
I find it a useful tool. Maybe you will, too!

About Me: I Do Weird Hardware

  • Simmel: Contact Tracing with Audio
  • Chibitronics: Programming Stickers with Audio
  • Novena: Open Source Laptop
  • Senoko: Open Source Power Board for Novena

Hardware with Embedded Software

  • Software needs to be written
  • Software needs to be tested
  • Software needs to be debugged

About Renode

  • Whole-System Emulator
  • Supports concurrent emulation
  • Extensible with C# and Python
  • Windows, Mac, Linux
  • MIT Licensed

About This Talk

  • Overview of Emulators
  • Oevrview of Weird Hardware
  • Cool things you can do

Who will find this interesting?

  • Creators: Those making new boards or hardware
  • Integrators: Running CI on firmware files
  • Reverse Engineers: Understanding new hardware and firmware

Creators: Making New Things!

  • Reusing an existing platform
  • Reusing an existing microcontroller
  • New microcontroller fron existing family

Integrators: Making Sure Nothing Broke!

  • Hardware testing incompatible with cloud
    • sure is effective, though
  • Hardware crunch makes it difficult to get hardware
  • Downloading software is much cheaper than shipping
  • Can run tests on every code push

Reverse Engineers: What Is This Blob Doing?

  • Staring at code flow is enlightening, but time-consuming
  • What is it doing and how does it get there?
  • How can we make it do $x?

What is an Emulator?

What is an Emulator?

What is an Emulator?

Whole-System Emulator

Whole-System Emulator

Transparent Emulator

  • WSL2/Docker
  • qemu on Linux
  • Rosetta on Mac

Renode Is Many of These

  • Console: Able to present an interactive environment
  • Transparent: Can run in CI via Robot commands
  • Debugger: Has a GDB server built in

What is a Computer?

What is a Computer?

  • A system of devices
  • One or more CPU
  • One or more buses
  • One or more blocks of memory
  • Some I/O

What is a Computer?

What is a Computer?

What is a Computer?

What is a Computer?

What is a Computer?

What is a Computer?

What is a Computer?

What is a Computer?

Defining a Computer in Renode

						flash: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0x00000000
							size: 0x00008000

						sram: Memory.MappedMemory @ sysbus 0x20000000
							size: 0x00001000
						nvic: IRQControllers.NVIC @ sysbus 0xE000E000
							IRQ -> cpu@0

						cpu: CPU.CortexM @ sysbus
							nvic: nvic
							cpuType: "cortex-m0+"
							PerformanceInMips: 24

That's Nice, but What About...

  1. Loading firmware?
  2. Adding peripherals?

What is "Firmware"?

Firmware is a series of instructions executed by the CPU in order to accomplish a task
Firmware is Memory

Loading Firmware in Renode

						sysbus LoadELF @firmware.elf

						sysbus LoadBinary @rom.bin 0x20000000

						sysbus LoadSymbolsFrom @rom.elf

How does Renode Interact With $VENDOR_TOOL?

  • Hopefully your vendor tool produces ELF files
  • At the end of the day, it's all bytes. Just use LoadBinary!

What About Boot ROMs?

  1. Initialize peripherals
  2. Check for boot override
  3. Check for low-power state
  4. Load firmware into RAM
  5. Validate firmware
  6. Jump to loaded program

						sysbus.cpu VectorTableOffset 0x20000000
						sysbus.cpu PC 0x20000c00

What about New Peripherals?

It's All About Small Victories

  • Serial ports are super rewarding
  • They're also usually simple!
  • They are easy to script

Reusing an Existing Port

Steps to Set Up a Serial Port

  1. Enable peripheral
  2. Set up clock
  3. Mux GPIOs
  4. Calculate baud rate
  5. Write to UART TX register

Steps to Set Up a Serial Port

Steps to Set Up a Serial Port

  • Interrupt Support
  • DMA

Example Serial Port

						{(long)Registers.RxTx, new DoubleWordRegister(this)
							.WithValueField(0, 8,
								writeCallback: (_, value) => {
								valueProviderCallback: _ => {
									if(!TryGetCharacter(out var character))
										this.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "Empty Rx FIFO.");
									return character;

What about Missing Definitions?

  • Most registers are unused
  • Most writes can be ignored

Advantages of Emulation

Advantages of Emulation

Robot Framework: Running Tests in CI

							*** Test Cases ***
							Should Read Acceleration
								Create Machine
								Create Terminal Tester    ${UART}
								Execute Command   sysbus.twi1.lis2ds12 AccelerationX 10
								Execute Command   sysbus.twi1.lis2ds12 AccelerationY 5
								Execute Command   sysbus.twi1.lis2ds12 AccelerationZ -5
								Start Emulation
								Wait For Line On Uart  x 9.997213 , y 4.997410 , z -4.999803

SVD Files

Logging Memory Accesses

Debugging with GDB

Software Assumes Hardware Works

  • Rarely checks for sane ranges (why would you?)

Incremental Changes

  • Small changes are very rewrding
  • Device will work with only partial implementation