
180 lines
5.0 KiB

use crate::xous::Memory;
use super::{LendResult, ScalarResult, Service};
enum NameLendOpcode {
/// Create a new server with the given name and return its SID.
Register = 0,
/// Create a connection to the target server.
Lookup = 1,
/// Create an authenticated connection to the target server.
AuthenticatedLookup = 2,
/// unregister a server, given its cryptographically unique SID.
Unregister = 3,
/// disconnect, given a server name and a cryptographically unique, one-time use token
Disconnect = 4,
/// indicates if all inherently trusted slots have been occupied. Should not run untrusted code until this is the case.
TrustedInitDone = 5,
/// Connect to a Server, blocking if the Server does not exist. When the Server is started,
/// return with either the CID or an AuthenticationRequest
/// # Message Types
/// * MutableLend
/// # Arguments
/// The memory being pointed to should be a &str, and the length of the string should
/// be specified in the `valid` field.
/// # Return Values
/// Memory is overwritten to contain a return value. This return value can be defined
/// as the following enum:
/// ```rust
/// #[repr(C)]
/// #[non_exhaustive]
/// enum ConnectResult {
/// Success(xous::CID /* connection ID */, [u32; 4] /* Disconnection token */),
/// Error(u32 /* error code */),
/// Unhandled, /* Catchall for future Results */
/// }
/// ```
BlockingConnect = 6,
/// Connect to a Server, returning the connection ID or an authentication request if
/// it exists, and returning ServerNotFound if it does not exist.
/// # Message Types
/// * MutableLend
/// # Arguments
/// The memory being pointed to should be a &str, and the length of the string should
/// be specified in the `valid` field.
/// # Return Values
/// Memory is overwritten to contain a return value. This return value can be defined
/// as the following enum:
/// ```rust
/// #[repr(C)]
/// #[non_exhaustive]
/// enum ConnectResult {
/// Success(xous::CID /* connection ID */, [u32; 4] /* Disconnection token */),
/// Error(u32 /* error code */),
/// Unhandled, /* Catchall for future Results */
/// }
/// ```
TryConnect = 7,
pub struct Name {}
impl Name {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Name {}
impl Default for Name {
fn default() -> Self {
impl Service for Name {
fn scalar(&mut self, _memory: &mut Memory, sender: u32, opcode: u32, args: [u32; 4]) {
panic!("Unhandled name scalar {}: {} {:x?}", sender, opcode, args);
fn blocking_scalar(
&mut self,
_memory: &mut Memory,
sender: u32,
opcode: u32,
args: [u32; 4],
) -> ScalarResult {
"Unhandled name blocking_scalar {}: {} {:x?}",
sender, opcode, args
// ScalarResult::Scalar1(0)
fn lend(
&mut self,
_memory: &mut Memory,
sender: u32,
opcode: u32,
buf: &[u8],
extra: [u32; 2],
) -> LendResult {
"Unhandled name lend {}: {} {:x?} {:x?}",
sender, opcode, buf, extra
// LendResult::MemoryReturned([0, 0])
fn lend_mut(
&mut self,
memory: &mut Memory,
sender: u32,
opcode: u32,
buf: &mut [u8],
extra: [u32; 2],
) -> LendResult {
if opcode == NameLendOpcode::Register as u32 {
panic!("Register opcode unimplemented");
} else if opcode == NameLendOpcode::TryConnect as u32
|| opcode == NameLendOpcode::BlockingConnect as u32
let buf_len = buf.len().min(extra[1] as usize);
let name = std::str::from_utf8(&buf[0..buf_len]).unwrap_or("<invalid>");
println!("Registering name {}", name);
let service = Box::new(if name == "panic-to-screen!" {
println!("Panic-to-screen registered");
} else {
panic!("Unrecognized service name {}", name);
let connection_id = memory.connections.len() as u32 + 1;
memory.connections.insert(connection_id, service);
LendResult::MemoryReturned([0, 0])
} else {
"Unhandled name lend_mut {}: {} {:x?}",
sender, opcode, extra
fn send(
&mut self,
_memory: &mut Memory,
sender: u32,
opcode: u32,
_buf: &[u8],
extra: [u32; 2],
) {
panic!("Unhandled name send {}: {} {:x?}", sender, opcode, extra);