implement heap allocation

Signed-off-by: Sean Cross <>
This commit is contained in:
Sean Cross 2023-12-31 08:55:07 +08:00
parent ff16f35de5
commit a9772e6716
2 changed files with 42 additions and 423 deletions

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@ -1,357 +1,7 @@
use std::io::Read;
use xous::XousHandler;
mod xous;
// #[derive(Debug)]
// enum LoadError {
// IncorrectFormat,
// BitSizeError,
// SatpWriteError,
// MstatusWriteError,
// CpuTrap(riscv_cpu::cpu::Trap),
// }
// impl std::fmt::Display for LoadError {
// fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
// match self {
// LoadError::IncorrectFormat => write!(f, "Incorrect format"),
// LoadError::BitSizeError => write!(f, "Incorrect bit size"),
// LoadError::SatpWriteError => write!(f, "Couldn't write to SATP register"),
// LoadError::MstatusWriteError => write!(f, "Couldn't write to MSTATUS register"),
// LoadError::CpuTrap(trap) => write!(f, "CPU trap: {:?}", trap),
// }
// }
// }
// impl std::error::Error for LoadError {}
// struct MemoryManager32<'a> {
// memory: &'a mut [u8],
// base: u32,
// allocator_offset: u32,
// satp: u32,
// l1_pt: u32,
// }
// const MMUFLAG_VALID: u32 = 0x01;
// pub const MMUFLAG_READABLE: u32 = 0x02;
// pub const MMUFLAG_WRITABLE: u32 = 0x04;
// pub const MMUFLAG_EXECUTABLE: u32 = 0x8;
// pub const MMUFLAG_U: u32 = 0x10;
// pub const MMUFLAG_ACCESSED: u32 = 0x40;
// pub const MMUFLAG_DIRTY: u32 = 0x80;
// impl<'a> MemoryManager32<'a> {
// fn new(memory: &'a mut [u8], base: u32) -> Self {
// // Allocate a single process. Place the root page table at
// // the second block of memory.
// Self {
// memory,
// base,
// allocator_offset: 8192,
// l1_pt: base + 4096,
// satp: ((4096 + base) >> 12) | 0x8000_0000,
// }
// }
// fn allocate_page(&mut self) -> u32 {
// let page = self.allocator_offset;
// self.allocator_offset += 4096;
// page + self.base
// }
// pub fn virt_to_phys(&self, virt: u32) -> Option<u32> {
// let vpn1 = ((virt >> 22) & ((1 << 10) - 1)) as usize * 4;
// let vpn0 = ((virt >> 12) & ((1 << 10) - 1)) as usize * 4;
// let offset = virt & ((1 << 12) - 1);
// // The root (l1) pagetable is defined to be mapped into our virtual
// // address space at this address.
// let l1_pt = &self.memory[(self.l1_pt - self.base).try_into().unwrap()..];
// // If the level 1 pagetable doesn't exist, then this address is invalid
// let l1_pt_entry = u32::from_le_bytes(l1_pt[vpn1..vpn1 + 4].try_into().unwrap());
// if l1_pt_entry & MMUFLAG_VALID == 0 {
// return None;
// }
// return None;
// }
// let l0_pt = &self.memory[(((l1_pt_entry >> 10) << 12) - self.base)
// .try_into()
// .unwrap()..];
// let l0_pt_entry = u32::from_le_bytes(l0_pt[vpn0..vpn0 + 4].try_into().unwrap());
// // Ensure the entry hasn't already been mapped.
// if l0_pt_entry & MMUFLAG_VALID == 0 {
// return None;
// }
// Some(((l0_pt_entry >> 10) << 12) | offset)
// }
// fn read_phys_u32(&self, address: u32) -> u32 {
// assert!(address >= self.base && address <= self.base + self.memory.len() as u32);
// u32::from_le_bytes(
// self.memory[(address - self.base).try_into().unwrap()
// ..(address - self.base + 4).try_into().unwrap()]
// .try_into()
// .unwrap(),
// )
// }
// fn write_phys_u32(&mut self, address: u32, value: u32) {
// assert!(address >= self.base && address <= self.base + self.memory.len() as u32);
// for (src, dest) in value
// .to_le_bytes()
// .iter()
// .zip(self.memory[(address - self.base).try_into().unwrap()..].iter_mut())
// {
// *dest = *src;
// }
// }
// fn read_virt_u32(&self, address: u32) -> u32 {
// self.read_phys_u32(self.virt_to_phys(address).unwrap())
// }
// fn write_virt_u8(&mut self, address: u32, value: u8) {
// let phys: usize = (self.virt_to_phys(address).unwrap() - self.base)
// .try_into()
// .unwrap();
// self.memory[phys] = value;
// }
// fn is_allocated(&self, address: u32) -> bool {
// self.virt_to_phys(address).is_some()
// }
// /// Allocate a brand-new memory mapping. When this memory mapping is created,
// /// it will be ready to use in a new process, however it will have no actual
// /// program code. It will, however, have the following pages mapped:
// ///
// /// 1. The kernel will be mapped to superpage 1023, meaning the kernel can
// /// switch to this process and do things.
