extern crate stats_alloc;
use stats_alloc::{Region, StatsAlloc, INSTRUMENTED_SYSTEM};
use std::alloc::System;
static GLOBAL: &StatsAlloc<System> = &INSTRUMENTED_SYSTEM;
fn main() {
// Chinese test
// let font = include_bytes!("../resources/WenQuanYiMicroHei-01.ttf");
let font = include_bytes!("../resources/NotoSansSC-Regular.ttf");
let message = " 發啊你好";
let rtl = false;
println!("RUSTTYPE TEST:");
test_rusttype(font, message, rtl);
test_rusthbuzz(font, message);
// Arabic test
let font = include_bytes!("../resources/LateefRegOT.ttf");
let message = "مرحبا بالعالم "; // "Hello, world!"
// let message = "مممممم"; // Kerning test nonsense string
let rtl = true;
println!("RUSTTYPE TEST:");
test_rusttype(font, message, rtl);
test_rusthbuzz(font, message);
// Emoji Test
// let font = include_bytes!("../resources/TwitterColorEmoji-SVGinOT.ttf");
// let font = include_bytes!("../resources/Symbola-AjYx.ttf");
let font = include_bytes!("../resources/NotoEmoji-Regular.ttf");
let message = concat!(
"Hello, world! ää 🀄🃏\u{1F170}\u{1F170}\u{FE0F}\n",
// "🐶🐱🦁🐎🦄🐷🐘🐰🐼🐓🐧🐢🐟🐙🦋🌷🌳🌵🍄🌏🌙☁️🔥🍌🍎🍓🌽🍕🎂❤️😀🤖🎩👓🔧🎅👍☂️⌛⏰🎁💡📕✏️📎✂️🔒🔑🔨☎️🏁🚂🚲✈️🚀🏆⚽🎸🎺🔔⚓🎧📁📌"
test_rusthbuzz(font, message);
let font = include_bytes!("../resources/TwitterColorEmoji-SVGinOT.ttf");
test_rusthbuzz(font, message);
let font = include_bytes!("../resources/Symbola-AjYx.ttf");
test_rusthbuzz(font, message);
// fn test_fontdue(font: &[u8], message: &str, _rtl: bool) {
// let reg = Region::new(&GLOBAL);
// println!("start: {:#?}", reg.change());
// // Parse it into the font type.
// let font = fontdue::Font::from_bytes(font, fontdue::FontSettings::default()).unwrap();
// println!("from_bytes: {:#?}", reg.change());
// // Rasterize and get the layout metrics for the letter 'g' at 17px.
// let (metrics, bitmap) = font.rasterize(message.chars().nth(0).unwrap(), 17.0);
// println!("font.rasterize: {:#?}", reg.change());
// // Used here to ensure that the value is not
// // dropped before we check the statistics
// ::std::mem::size_of_val(&metrics);
// ::std::mem::size_of_val(&bitmap);
// ::std::mem::size_of_val(&font);
// }
fn test_rusthbuzz(font: &[u8], message: &str) {
const FB_WIDTH: usize = 336;
const FB_HEIGHT: usize = 536;
let rusttype_height = 32.0;
let mut buffer = vec![];
for _ in 0..FB_HEIGHT {
buffer.push(vec![0f32; FB_WIDTH]);
use minifb::{Key, Window, WindowOptions};
let mut window = Window::new(
WindowOptions {
scale_mode: minifb::ScaleMode::AspectRatioStretch,
resize: true,
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
panic!("{}", e);
const DARK_COLOUR: u32 = 0xB5B5AD;
const LIGHT_COLOUR: u32 = 0x1B1B19;
let mut native_buffer = vec![LIGHT_COLOUR; FB_WIDTH * FB_HEIGHT];
let lines = message.split('\n');
let reg = Region::new(&GLOBAL);
let mut buzz_font = rustybuzz::Font::from_slice(font, 0).unwrap();
println!("buzz_font: {:#?}", reg.change());
buzz_font.set_pixels_per_em(Some((196, 196)));
let buzz_features = vec![];
println!("buzz_features: {:#?}", reg.change());
let mut buzz_buffer = rustybuzz::UnicodeBuffer::new();
println!("buzz_buffer: {:#?}", reg.change());
for (line_number, line) in lines.enumerate() {
println!("buzz_buffer_push: {:#?}", reg.change());
let glyph_buffer = rustybuzz::shape(&buzz_font, &buzz_features, buzz_buffer);
println!("buzz_shape: {:#?}", reg.change());
let rusttype_font =
Font::try_from_bytes(font).expect("error constructing a Font from bytes");
println!("fonttype_collection: {:#?}", reg.change());
let mut cursor_x = 0.0;
let mut cursor_y = (line_number as f32) * rusttype_height;
let rusttype_scale = rusttype::Scale {
x: rusttype_height * 1.0,
y: rusttype_height,
// Adapt the harfbuzz scale to rusttype's scale.
