# reveal.js A CSS 3D slideshow tool for quickly creating good looking HTML presentations. Requires a browser with support for CSS 3D transforms, querySelector and classList. Does not _rely_ on any external libraries but [highlight.js](http://softwaremaniacs.org/soft/highlight/en/description/) is included by default for code highlighting. Curious about how this looks in action? [Check out the demo page](http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/). # Examples * http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/ (original) * http://www.ideapolisagency.com/ from [@achrafkassioui](http://twitter.com/achrafkassioui) * http://lucienfrelin.com/ from [@lucienfrelin](http://twitter.com/lucienfrelin) [Send me a link](http://hakim.se/about/contact) if you used reveal.js for a project or presentation. # History ### 1.1 - Added an optional presentation progress bar - Images wrapped in anchors no longer unexpectedly flip in 3D - Slides that contain other slides are given the 'stack' class - Added 'transition' option for specifying transition styles - Added 'theme' option for specifying UI styles - New transitions: 'box' & 'page' - New theme: 'neon' ### 1.0 - New and improved style - Added controls in bottom right which indicate where you can navigate - Reveal views in iteratively by giving them the .fragment class - Code sample syntax highlighting thanks to [highlight.js](http://softwaremaniacs.org/soft/highlight/en/description/) - Initialization options (toggling controls, toggling rolling links, transition theme) ### 0.3 - Added licensing terms - Fixed broken links on touch devices ### 0.2 - Refactored code and added inline documentation - Slides now have unique URL's - A basic API to invoke navigation was added ### 0.1 - First release # License MIT licensed Copyright (C) 2011 Hakim El Hattab, http://hakim.se