// /// 2. A page will be allocated for superpage 1022, to contain pages for
// /// process-specific code.
// /// 3. A page will be allocated for superpage 1021, to contain pages for
// /// managing pages.
// /// 4. The root pagetable will be allocated and mapped at 0xff800000,
// /// ensuring new superpages can be allocated.
// /// 5. A context page will be allocated at 0xff801000, ensuring the
// /// process can actually be run.
// /// 6. Individual pagetable mappings are mapped at 0xff400000
// /// At the end of this operation, the following mapping will take place. Note that
// /// names are repeated in the chart below to indicate they are the same page
// /// represented multiple times. Items in brackets are offsets (in `usize`-words)
// /// from the start of the page. For example, offset 1023 on the root pagetable
// /// (address 4092) contains an entry that points to the kernel superpage.
// /// +----------------+
// /// | Root Pagetable |
// /// | root |
// /// +----------------+
// /// |
// /// +---------------+-------------------+------------------+
// /// | | |
// /// [1021] [1022] [1023]
// /// v v v
// /// +--------------+ +--------------+ +--------+
// /// | Level 0/1021 | | Level 0/1022 | | Kernel |
// /// | pages_l0 | | process_l0 | | |
// /// +--------------+ +--------------+ +--------+
// /// | |
// /// +-------+---------+ +---+-----------+
// /// | | | |
// /// [1021] [1022] [0] [1]
// /// v v v v
// /// +--------------+ +--------------+ +----------------+ +---------+
// /// | Level 0/1021 | | Level 0/1022 | | Root Pagetable | | Context |
// /// +--------------+ +--------------+ +----------------+ +---------+
// fn ensure_page(&mut self, virt: u32) {
// let vpn1 = (virt >> 22) & ((1 << 10) - 1);
// let vpn0 = (virt >> 12) & ((1 << 10) - 1);
// // println!("Ensuring page {:08x} exists", virt);
// // Ensure there's a level 0 pagetable
// let mut l1_pt_entry = self.read_phys_u32(self.l1_pt + vpn1 * 4);
// if l1_pt_entry & MMUFLAG_VALID == 0 {
// // Allocate a new page for the level 1 pagetable
// let l0_pt_phys = self.allocate_page();
// // println!("Allocating level 0 pagetable at {:08x}", l0_pt_phys);
// l1_pt_entry =
// ((l0_pt_phys >> 12) << 10) | MMUFLAG_VALID | MMUFLAG_DIRTY | MMUFLAG_ACCESSED;
// // Map the level 1 pagetable into the root pagetable
// self.write_phys_u32(self.l1_pt + vpn1 * 4, l1_pt_entry);
// }
// let l0_pt_phys = l1_pt_entry >> 10 << 12;
// // println!(
// // "Level 0 pagetable at {:08x} (l1_pt_entry: {:08x})",
// // l0_pt_phys, l1_pt_entry
// // );
// // Ensure the page is mapped
// let mut l0_pt_entry = self.read_phys_u32(l0_pt_phys + vpn0 * 4);
// if l0_pt_entry & MMUFLAG_VALID == 0 {
// // Allocate a new page for the level 0 pagetable
// let page_phys = self.allocate_page();
// // println!("Allocating physical page at {:08x}", page_phys);
// l0_pt_entry = ((page_phys >> 12) << 10)
// // Map the level 0 pagetable into the level 1 pagetable
// self.write_phys_u32(l0_pt_phys + vpn0 * 4, l0_pt_entry);
// }
// }
// fn write_bytes(&mut self, data: &[u8], start: u32) {
// for (i, byte) in data.iter().enumerate() {
// let i = i as u32;
// // println!("Map: {}", self);
// self.ensure_page(start + i);
// // println!("Writing byte to {:08x}...", start + i);
// // println!("Map: {}", self);
// if start + i == 0x258062 {
// println!("Writing {:02x} to {:08x}", byte, start + i);
// }
// self.write_virt_u8(start + i, *byte);
// }
// }
// }
// impl core::fmt::Display for MemoryManager32<'_> {
// fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
// writeln!(f, "Memory Maps:")?;
// let l1_pt = &self.memory[(self.l1_pt - self.base).try_into().unwrap()..];
