import Deck, { VERSION } from './reveal.js'

 * Expose the Reveal class to the window. To create a
 * new instance:
 * let deck = new Reveal( document.querySelector( '.reveal' ), {
 *   controls: false
 * } );
 * deck.initialize().then(() => {
 *   // reveal.js is ready
 * });
let Reveal = Deck;

 * The below is a thin shell that mimics the pre 4.0
 * reveal.js API and ensures backwards compatibility.
 * This API only allows for one Reveal instance per
 * page, whereas the new API above lets you run many
 * presentations on the same page.
 * Reveal.initialize( { controls: false } ).then(() => {
 *   // reveal.js is ready
 * });

let enqueuedAPICalls = [];

Reveal.initialize = options => {

	// Create our singleton reveal.js instance
	Object.assign( Reveal, new Deck( document.querySelector( '.reveal' ), options ) );

	// Invoke any enqueued API calls method => method( Reveal ) );

	return Reveal.initialize();


 * The pre 4.0 API let you add event listener before
 * initializing. We maintain the same behavior by
 * queuing up premature API calls and invoking all
 * of them when Reveal.initialize is called.
[ 'configure', 'on', 'off', 'addEventListener', 'removeEventListener', 'registerPlugin' ].forEach( method => {
	Reveal[method] = ( ...args ) => {
		enqueuedAPICalls.push( deck => deck[method].call( null, ...args ) );
} );

Reveal.isReady = () => false;


export default Reveal;