// I'm not sure where the "1.2" comes from, but the units only *just* match.
let harfbuzz_scale = rusttype_font.units_per_em() as f32 / rusttype_height * 1.0 /* * 1.2 */;
let v_metrics = rusttype_font.v_metrics(rusttype_scale);
let offset = point(0.0, v_metrics.ascent);
// println!("font is {} units-per-em", rusttype_font.units_per_em());
for (buzz_info, buzz_position) in glyph_buffer
// let codepoint_rs = char::try_from(buzz_info.codepoint).expect("invalid codepoint");
let font_glyph = rusttype_font.glyph(rusttype::GlyphId(
.expect("codepoint out of range"),
let glyph_scaled = font_glyph.scaled(rusttype_scale);
let x_offset = buzz_position.x_offset as f32 / harfbuzz_scale;
let y_offset = buzz_position.y_offset as f32 / harfbuzz_scale;
let x_advance = buzz_position.x_advance as f32 / harfbuzz_scale;
let y_advance = buzz_position.y_advance as f32 / harfbuzz_scale;
let glyph_positioned = glyph_scaled.positioned(rusttype::Point {
x: (x_offset as f32) + offset.x,
y: (y_offset as f32) + offset.y,
if let Some(bb) = glyph_positioned.pixel_bounding_box() {
// println!(
// "Offset: {} / {}, {} / {} {}/{} {}/{}",
// x_offset, y_offset,
// x_advance, y_advance,
// cursor_x, cursor_y,
// bb.min.x, bb.min.y,
// );
glyph_positioned.draw(|x, y, weight| {
let x = (x as f32) + ((cursor_x + x_offset) as f32) + (bb.min.x as f32);
let y = (y as f32) + ((cursor_y + y_offset) as f32) + (bb.min.y as f32);
if (x < 0.0)
|| (x >= (buffer[0].len() as f32))
|| (y < 0.0)
|| (y >= (buffer.len() as f32))
// println!("(x,y) out of bounds: ({}, {})", x, y);
let x = x as usize;
let y = y as usize;
// if y < buffer.len() && x < buffer[0].len() {
buffer[y][x] += weight;
// }
cursor_x += x_advance;
cursor_y += y_advance;
buzz_buffer = glyph_buffer.clear();
let mut offset = 0;
for line in &*buffer {
for pixel in line {
native_buffer[offset] = if pixel > &0.5 {
} else {
offset += 1;
.update_with_buffer(&native_buffer, FB_WIDTH, FB_HEIGHT)
while window.is_open() && !window.is_key_down(Key::Escape) {
// for y in (0..buffer.len() - 4).step_by(4) {
// for x in (0..buffer[y].len() - 2).step_by(2) {
// let mut offset = 0;
// let threshold = 0.5;
// if buffer[y + 0][x + 0] > threshold {
// offset |= 1 << 0;
// }
// if buffer[y + 1][x + 0] > threshold {
// offset |= 1 << 1;
// }
// if buffer[y + 2][x + 0] > threshold {
// offset |= 1 << 2;
// }
// if buffer[y + 0][x + 1] > threshold {
// offset |= 1 << 3;
// }
// if buffer[y + 1][x + 1] > threshold {
// offset |= 1 << 4;
// }
// if buffer[y + 2][x + 1] > threshold {
// offset |= 1 << 5;
// }
// if buffer[y + 3][x + 0] > threshold {
// offset |= 1 << 6;
// }
// if buffer[y + 3][x + 1] > threshold {
// offset |= 1 << 7;
// }
// let pixel_br = std::char::from_u32(0x2800 + offset).unwrap();
// print!("{}", pixel_br);
// }
// println!();
// }
fn test_rusttype(font: &[u8], message: &str, rtl: bool) {
let reg = Region::new(&GLOBAL);
let font = Font::try_from_bytes(font).expect("couldn't read font file");
// Desired font pixel height
let height: f32 = 20.0; // to get 80 chars across (fits most terminals); adjust as desired
let pixel_height = height.ceil() as usize;
// 2x scale in x direction to counter the aspect ratio of monospace characters.
let scale = Scale {
x: height * 2.0,
y: height,
// The origin of a line of text is at the baseline (roughly where
// non-descending letters sit). We don't want to clip the text, so we shift
// it down with an offset when laying it out. v_metrics.ascent is the
// distance between the baseline and the highest edge of any glyph in
// the font. That's enough to guarantee that there's no clipping.
let v_metrics = font.v_metrics(scale);
let offset = point(0.0, v_metrics.ascent);
println!("metrics: {:#?}", reg.change());
// Glyphs to draw for "RustType". Feel free to try other strings.
let glyphs: Vec<PositionedGlyph<'_>> = font.layout(message, scale, offset).collect();
println!("glyphs: {:#?}", reg.change());
// Find the most visually pleasing width to display
let width = glyphs
.map(|g| g.position().x as f32 + g.unpositioned().h_metrics().advance_width)
.ceil() as usize;
println!("width: {}, height: {}", width, pixel_height);
// Rasterise directly into ASCII art.
let mut pixel_data = vec!['@'; width * pixel_height];
let mapping = [' ', '░', '▒', '▓', '█']; // The approximation of greyscale
let mapping_scale = (mapping.len() - 1) as f32;
for g in glyphs {
if let Some(bb) = g.pixel_bounding_box() {
g.draw(|x, y, v| {
// v should be in the range 0.0 to 1.0
let i = (v * mapping_scale + 0.5) as usize;
// so something's wrong if you get $ in the output.
let c = mapping.get(i).cloned().unwrap_or(' ');
let x = x as i32 + bb.min.x;
let y = y as i32 + bb.min.y;
// There's still a possibility that the glyph clips the boundaries of the bitmap
if x >= 0 && x < width as i32 && y >= 0 && y < pixel_height as i32 {
let x = if rtl {
width - (x as usize) - 1
} else {
x as usize
let y = y as usize;
pixel_data[(x + y * width)] = c;
println!("rasterization: {:#?}", reg.change());
// Print it out
let stdout = ::std::io::stdout();
let mut handle = stdout.lock();
for j in 0..pixel_height {
for px in pixel_data[j * width..(j + 1) * width].iter() {
let mut b = [0; 4];
px.encode_utf8(&mut b);
// handle
// .write_all(&b)
// .unwrap();