// for (i, l1_entry) in l1_pt[0..4096].chunks(4).enumerate() {
// let l1_entry = u32::from_le_bytes(l1_entry.try_into().unwrap());
// if l1_entry == 0 {
// continue;
// }
// let superpage_addr = i as u32 * (1 << 22);
// writeln!(
// f,
// " {:4} Superpage for {:08x} @ {:08x} (flags: {:?})",
// i,
// superpage_addr,
// (l1_entry >> 10) << 12,
// // MMUFlags::from_bits(l1_entry & 0xff).unwrap()
// l1_entry & 0xff,
// )?;
// let l0_pt = &self.memory[(((l1_entry >> 10) << 12) - self.base).try_into().unwrap()..];
// for (j, l0_entry) in l0_pt[0..4096].chunks(4).enumerate() {
// let l0_entry = u32::from_le_bytes(l0_entry.try_into().unwrap());
// if l0_entry & 0x7 == 0 {
// continue;
// }
// let page_addr = j as u32 * (1 << 12);
// writeln!(
// f,
// " {:4} {:08x} -> {:08x} (flags: {:?})",
// j,
// superpage_addr + page_addr,
// (l0_entry >> 10) << 12,
// // MMUFlags::from_bits(l0_entry & 0xff).unwrap()
// l0_entry & 0xff,
// )?;
// }
// }
// Ok(())
// }
// }
// fn load_program_to_cpu(cpu: &mut riscv_cpu::Cpu, program: &[u8]) -> Result<(), LoadError> {
// let memory_base = cpu.memory_base();
// let memory_size = cpu.memory_size();
// let goblin::Object::Elf(elf) =
// goblin::Object::parse(program).map_err(|_| LoadError::IncorrectFormat)?
// else {
// return Err(LoadError::IncorrectFormat);
// };
// if elf.is_64 {
// return Err(LoadError::BitSizeError);
// }
// let mut shadow_memory = vec![0; memory_size as usize];
// let mut mm = MemoryManager32::new(&mut shadow_memory, memory_base as u32);
// for sh in elf.section_headers {
// if sh.sh_flags as u32 & goblin::elf::section_header::SHF_ALLOC == 0 {
// // println!(
// // "Skipping section {}",
// // elf.shdr_strtab
// // .get_at(sh.sh_name)
// // .unwrap_or("???unknown???")
// // );
// continue;
// }
// // println!(
// // "Section {}: Loading {} bytes at {:x}",
// // elf.shdr_strtab
// // .get_at(sh.sh_name)
// // .unwrap_or("???unknown???"),
// // sh.sh_size,
// // sh.sh_offset
// // );
// if sh.sh_type & goblin::elf::section_header::SHT_NOBITS != 0 {
// for addr in sh.sh_addr..(sh.sh_addr + sh.sh_size) {
// mm.ensure_page(addr.try_into().unwrap());
// mm.write_virt_u8(addr.try_into().unwrap(), 0);
// }
// } else {
// mm.write_bytes(
// &program[sh.sh_offset as usize..(sh.sh_offset + sh.sh_size) as usize],
// sh.sh_addr.try_into().unwrap(),
// );
// }
// }
// // TODO: Get memory permissions correct
// let satp = mm.satp.into();
// // Ensure stack is allocated
// for page in (0xc000_0000..0xc002_0000).step_by(4096) {
// mm.ensure_page(page);
// }
// for (offset, byte) in shadow_memory.into_iter().enumerate() {
// if byte == 0 {
// continue;
// }
// // println!("Writing {:02x} to {:08x}", byte, offset as u64 + memory_base);
// cpu.phys_write_u8(offset as u64 + memory_base, byte);
// }
// cpu.write_csr(riscv_cpu::cpu::CSR_SATP_ADDRESS, satp)
// .map_err(|_| LoadError::SatpWriteError)?;
// cpu.update_pc(elf.entry);
// // Return to User Mode (0 << 11) with interrupts disabled (1 << 5)
// cpu.write_csr(riscv_cpu::cpu::CSR_MSTATUS_ADDRESS, 1 << 5)
// .map_err(|_| LoadError::MstatusWriteError)?;
// cpu.write_csr(riscv_cpu::cpu::CSR_SEPC_ADDRESS, elf.entry)
// .unwrap();
// // SRET to return to user mode
// cpu.execute_opcode(0x10200073).map_err(LoadError::CpuTrap)?;
// // Update the stack pointer
// cpu.write_register(2, 0xc002_0000 - 4);
// Ok(())
// }
use std::io::Read;
use xous::XousHandler;
fn main() {
let mut std_tests = Vec::new();
@ -371,7 +21,7 @@ fn main() {
for tick in 0..1000 {
for _tick in 0..1000 {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
use riscv_cpu::cpu::EventHandler;
// mod mem;
mod definitions;
use definitions::{Syscall, SyscallNumber, SyscallResultNumber};
