Sean Cross d2316d2d23 repl: bring up second cpu
Bring up the second cpu. This requires the most recent version of Renode.

Signed-off-by: Sean Cross <>
2023-08-14 08:32:25 +02:00

136 lines
3.9 KiB

# Boot Renode Script (boot.resc)
# Add this script's path to the global path, so
# we can include files relative to ourselves.
path add $ORIGIN
i @peripherals/ESP32_SPIController.cs
i @peripherals/ESP32_UART.cs
i @peripherals/ESP32S3_EXTMEM.cs
i @peripherals/ESP32S3_GPIO.cs
i @peripherals/ESP32S3_RTC_CNTL.cs
i @peripherals/ESP32S3_RTC_I2C_PWDET.cs
using sysbus
mach create "SoC"
machine LoadPlatformDescription @badge.repl
# Silence regions we don't want to implement yet
sysbus SilenceRange <0x60038000, 0x60038FFF> # USB_DEVICE
sysbus SilenceRange <0x60080000, 0x60080FFF> # USB0
sysbus SilenceRange <0x60039000, 0x60039FFF> # USB_WRAP
machine StartGdbServer 3333 true
showAnalyzer uart0
showAnalyzer uart1
# The macro `reset` gets called implicitly when running `machine Reset`
macro reset
sysbus LoadELF @blackmagic.elf
sysbus LoadBinary @partition-table.bin 0x3C008000
sysbus LoadBinary @esp32s3-irom.bin 0x40000000
sysbus LoadBinary @esp32s3-drom.bin 0x3FF00000
#sysbus LoadBinary @esp32s3-efuses.bin 0x60007000
sysbus LoadELF @bootloader.elf
setup_hooks sysbus.cpu1 sysbus.cpu2
drom WriteByte 0x41a6b 0x1d
drom WriteByte 0x41a6c 0xf0
cpu1 PC 0x40000400
cpu2 IsHalted true
def memcpy(dest, src, n):
data = self.Machine.SystemBus.ReadBytes(src, n)
self.Machine.SystemBus.WriteBytes(data, dest)
def mc_setup_hooks(cpu1, cpu2):
from Antmicro.Renode.Peripherals.CPU import RegisterValue
# LR, SP, R0
A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10 = 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99
cpu1 = self.Machine[cpu1]
cpu2 = self.Machine[cpu2]
def format_val(v):
return "0x{:08x}".format(long(v))
return str(v)
def log(*args):
cpu1.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "{0}", ", ".join(map(format_val, args)))
def get(reg, raw=True):
v = cpu1.GetRegisterUnsafe(reg)
if raw:
return v.RawValue
return v
def lr():
return get(A0, raw=False)
def args():
return list(map(get, (A2, A3, A4)))
def set(reg, val):
cpu1.SetRegisterUnsafe(reg, RegisterValue.Create(val, 32))
def cstr(addr):
out = bytearray()
b = self.Machine.SystemBus.ReadByte(addr)
while b != 0:
addr += 1
b = self.Machine.SystemBus.ReadByte(addr)
return bytes(out)
def hook(addr_or_name):
def wrap(fn):
if isinstance(addr_or_name, str):
addr = self.Machine.SystemBus.GetSymbolAddress(addr_or_name)
addr = addr_or_name
cpu1.AddHook(addr, fn)
return fn
return wrap
def ets_run_flash_bootloader_hook(cpu1, pc):
log("ets_run_flash_bootloader", *args())
# this function loads software bootloader
# we have it already loaded, just jump before
# executing user code (software bootloader)
cpu1.PC = RegisterValue.Create(0x40043ca3,32)
def hook_soft_address(cpu1, pc):
log("hook_soft_address", *args())
# write address already loaded software bootloader to register
self.Machine.SystemBus.WriteDoubleWord(0x3fcedf14, 0x403c9908)
def hook_cpu_rev_check(cpu1, pc):
log("cpu_rev_check", *args())
cpu1.PC = RegisterValue.Create(0x403c9a1f,32)
@hook (0x403ce971)
def hook_skip_part_size_check(cpu1, pc):
log("skip_part_size_check", *args())
cpu1.PC = RegisterValue.Create(0x403ce9a3,32)
@hook (0x403ce129)
def hook_skip_flash_check(cpu1, pc):
log("skip_flash_check", *args())
cpu1.PC = RegisterValue.Create(0x403ce1b0,32)
runMacro $reset