use chrono::{Date, Local, TimeZone}; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use sysinfo::{ProcessExt, SystemExt}; use winreg::{RegValue, types::FromRegValue}; use winrt_notification::{Duration, Sound, Toast}; fn make_holidays() -> BTreeMap, &'static str> { let mut holidays = BTreeMap::new(); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2021, 1, 1), "New Year's Day"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2021, 2, 12), "Chinese New Year"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2021, 2, 13), "Chinese New Year"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2021, 4, 2), "Good Friday"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2021, 5, 1), "Labour Day"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2021, 5, 13), "Hari Raya Puasa"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2021, 7, 20), "Vesak Day"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2021, 8, 9), "National Day"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2021, 11, 4), "Deepavali"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2021, 12, 25), "Christmas"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2022, 1, 1), "New Year's Day"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2022, 2, 1), "Chinese New Year"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2022, 2, 2), "Chinese New Year"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2022, 4, 15), "Good Friday"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2022, 5, 1), "Labour Day"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2022, 5, 2), "Hari Raya Puasa"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2022, 5, 3), "Labour Day (Observed)"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2022, 5, 15), "Vesak Day"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2022, 7, 9), "Hari Raya Haji"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2022, 8, 9), "National Day"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2022, 10, 24), "Deepavali"); holidays.insert(Local.ymd(2022, 12, 25), "Christmas"); holidays } fn process_is_running(name: &str) -> bool { // First we update all information of our system struct. let mut system = sysinfo::System::new_all(); system.refresh_all(); for (_pid, proc_) in system.get_processes() { if == name { return true; } } false } fn try_terminating(name: &str) -> Option { let mut process_path = None; // First we update all information of our system struct. let mut system = sysinfo::System::new_all(); system.refresh_all(); // Now let's print every process' id and name: for (pid, proc_) in system.get_processes() { if == name { println!("LARK FOUND!!! PID: {}, status: {:?}", pid, proc_.status()); println!("Original exe: {}", proc_.exe().display()); process_path = Some(proc_.exe().to_owned()); proc_.kill(sysinfo::Signal::Term); } } process_path } fn is_working_hours(date_time: &T) -> bool { let holidays = make_holidays(); if let Some(holiday) = holidays.get(&chrono::Local::today()) { println!("Happy {}! No work today.", holiday); return false; } match date_time.weekday() { chrono::Weekday::Sun | chrono::Weekday::Sat => return false, _ => (), } date_time.hour() >= 9 && date_time.hour() <= 18 } fn get_lark_path() -> Option { use winreg::enums::*; use winreg::RegKey; let hkcu = RegKey::predef(HKEY_CURRENT_USER); let lark_cfg = match hkcu.open_subkey("SOFTWARE\\Ion\\Malarkey") { Ok(v) => Some(v), Err(_) => None, }?; let v: std::io::Result = lark_cfg.get_raw_value("Lark Path"); let mut buf = v.unwrap(); // Ensure the buffer is big enough. if buf.bytes.len() <= 2 { return None; } // Sometimes it adds a NULL at the end. Strip off NULL termination. if buf.bytes[buf.bytes.len()-2] == b'\0' { buf.bytes.pop(); buf.bytes.pop(); } let osstr = std::ffi::OsString::from_reg_value(&buf).unwrap(); Some(Path::new(&osstr).to_owned()) } fn set_lark_path(new_path: &Path) -> std::io::Result<()> { use winreg::enums::*; use winreg::RegKey; let hkcu = RegKey::predef(HKEY_CURRENT_USER); let (key, _disp) = hkcu.create_subkey("SOFTWARE\\Ion\\Larkinator")?; key.set_value("Lark Path", &new_path.as_os_str())?; Ok(()) } fn main() { let process_name = "Lark.exe"; loop { let local = Local::now(); // e.g. `2014-11-28T21:45:59.324310806+09:00` let should_be_running = is_working_hours(&local); let is_running = process_is_running(process_name); // println!("Should? {} Running? {}", should_be_running, is_running); if should_be_running && !is_running { println!("Running Lark!"); if let Some(p) = get_lark_path() { println!("Lark path: {}", p.display()); std::process::Command::new(p) .spawn() .expect("Couldn't run Lark!"); Toast::new(Toast::POWERSHELL_APP_ID) .title("Started Lark") .text1("Running Lark because it's time to work") .sound(Some(Sound::SMS)) .duration(Duration::Short) .show() .expect("unable to toast"); } else { println!("Would run Lark, but no path found"); } } else if !should_be_running && is_running { println!("Terminating Lark, since it should't be running"); if let Some(p) = try_terminating(process_name) { set_lark_path(&p).ok(); Toast::new(Toast::POWERSHELL_APP_ID) .title("Terminated Lark") .text1("Lark was terminated because it is outside working hours") .sound(Some(Sound::SMS)) .duration(Duration::Short) .show() .expect("unable to toast"); } } std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(3)); } }