pub enum LoadError {
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ const MMUFLAG_READABLE: u32 = 0x02;
const MMUFLAG_WRITABLE: u32 = 0x04;
const MMUFLAG_EXECUTABLE: u32 = 0x8;
const MMUFLAG_USERMODE: u32 = 0x10;
const MMUFLAG_GLOBAL: u32 = 0x20;
// const MMUFLAG_GLOBAL: u32 = 0x20;
const MMUFLAG_ACCESSED: u32 = 0x40;
const MMUFLAG_DIRTY: u32 = 0x80;
@ -38,6 +40,8 @@ pub struct XousHandler {
allocator_offset: u32,
satp: u32,
l1_pt: u32,
heap_start: u32,
heap_size: u32,
impl XousHandler {
@ -50,6 +54,8 @@ impl XousHandler {
l1_pt: memory_base + 4096,
allocator_offset: 8192,
satp: ((4096 + memory_base) >> 12) | 0x8000_0000,
heap_start: 0xa000_0000,
heap_size: 0,
@ -62,19 +68,14 @@ impl XousHandler {
fn write_bytes(&mut self, cpu: &mut riscv_cpu::Cpu, data: &[u8], start: u32) {
for (i, byte) in data.iter().enumerate() {
let i = i as u32;
// self.print_mmu(cpu);
self.ensure_page(cpu, start + i);
let phys = self.virt_to_phys(cpu, start + i).unwrap();
// println!("Writing byte to {:08x}...", start + i);
// self.print_mmu(cpu);
if start + i == 0x258062 {
println!("Writing {:02x} to {:08x}", byte, start + i);
cpu.phys_write_u8(phys as u64, *byte);
pub fn print_mmu(&self, cpu: &riscv_cpu::Cpu) {
println!("Memory Map:");
for vpn1 in (0..4096).step_by(4) {
@ -246,68 +247,36 @@ impl XousHandler {
enum Syscall {
Unknown([i64; 8]),
i64, /* number of bytes to add */
i64, /* memory flags */
impl XousHandler {
fn syscall(&mut self, cpu: &mut riscv_cpu::Cpu, syscall: Syscall) -> [i64; 8] {
match syscall {
Syscall::IncreaseHeap(bytes, flags) => {
let heap_address = self.heap_start + self.heap_size;
if bytes < 0 {
self.heap_size -= bytes.abs() as u32;
panic!("Reducing size not supported!");
} else if bytes > 0 {
for new_address in (heap_address..(heap_address + bytes as u32)).step_by(4096) {
self.ensure_page(cpu, new_address);
pub enum SyscallNumber {
MapMemory = 2,
Yield = 3,
IncreaseHeap = 10,
UpdateMemoryFlags = 12,
ReceiveMessage = 15,
SendMessage = 16,
Connect = 17,
CreateThread = 18,
UnmapMemory = 19,
ReturnMemory = 20,
TerminateProcess = 22,
TrySendMessage = 24,
TryConnect = 25,
GetThreadId = 32,
JoinThread = 36,
AdjustProcessLimit = 38,
ReturnScalar = 40,
Unknown = 0,
self.heap_size += bytes as u32;
impl From<[i64; 8]> for Syscall {
fn from(value: [i64; 8]) -> Self {
match value[0].into() {
SyscallNumber::IncreaseHeap => Syscall::IncreaseHeap(value[1], value[2]),
_ => Syscall::Unknown(value),
SyscallResultNumber::MemoryRange as i64,
heap_address as i64,
Syscall::Unknown(args) => {
println!("Unknown syscall {:?}: {:?}", SyscallNumber::from(args[0]), args);
[SyscallResultNumber::Unimplemented as _, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
impl From<i64> for SyscallNumber {
fn from(value: i64) -> Self {
match value {
2 => SyscallNumber::MapMemory,
3 => SyscallNumber::Yield,
10 => SyscallNumber::IncreaseHeap,
12 => SyscallNumber::UpdateMemoryFlags,
15 => SyscallNumber::ReceiveMessage,
16 => SyscallNumber::SendMessage,
17 => SyscallNumber::Connect,
18 => SyscallNumber::CreateThread,
19 => SyscallNumber::UnmapMemory,
20 => SyscallNumber::ReturnMemory,
22 => SyscallNumber::TerminateProcess,
24 => SyscallNumber::TrySendMessage,
25 => SyscallNumber::TryConnect,
32 => SyscallNumber::GetThreadId,
36 => SyscallNumber::JoinThread,
38 => SyscallNumber::AdjustProcessLimit,
40 => SyscallNumber::ReturnScalar,
_ => SyscallNumber::Unknown,
@ -315,6 +284,6 @@ impl EventHandler for XousHandler {
fn handle_event(&mut self, cpu: &mut riscv_cpu::Cpu, args: [i64; 8]) -> [i64; 8] {
let syscall: Syscall = args.into();
println!("Syscall {:?} with args: {:?}", syscall, &args[1..]);
[0; 8]
self.syscall(cpu, syscall)